BEYONCE: Did She Lip- Sync? Did She Sing For Real? 24Wired.TV Has Uncovered The Lost Audio From Her Mic. Special Thanks To: WATCH MORE VIDEOS LIKE THIS ONE: SUBSCRIBE! TWITTER: FACEBOOK: VISIT OUR SITE: Queen Beyonce, King Beyonce, knowles, inauguration 2013, barack obama, michelle obama, jay z, star spangled banner, lip sync, sing, audio, leaked, exclusive, real, marine band, ceremonies, president, performance, live, rehearse, pre- recorded, cold weather, washington dc, ear piece out, recording studio, national anthem, rendition, media, fans care Author: 24WiredTV Duration: 1:51
Photos for video LEAKED! "Queen Beyonce's" REAL Barack Obama Inauguration Audio
Alex continues confronting the deluge of anti-gun rights propaganda being spewed forth by mainstream media outlets intent on aiding the destruction of the US Constitution. Alex will also break down the importance of calling for Obama's impeachment and the sounding of the war drums in Africa. [STAND UP FOR YOUR 2ND AMENDMENT RIGHT WITH THIS POWERFUL T-SHIRT] [New Shirt] Your Price $19.95 [Infowars Magazine for January] GET YOUR COPY TODAY AND SPREAD THE TRUTH!! [FIGHT FLUORIDE with "Clearly Filtered" - NEW ITEM [Strategic Relocation Documentary Film Featuring Joel Skousen] Sale Price $19.95 [COLD & FLU IMMUNE SUPPORT PACK] The Cold & Flu Immune Support Pack from EnerHealth Botanicals is a great selection of herbal tinctures to help maintain and support your body during cold & flu season. Retail Price $99.95 Your Savings $10.00 Your Price $89.95** [START GETTING HEALTHY NOW BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE] Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 21:38
Photos for video Obama Exploits Children to Sell Evil
This video was done by Warning Graphic Footage! This is HOW USA is spreading our wonderful peace and democracy... Notice the foreign Arab News Guy.. "Those who KILL their own people have lost all credibility.." He is talking about 911.. Makes me sick.. Imagine how you would feel having jets bomb you like this! THEY ARE NOT A THREAT TO US!!! WAKE UP... Brown people are human too! They live die love work take care of their children... TOO!!! The War Mongers have taken over our GOV!!! Artist: Johann Johannsson, Johann Johannsson Buy "Part 5/ The Sun's Gone Dim And The Sky's Turned Black" on: Android Market, AmazonMP3, iTunes Author: TheLipperTube Duration: 11:08
Photos for video Warning Graphic - Murders by the Obama Administration!!!!
On the Tuesday, January 24th edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with Pulitzer Prize winning journalist, author and Middle East expert Chris Hedges about his lawsuit challenging the legality of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which Obama signed at the end of 2011. Hedges is the author of The World As It Is: Dispatches on the Myth of Human Progress, Collateral Damage, American Fascists and other titles. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 15:20
Photos for video Pulitzer Prize-Winning Journalist Sues Obama Over NDAA 2/2
More ACLU related videos at When President Barack Obama issued an executive order last week clearly breaking his promise to close the US military prison at Guant Author: LiberalViewer Duration: 4:55
Photos for video Daily Show Asks If Gitmo Is Prison or Zoo?
Alex discusses the latest in economic news including schools requiring students to bring their own toilet paper. Hal Turner, a radio host with ties to the FBI has been convicted of threatening several judges. Alex also covers the latest news and takes your calls. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 13:17
Photos for video The Lawlessness of Government: Alex Jones Tv {Sunday Edition} 1/6
Mirrored from this video - All politicians sound good running for office, but we need to look at their actions, NOT their words. George HW Bush - George W. Bush - Barack Obama. Three different men, three similar Presidents. Top 3 Obama Excuses 1. Give him time - The Job is 4 years long. He has been in almost a year. I think he has had plenty of time. 2. He is better then McCain - I agree, but that is not saying much. He is not better then Ron Paul or Dennis Kucinich. Has it not been made abundantly clear that this fake Democrat and Republican thing is a complete and utter joke? They all act like they have all the answers when they have no control, but when they get in office they mess it up. This has been the same sick joke for about 4 decades now. 3. He inherited a bad job I agree, but he is not going in a different direction than we were already headed. If he were changing course I think we all would and should be more patient. The facts clearly state otherwise. FACT: (google any of these topics and you will see several articles confirming these. It is not my job to do your research and many of these are already in the video itself being reported by the mainstream media. That is how bad it is right now. Even they cant cover for all this nonsense.) The economy is worse now after his stimulus. Unemployment went to over 10% even after the stimulus when they said it would not get that high if we passed it. Guantanamo Bay is not going to be closed on time, if <b>...</b> Author: Marcus Riley Duration: 11:00
The US government uses foreign wars to distract people's attention from internal problems. That's according to rapper and political activist 'Immortal Technique'. In an exclusive interview with RT's Marina Portnaya he says America's bad decisions are covered up with lame excuses. Author: RussiaToday Duration: 13:15
Photos for video Immortal Technique on Obama, 9/11 truth & Corporate America
Can President Obama be serious when he says he accepts the Nobel Peace Prize as an affirmation of American leadership on behalf of aspirations held by people of all nations? Among all nations does he include the people of Iraq? Polls show folks there overwhelmingly want the US to get out. Apparently, they didnt care for their dose of American leadership. Does Obamas all nations include Okinawa, which the US has occupied for 64 years and refuses to leave? Does all nations include Diego Garcia, whose inhabitants the US forced from their island homes in the Indian Ocean, (as Time magazine has reported,) and whose dogs we gassed for good measure? (President Bush later used that base to attack Afghanistan, the better to dominate the oil-rich Middle East.) Since hes been in office only a short time, when Obama speaks of an affirmation of American leadership is he referring to the eight years of warmongering by his predecessor George W. Bush, who tore up every international treaty he could lay his hands on? In fact, global public opinion polls identified Bush as one of the most feared public figures on the planet. What kind of leadership is it when one UN member invades another based on lies and kills a million of its people, steals it blind, and shatters its economy? Calling that leadership is a bit wide of the mark. Perhaps Obama is referring to the leadership of his friend Bill Clinton, who let half a million Iraqi children starve to death during his White House watch and who <b>...</b> Author: TheHaightAshbury Duration: 5:42
Photos for video Barack Obama Worked For The CIA - John Pilger
Watch Brad perform "Welcome To The Future" during his visit to the White House! "Welcome To The Future" is the new single from his NEW album American Saturday Night - AVAILABLE NOW! Author: BRADPAISLEY Duration: 9:54
Photos for video Brad Paisley - Live at the White House