"We have a president who has not hesitated to kill foreign innocent children or American innocent children when they are in a foreign country. He loses credibility when he stands with innocent American children and says 'I'm going to keep you safe,'" Napolitano said. My Channel: www.youtube.com Fair Use Disclaimer: This video may contain copyrighted material. This material is made available for educational, research, and news reporting purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 USC section 107 of the US Copyright Law which allows citizens to reproduce, distribute or exhibit portions of copyright motion pictures, video tapes, or video disks under certain circumstances without authorization of the copyright holder. Author: Eduardo89rp Duration: 4:16
Photos for video Judge Napolitano: Obama Has Not Hesitated To Kill Foreign And American Innocent Children With Drones
Watch President Barack Obama's full speech after his victory over Mitt Romney in the 2012 presidential election. Follow our Election Coverage: www.youtube.com Subscribe to the WSJ Live YouTube Channel - www.youtube.com More WSJLive YouTube: www.youtube.com Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com WSJ: www.wsj.com Author: WSJDigitalNetwork Duration: 20:40
Photos for video Barack Obama's Victory Speech Full - Election 2012
As the US says no to legalisation to control increased global demand of illicit drugs, we ask what are the options. Inside Story Americas, discusses with guests: Laura Gil, Steven Dudley and Jose Cardenas. Author: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 25:38
Photos for video Inside Story Americas - Is it time to end America's 'war on drugs'?
"Россия - без вопросов геополитический враг номер один, и факт того, что наш президент пытается делать с ними что-то, о чем не хочет говорить американскому народу перед выборами, я нахожу очень и очень тревожным", - заявляет кандидат на пост президента США от Республиканской партии Митт Ромни. Удивленный таким заявлением ведущий даже переспросил. "Вы уверены, что Россия - главный враг?" -- спросил ведущий. Бывший губернатор повторил: "без сомнений - она поддерживает худшие мировые режимы - Сирию и Иран". Угрозой Ромни назвал даже право вето, которым наша страна обладает в Совете безопасности ООН. Author: TheRus1999 Duration: 6:00
Photos for video Митт Ромни : " Россия - враг США номер один ".
Bernanke De-Bunked: www.youtube.com Pre-Order "The Real Crash" here: tinyurl.com The Schiff Report -- April 3rd 2012 Listen to the Peter Schiff Show everyday FREE from 10am-12noon ET Follow me on Twitter @SchiffRadio Friend me on FaceBook.com/PeterSchiff Author: SchiffReport Duration: 11:59
Photos for video FOMC minutes, Bernanke's road show, Obama's speech
Justin Bieber performing "Mistletoe", "Away In A Manger", and sings along with "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing" Twitter- www.twitter.com Author: JonasxDoknock Duration: 8:37
Photos for video Justin Bieber - Christmas in Washington 2011
Alex talks with Paul Babeu, the Sheriff of Pinal County, Arizona. Babeu is outspoken about the need to secure the state's border with Mexico and supports law SB1070. He has received death threats from the Mexican mafia and drug cartel members for his comments on securing the border. www.sheriffpaul.com www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 10:17
Photos for video Sheriff Paul Babeu : Obama Has Undermined The Rule of Law!! - Alex Jones Tv 1/4
12 presidents get stranded in the PRESIDENTIAL ISLAND, a web-series produced and created by www.elchiguirebipolar.com You can follow live events on Twitter @ipresidencial Author: IslaPresidencial Duration: 4:41
Photos for video PRESIDENTIAL ISLAND Ep.1 (Eng Subtitles)
Gears Of War 2 Developer: Epic Games, Inc. Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios COLE TRAIN FTW! (^^,) Wooooooooooohhhhhhh!!!! Author: Gamergirlmissmir2 Duration: 2:08
Photos for video Gears of War 2 - Best COLE TRAIN moment ever!
On Thursday, November 15th, Sen. Mike Gravel was not invited to CNN's debate in Las Vegas, Nevada, because once again, money plays the controlling factor in presidential politics. During the debate in Las Vegas, Sen. Gravel maintained an alternative debate nearby, discussing the other candidates, their policies, and their rhetoric with his supporters, both in attendance, and streamed live via ustream.tv. In this clip, Sen. Gravel confronts Hillary Clinton about her history of public policy relating to Iran. Watch Sen. Gravel's Alternative Debate: video.google.com www.ustream.tv Author: gravel2008 Duration: 5:58
Photos for video 'Hillary, Your Lips are Moving and You're Lying'