Election 2012 - Mixing Politics and Gaming • Twitter: twitter.com • Like on Facebook: www.facebook.com • Google +: plus.google.com • Youtube: www.Youtube.com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - BREAKING NEWS - Gaming & Tech Industry • VGN - www.VideoGamesAndNews.com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - If your interested in discussing political topics - Check out this forum www.battlestrats.com Dear Dragon, Do you never feel that some of your youtube activity outside of your own videos might alienate some of your subscribers. I'll notice often by chance that you are very liberal politically, not by stalking, just by the subscriber news feed, and wanted to ask whether you think this might deter people who would normally like your videos, but who have polarising opinions politically for example. Should RedDragon simply be associated with gaming or be viewed as a broader person? I often see people say they have a separate account for videos posted and one for videos watched so not to risk losing viewers. From NGGillen Sources: Election Hub 2012: www.theverge.com President Barack Obama Advertising in Video Games: kotaku.com Need a professional Twitch.tv or Youtube background? Contact PixelsToLife: youtube.com pixelstolife.com https Receive exclusive discounts when you mention TheRedDragon Author: TWTHEREDDRAGON Duration: 14:54
Photos for video VGN - Election 2012 Mixing Politics and Gaming
Watch NBA games live on your PC -- www.info-media.ws These are the 26 game winning shots/ buzzer beating shots that Kobe has had. I am missing 2. The 2004 denver game and the Game winner over Lebron James. Kobe Bryant is amazing and these clutch buzzer beating/ game winning plays will show you why. Tags:basketball box break football nba ruja247 jnjhobby mlb baseball box break recap Detroit pistons arron Afflalo Rodney Stuckey Chris Paul NFL Carmelo Anthony,Tracy Mcgrady,Shaq, LeBron, Dwight Howard All-Star Dance... more Carmelo Anthony,Tracy Mcgrady,Shaq, LeBron, Dwight Howard All-Star Dance-Off,Slam Dunk Contest,Top 10,NBA Draft 2008,Dwight Howard Superman dunk,AND1,Hot sauce,Lebron james,la lakers,Boston celtics nba champions,La Clippers,Denver Nuggets,Allen Iverson,Dallas Mavericks,East West All star game,nba record,nba street vol 1,2,homecourt,I Challenge Baron Davis,greatest in nba history,shot,block,steal,Michael Jordan's Final Shot 98,Baron Davis, Dwyane Wade, Lebron James, Tracy McGrady, Stephon Marubury, Yao Ming, Gilbert Arenas, Kobe Bryant, Speedy Claxton, Paul Pierce, Nate Robinson, Allen Iverson, and Ben Gordan,Soulja Boy And Lebron James Interview ,Kobe Bryant Jumps Over Car(Aston Martin) Slow Motion,Kobe Bryant Car Jump Exposed,fl, ncaa, baseball, soccer, futbol, football, Nba, basketball, mlb, hockey, nhl, paris fifa, poker, golf, world cup,Guinness World Record,Spud Webb Dunk Contest,the best of derrick rose,Kobe Bryant Jumps Over Pool w/ Snakes (Black <b>...</b> Author: EpicSportsHighlights Duration: 9:37
Photos for video Kobe Bryant Top 10 Best Game Winners and Buzzer Beaters
PLEASE SUBSCRIBE AND GIVE A THUMBS UP! If you're reading this at guerillamedia.co.nz click "Original Article" for the video. For Blushield products that protect you from wireless radiation click here: www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com Vinny's NUTShell: Jordan Maxwell www.jordanmaxwell.com enlightens us as to his journey of waking up, what role his parents played, and some very strange spiritual experiences that made him begin to question, research and learn all that he can. The truth that we are not alone in the universe either physically or spiritually. His lament at the fall of America and the peoples manipulation by the Republican (NAZI) Party and the Democrat (Communist) Party that is leading them quickly into tyranny. Listen to the whole show here: www.guerillamedia.co.nz Please buy a dvd! www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com Watch this video and please share it around! www.americanfreedomradio.com Author: MRNEWSguerillamedia Duration: 95:04
Photos for video Jordan Maxwell, How I started to question everything, Vinny Eastwood Show Mar 14 2012
Follow KnowTheTruthTV on Facebook @ facebook.com/KnowTheTruthTV Follow KnowTheTruthTV on Twitter @ twitter.com/KnowTheTruthTV WAKE UP!!! America and the worlds true enemy the news never mentions is the phony money Revelation 2:9 zionist banksters @ the federal reserve/world bank/imf who... Author: KnowTheTruthTV Duration: 16:26
Photos for video America's Final Wake Up Call 2012 Illuminati Zionist Exposed Mitt Romney Obama Vote Ron Paul
"The Pakistani Case" covers the story of a 28 year old pakistani student called Mohammed Saif Ur Rehman Khan who was detained in the US embassy in Chile after the alledged detection of explosive traces on his belongings. The documentary details the contradictions of the official government version and the role of minister Rodrigo Hinzpeter in installing fear-based policies of counterterrorism following the guidelines of the United States police state. Author: NWNoticias Duration: 46:13
Photos for video The Pakistani Case: CIA/Mossad False Flag in Chile
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts www.infowars.com July 27, 2011 In my last column I suggested that an unintended outcome of the debt ceiling impasse could be Congress' loss of the power of the purse. In this column I suggest an intended outcome that the ongoing political theater might be designed to produce. President Obama has said that he will not resort to the various powers open to him to keep the government running should Congress fail to deliver a debt ceiling increase. This is a suspicious statement, as it is not credible that a president would leave troops at war unpaid and without supplies, Social Security checks unsent and stand aside while the US dollar collapses and the credit rating of the US government is destroyed. There are national security directives and executive orders already on the books, as well as the 14th Amendment, that Obama can invoke to set aside the debt ceiling. Congress would sigh with relief that Obama had prevented the lawmakers from destroying the country. So what might be going on? One possibility is that the political theater is operating to bring about otherwise politically impossible cuts in the social safety net. If the drama continues to the absolute deadline without a deal, Obama, who perhaps favors cutting the safety net as much as do the Republicans, would have to accept the Republican package in order that the troops are not cut off from supplies, Social Security checks can continue to go out, and the dollar be saved. Having opposed the <b>...</b> Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 9:31
Photos for video Paul Craig Roberts: The Political Theater and The Debt Ceiling Crisis 2/2
U2 - Where the Streets Have No Name - Joplin Tornado Version Created from video I shot shortly after, and the two weeks following the tornado that struck the city of Joplin, Missouri on 5-22-11, leaving over 140 people dead, countless injured, and thousands of homes and business in ruins. Author: KillBoxFilms Duration: 6:41
Photos for video U2 - Where the Streets Have No Name - Joplin Tornado Version
Stop wars, hate racism. US soldiers, who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, testify what they experienced there; why they fought, oppose the wars or commit suicide; and how they are judged, and broken. They give profoundly moving, powerful and compelling testimonies. Inhumane and illegal torture of innocent prisoners from Bagram, Abu Ghraib and Gitmo prisons to the massacre of innocent Muslims, are not isolated incidents perpetrated by bad seeds as the American governments claim, but evidence of an endemic problem. These video clips should be part of any army recruitment campaign as well as all educational establishments around the world. For more information and public hearing dates www.ivaw.org?google_youtube_spsyed ; Make your vote count The main British political parties are trying to avoid the issue of the war in the general election. Since 1991, British voters and tax-payers have had nine years of politicians imposing wars, invasions and occupations that most people in Britain do not support. British voters have a right to know the views of parliamentary candidates on this key issue when considering how to cast their votes. Enter your postcode to send a message to all the candidates in your area. Use the online model letter or write your own. It only takes a minute or two to find out if your local candidate would cut health and education or increase tax by four billion sterling pounds to fund the wars abroad. Copy-paste and use the following link to make your vote <b>...</b> Author: spsyed Duration: 9:38
Photos for video Stop wars, hate, racism: veterans speak out - spsyed
The Emperors Seven Signing Statements www.infowars.com David Swanson American Chronicle June 29, 2009Lawless detention is the least of it. State secrets and warrantless spying scrape the surface. Drone attacks and ongoing torture begin to touch it. But central to the power of an emperor, and the catastrophes that come from the existence of an emperor, is the elimination of any other force within the government. Signing statements eliminate congress. Not that congress objects. Asking congress to reclaim its power produces nervous giggles. Look at how the latest war supplemental funding bill was passed. The Emperors people wrote most of the bill. The Emperor combined it with the IMF banker bailout. The Emperor threatened and bribed his way to deals with enough congress members to pass it. The Emperor preemptively told other nations the bill would pass and then badgered congress with the claim that this nation (He, the nation) would be damaged if he turned out to have lied. The Emperor lied to congress members and the public that this would be the last war supplemental bill. Congress members claimed to back it because it was the last one (not that this made the slightest sense), and others openly, proudly, and obliviously declared that they were switching their votes to yes in order to please the Emperor. When the bill came to Emperor Barack he signed it and released his sixth and only legal signing statement announcing that hed signed it. Two days later (Fridays being the <b>...</b> Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 5:36
Photos for video Alex Jones Tv:Obama Breaks Promise Not to Raise Taxes on Middle Class
...and nowThe Two Witnesses Episode 13 of "7 Trumpets, 3 Woes, and 7 Vials" The Lion and Lamb Ministry's Book of Revelation Series, Section 3 In Revelation 11:3-14 we have the account of the Two Witnesses, one of the most solemn and mysterious scenes of the whole Book of Revelation. It is the test of all interpretations, and one over which many get shipwrecked. In this section of Scripture the particulars of the mission of the Two Witnesses are given with great detailSo here we goAnother Must watch! For more info visit: www.lionandlambministry.com Author: Lion Lamb Duration: 10:16