On Fault Lines, Josh Rushing embeds with US troops on the front lines of Obama's war and asks: What is the US trying to achieve in Afghanistan, and will it really make the US safer? Follow on Twitter: twitter.com Follow on Facebook: facebook.com Follow on Instagram: www.instagram.com See all episodes of Fault Lines: www.youtube.com Meet the Fault Lines Team: aje.me Author: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 21:51
Photos for video Fault Lines - Obama's New Strategy in Afghanistan
Why has the Department of Homeland Security recently ordered a total of 1.2 billion bullets, the majority of which are hollow points and buckshot? What are they preparing for? Civil war? Economic Collapse? A combination of the two? These kinds of bullets are not used for target practice. ---------- Visit our website: StormCloudsGathering.com Follow us on Facebook facebook.com Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com Get weekly email updates: tinyurl.com If you support our work please consider making a donation: StormCloudsGathering.com ---------- Sources: 450 million rounds purchased by DHS earlier this year: www.upi.com Purchase order for additional 750 million rounds of ammunition www.fbo.gov Backup link to download the purchase order from my site: nindra.net Obama promises gun control action early next year www.reuters.com Top economist say US economy is in a death spiral that may end civilization as we know it: moneymorning.com DHS to use drones over US territory: rt.com NDAA 2013 passes with indefinite detention still intact rt.com QE3 has already Failed: www.forbes.com QE4: www.forbes.com Toxic assets still on the books: online.wsj.com The size of the derivatives bubble: www.siliconvalleywatcher.com Operation Fast and Furious: www.cbsnews.com news.investors.com www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/19/fast-and-furious-report_n_1897688.html www.cbsnews.com Obama used executive privilege to protect Eric Holder: news.yahoo.com Author: StormCloudsGathering Duration: 4:56
Photos for video DHS Preparing for Civil War? Economic Collapse? Both?
How long were the lines to vote where you live? We traveled to Cleveland with Andy Cobb, interview the Rev. Jesse Jackson, and found lines that wrapped around the block. But most of all, we learned that suppressed voters are the most fun! Host/Director: Andy Cobb www.twitter.com Written by: (former Ohioan) Andy Cobb and Mike Damanskis Producer and Camera: Mike Damanskis Dancing Guy With Dollar Sign Chains: Vision Von (as D'Coodie Bop) www.visionvonent.com (c)2012 TheSecond City Inc. Andy Cobb The Second City Network is quickly becoming one of the hottest channels on YouTube. Our work has been featured on Tosh.0 on Comedy Central, G4's Attack of the Show, Inside Edition, NPR, MSNBC, CNN and more! Many of today's biggest names got their start at The Second City main stages -including Tina Fey of 30 Rock, Stephen Colbert of the Colbert Report, and Steve Carell of The Office. Do you want to be a better comedy writer, actor, and improviser? Then sign up to take a class at one of our training centers! Chicago: www.secondcity.com Hollywood: www.secondcity.com Toronto: www.secondcity.com Study comedy for college credit at Second City: www.comedystudies.com Watch videos created by our current students: www.youtube.com Category: Comedy License: Standard YouTube License Author: TheSecondCityNetwork Duration: 4:54
Salvation Prayer: "Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your word is true. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and eternal life. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please Jesus forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart, please Lord Jesus forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." Amen. What to do after you're saved? - Repent of sin. (Ask Jesus to forgive you) - Turn from sin. Pray for God to help you. - Build a relationship with God by prayer, He is your Father. - Read the Bible. (Begin from the book of Mathew) - Witness to the lost and pray for others. - Get baptized. Important videos: youtu.be youtu.be Author: YahushuaSaves27 Duration: 50:20
Photos for video Chris Tomlin "And If Our God Is For Us" (Full Album)
Coal miners tell Obama to stop the absolute lies in TV ad accusing miners of being props at rally for Romney. Miners held a press conference to release a letter signed by over 500 miners saying they were not forced to attend Romney event. They wanted to attend because their is a war on coal and Obama is leading it. If Obama is re-elected he will put us all out of work permanently. Author: Miners Fightback Duration: 11:48
Photos for video Miners Fight Back Against Obama TV Ad: "Absolute Lies"
Watch NBA games live on your PC -- www.info-media.ws These are the 26 game winning shots/ buzzer beating shots that Kobe has had. I am missing 2. The 2004 denver game and the Game winner over Lebron James. Kobe Bryant is amazing and these clutch buzzer beating/ game winning plays will show you why. Tags:basketball box break football nba ruja247 jnjhobby mlb baseball box break recap Detroit pistons arron Afflalo Rodney Stuckey Chris Paul NFL Carmelo Anthony,Tracy Mcgrady,Shaq, LeBron, Dwight Howard All-Star Dance... more Carmelo Anthony,Tracy Mcgrady,Shaq, LeBron, Dwight Howard All-Star Dance-Off,Slam Dunk Contest,Top 10,NBA Draft 2008,Dwight Howard Superman dunk,AND1,Hot sauce,Lebron james,la lakers,Boston celtics nba champions,La Clippers,Denver Nuggets,Allen Iverson,Dallas Mavericks,East West All star game,nba record,nba street vol 1,2,homecourt,I Challenge Baron Davis,greatest in nba history,shot,block,steal,Michael Jordan's Final Shot 98,Baron Davis, Dwyane Wade, Lebron James, Tracy McGrady, Stephon Marubury, Yao Ming, Gilbert Arenas, Kobe Bryant, Speedy Claxton, Paul Pierce, Nate Robinson, Allen Iverson, and Ben Gordan,Soulja Boy And Lebron James Interview ,Kobe Bryant Jumps Over Car(Aston Martin) Slow Motion,Kobe Bryant Car Jump Exposed,fl, ncaa, baseball, soccer, futbol, football, Nba, basketball, mlb, hockey, nhl, paris fifa, poker, golf, world cup,Guinness World Record,Spud Webb Dunk Contest,the best of derrick rose,Kobe Bryant Jumps Over Pool w/ Snakes (Black <b>...</b> Author: EpicSportsHighlights Duration: 9:37
Photos for video Kobe Bryant Top 10 Best Game Winners and Buzzer Beaters
SUBSCRIBE AND SPREAD THE MESSAGE! WE R LEGION! No corporate police officials where harmed during the making of this video only serfs get killed of harmed. Its time to realise the elite have enslaved us all while using costumed thugs to make you fall into line even with brute force and the thugs never face criminal charges because there is a law for slaves and one for masters, who gave police fake powers over humans politicians who have no power over us because they are there to serve us not oppress us, so wake up they tell police they can have all the toys and powers they want all they must do is serve the corporate elite while being funded by the people. The United States and UK has growing problem with police abuse, brutality, and corruption. It is essential for civilians to document their encounters with police officers to ensure transparency, accountability, and safety to all of those involved. Police departments have, for too long, tried to bully, intimidate, threaten, arrest, or otherwise harass law abiding citizens from recording the activities of law enforcement in public. Enough is enough! It is time for all of us to take a stand and expose police brutality when we witness it and as they refuse to be held accountable we mus now disarm them when we see them acting outside the law we have a duty o unite and strip them of their weapons and costume and send a message to the elite that their hired thugs will no longer be tollerated in a civil society we will police <b>...</b> Author: mayhem2012anonymous Duration: 8:16
Photos for video Anonymous Message: Recording the Police Is Necessary
Skousen explains how the Tea Party movement was founded by grass roots Ron Paul supporters, but is now in very real danger of being destroyed by the likes of Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin, who so often resort to excessive generalities in demonizing their political opposition that they can easily be debunked by the establishment. Skousen says Palin is being groomed for prominence in 2012, but that Newt Gingrich will probably become the primary establishment frontrunner for the Republicans, a man who has completely betrayed all constitutionalist principles and is clearly a globalist masquerading as a conservative. If Mitt Romney runs, then Mike Huckabee will act as his spoiler, predicts Skousen. Should the movement behind Palin be strong enough and she wins the Republican primary, "I believe the establishment will throw another four years to Barack Obama," predicts Skousen, saying that Palin's campaign will be sabotaged by mud-slinging, noting that Democrats tend to be given eight years rather than four by the establishment because they can do more damage than compromised Republicans, for example as bad as George W. Bush was, he could never have got Obamacare passed under a Republican administration. Alternatively, Palin could be paired with Newt Gingrich as a vice-presidential candidate to make Gingrich more palatable for conservatives. Author: iHelo58 Duration: 60:36
Photos for video Joel Skousen Part II: Election 2012 - Deception & War
"...for one thing the War was not declared by George W. Bush, it was redeclared. The War was declared by Ronald Reagan..." - Dr. Chomsky Author: WashingtonReport Duration: 9:53
Photos for video Chomsky on Pakistan, the War On Terror - Part 1/4
Martina McBride sings "You and I" for Stevie Wonder and President Barack and Michelle Obama on a special night in the White House. Author: DaDailyBread Duration: 4:15
Photos for video Martina McBride at the White House honoring Stevie Wonder
QUESTIONS FOR THE COMMENTS 1.Electoral College: Keep or toss? 2.Obama: What change- real change- will he bring? 3.Is any vote a wasted vote? 4.What is your favorite sandwich? 5.Create a sentence that uses the word TODAY AT OPERATION ITCH www.operationitch.com -THIRD PARTY DEBATE _LATEST DAVIS FLEETWOOD _HOWARD ZINN on TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS GONE MAD - NOAM CHOMSKY with advice for progressives _ FINANCIAL WOES & THE BEJING TALKS -McCAIN RAPPING -BILL MOYERS WILL YOUR VOTE COUNT? - 7 WAYS THE DEMOCRATS CAN STILL BLOW THIS THING Today lets respond to Noam Chomsky who talked with Paul Jay of the Real News Network recently, and among other things said that there was nothing wrong with voting for the lesser of two evils- especially if you live in a swing state. See the video of Chomsky here www.operationitch.com Author: Dennis Trainor, Jr Duration: 3:41
Photos for video Lesser of two evils (RE: Chomsky: In swing states vote Obama without illusions)