!!! "Обама попал в путинскую засаду" (24.01.2013) search-vertu.livejournal.com Момент Истины - ведущий Андрей Караулов В гостях: Кургинян Тема передачи: Чубайс, Магнитский, Браудер, Safra и обескультуривание России Источник: Пятый Канал Author: Квасура Хотей Duration: 48:41
Photos for video Момент Истины - Тема:Обескультуривание России
The Coming Apocalypse for September 4-7, 2012. CRUEL LORD MURSI - The Coming Apocalypse - Paul Begley - Sept 4 2012 www.youtube.com Egypt's Mohammad Mursi replaces 70 Army Generals. Is this bible prophecy? Also President Obama Calendar's on sale on the streets of the Democratic National Convention of a Messianic Obama. Did Daniel chapter 4 verse 33 warn of this very thing? Also Theologian Paul Begley of Indiana will reveal 19 reasons Israel will go to war with Iran. And a whole lot more.... Obama Messiah Revealed! - The Coming Apocalypse - Paul Begley - Sept 5, 2012 youtu.be Is President Obama being lifted up like a God? Also a "Mega Quake" of 7.9 just hit Costa Rica with Tsunami Warnings for most of Central America, and much more bible prophecy with Pastor Paul Begley 16000 Dead Rats Mississippi! - The Coming Apocalypse - Paul Begley - Sept 6, 2012 youtu.be GOD IS BACK or is he? The Democratic National Convention held a voice vote to reinstate God and Jerusalem back into their National Platform. The vote seemed about 50/50 but after 3 times taking the vote, God won? Also Theologian Paul Begley of Indiana will discuss Hurricane Leslie approaching Bermuda and Hurricane Michael has formed in the Atlantic Ocean. Also 16000 Dead Rats washed up on the banks of the Mississippi River! Is God angry with America? Is judgment coming upon the land? Today Pastor Begley will unlock apocalyptic truths according to bible prophecy. Crocodiles Eat Thai - The Coming Apocalypse - Paul <b>...</b> Author: bestofpaulbegley Duration: 485:07
Photos for video Cruel Lord Mursi - Obama Messiah Revealed - 16000 Dead Rats Mississippi - Crocodiles Eat Thai - CA
Former President Bill Clinton delivered an unabashed endorsement of President Obama at the Dem National Convention in Charlotte on Wednesday night, saying he inherited a terrible economic situation and kept it from getting worse. President Obama First Lady Michelle Obama bill clinton... Author: BigSupremeDaddy Duration: 14:20
Photos for video Bill Clinton - 2012 Democratic National Convention - Speech Highlights
While on the campaign trail in 2007, Barack Obama promised to label GMO foods if elected. Now's the time! Today, an estimated 80% of processed foods contain GMOs. Tell President Obama you agree that the US needs GMO labeling "because Americans should know what they're buying". For the past 20 years, Americans have been denied the right to know what's in their food. Help make this the Change We Can Believe In: action.fooddemocracynow.org/ Author: fooddemocracynow Duration: 1:00
We are the citizens of a world that is being ruined by Zionism and its practitioners' thirst for power and greed for land that does not rightly belong to them. Obama & his criminal coalition were lying when they said that regime change was not the aim of their military action in Libya, which they initially attempted to disguise as a humanitarian intervention. news.sky.com www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com Look for the mainstream media to continue ignoring the fact that the so-call ed freedom fever sweeping the Arab states is a gambit on the parts of elite Western political power players and unproblematically trumpeting each new uprising in the region as a spontaneous people's uprising that just happens to further isolate Iranian, Chinese and Russian interests in the region in the preliminary stages of World War III. Video credit in part to RTAmerica Author: 58784677 Duration: 11:55
Photos for video Obama Lies About Libya...The Shocking Truth Behind The Facade
In which Dan writes letters to author Dan Brown and President Barack Obama asking if maybe, potentially it would be possible to meet them. Tasks in this episode: Meet Dan Brown: revision3.com Meet Barack Obama: revision3.com ///Rough draft of letter/// Mr. President, My name is Dan Brown. I'm twenty years old and just moved from Lincoln Nebraska to San Francisco California for an internet show/project/social experiment I'm doing called "Dan 3.0." I've been a video blogger for the better part of four years-- I got started in 2007 with a tutorial on how to solve the Rubik's Cube, began "vlogging" regularly in 2008 and over time have grown an audience of over 250000 subscribers on YouTube. I've posted almost five hundred videos spanning all sorts of topics and styles. Some have been just plain silliness, but others have included "vlogs" about the 2008 election cycle, documenting a month-long trip to China I took with the University of Nebraska, and starting a discussion about the current state and potential future of higher education. The project I'm working on right now, Dan 3.0, is a bit of a change of pace-- essentially I'm letting my audience control my life for the year. Anyone can submit an idea into what we call the "decision engine" as to something they think I should do, submitted ideas are then voted upon by the masses and I do my best to carry out the highest rated ideas. Sometimes I wind up doing little things like making a rubber band ball or rolling down a hill <b>...</b> Author: pogobat Duration: 12:30
Diane Ravitch on Arne Duncan, 1% Obama charter public education school reform teacher bashing no child left behind race to the top. She did not say the SEGREGATION word but spoke of a two tier education system when charter schools exclude low performing kids poor kids and needy kids with disabilities. Billionaires blame teachers for the poverty billionaires tax code created: "its (billionaires #edrform teachers evaluation blame game) a red herring, a diversion, to get our eyes away from the poverty n racial isolation in which so many of our childrens' live... absolves the conscience of the billionaires boys club..." United Teachers of Los Angeles UTLA CA 9-24-2010 Author: MrGidgid4u Duration: 14:35
Photos for video Ravitch on Obama charter school accountability Race To The Top 1% public education reform vs
www.trendsresearch.com www.infowars.com Alex welcomes forecaster, author, and CEO of The Trends Research Institute, Gerald Celente back to the show Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 10:41
Photos for video Gerald Celente on Alex Jones Tv:Congress"A House of ill Repute"2/5
Biden and Palin square off with melody. Only you can judge who is the best in the art of freestyle and who has the stronger voice. Michael Gregory, the haloed moderator, DJs. Make sure to watch in high quality--because it's higher. 2012 VP Debate in Song and Dance: youtu.be Lyrics: [MG] Miss caribou killa, black gold drilla Watcha gonna do, hockey mom, to Pakistan? [Palin] Thats probably the only thing that theyre ever gonna agree on But that it was a central war on terror is in Iraq [MG] Your response? (Oww!) [Biden] Pakistan Thats where they live Thats where they are [MG] Next question: Iraq Are we ever gonna bring our homies back? [Palin] Were getting closer and closer to victory And it would be a travesty If we quit now in Iraq [Biden] We will end this war John McCain was saying the Sunnis and Shias got along with each other John McCain has been dead wrong [MG] Ooooh, blao! [Palin] Drill, baby, drill [MG] Aaaah, oh snap! Everybody, now go straight for the kill Oh! [Palin] F* Obama [MG] You gonna take that? [Biden] F* McCain [MG] Sticks and stones are so much softer than words Now its time for the economy Is main street gonna get a frontal lobotomy? [Palin] Joe six pack, hockey moms across the nation I think we need to band together and say Never again Never will we be exploited and taken advantage a—again By those who are managing our money [Biden] The middle class needs relief Tax relief, they need it now They need help now The focus will change with Barack Obama The <b>...</b> Author: schmoyoho Duration: 2:17
Noam Chomsky: Why is Iraq Missing from 2008 Presidential Race? In a major address, Noam Chomsky says there has been little change in the conventional debate over a US invasion abroad: from Vietnam to Iraq, the two main political parties and political pundits differ only on the tactics of US goals, which are assumed to be legitimate. On the other hand, public opposition to war has also remained consistent, Chomsky says, but, whether Iraqi or American, ignored. [includes rush transcript] Author: IWantDemocracyNow Duration: 10:40
Photos for video Chomsky on why Iraq is missing from 2008 debates-1/4