- В поисках предлога для вторжения: для Сирии готовят иракский сценарий. - 70 млрд выше сметы или как Минобороны выполняло программу «Жилье для военных». - Закон Магницкого: защита прав человека или политическая война с Москвой? - Балансирующие на грани конфликта: портрет Биньямина Нетаньяху. - Цивилизованные варвары или как Наполеон хотел взорвать Кремль. Author: Михаил Леонтьев Duration: 50:26
Photos for video "Постскриптум" с Алексеем Пушковым (08.12.2012)
Elizabeth Warren, candidate for Senate in Massachusetts, addresses the Democratic National Convention. Click here to see more videos from the DNC: nyti.ms Author: TheNewYorkTimes Duration: 15:06
Photos for video Elizabeth Warren's Full DNC Speech - Elections 2012
Alex also talks about Obama's State of the Union address, military exercises underway in Los Angeles, and the rolling Ron Paul revolution as the establishment pushes the chicken hawk warmonger Newt Gingrich for the GOP presidential nomination. Alex also takes your calls. www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 15:25
Photos for video Were Run by Ruthless, Freedom Hating, Dangerous Scum! 1/3
When Obama was running for president he made the American people a promise to close Guantanamo Bay. The detention prison has been open for 10 years and was originally opened by the Bush administration. In his first week as president, Obama signed a mandate to close the facility within 2010. Years later, however, Guantanamo Bay remains open and has over 200 detainees. Why hasn't President Obama fulfilled his promise to close the controversial detention center? Jason Leopold, deputy managing editor of TruthOut.Org, helps us find out. Follow Kristine on Twitter at twitter.com Author: RTAmerica Duration: 10:03
Photos for video Obama's broken promise - Guantanamo Bay
After the tragic airplane crash at the Reno Air Races, a chorus of protests arose to calling for an end to the air races. But was the pilot to blame or faulty equipment? Bill Whittle breaks down the mainstream media narrative of the crash on this episode of Afterburner. For more from Bill Whittle go to pjtv.com Author: Pajamasmedia Duration: 10:22
Photos for video Afterburner with Bill Whittle: Live Free or Die
The Outtakes...oh dear. Follow me on Twitter: www.twitter.com/MagicofRahat chat roulette chatroulette chatroulette.com prank improv piano merlin web funny comedy makemebad35 makemebad reactions pianochat chatrt viral video messing with people exorcist last omegle smosh lastexorcism exorcist justin bieber star trek startrek shane dawson lady gaga telephone torture shane dawson shanedawson barack obama collegehumor college humor hot girls jimmy dead guy ray william johnson raywilliamjohnson nigahiga fun south park eye dead live chats perverts trolling strip stripper meme Author: MagicofRahat Duration: 3:11
Minister Louis Farrakhan reveals the truth behind the secret forces who finance and control world governments. During this Saviours Day in 1995, The Minister exposed the International Bankers and its agents before the entire world. Author: Ahmad770 Duration: 14:34
Photos for video Minister Farrakhan Exposes International Bankers, Government Debt, & Fall of America (2 of 3)
Obama's Department of Justice Puts Out Master Patriot Hit-list Kurt Nimmo www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv August 30, 2010 The Department of Justice has fired a salvo in the war against patriotic Americans supporting the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The DOJ has issued Investigating Terrorism and Criminal Extremism --Terms and Concepts, a 120-page propaganda addendum described as "a glossary designed primarily as a tool for criminal justice professionals to enhance their understanding of words relating to extremist terminology, phrases, activities, symbols, organizations, and selected names that they may encounter while conducting criminal investigations or prosecutions of members of extremist organizations." The DOJ glossary will be used by the federal government and increasingly federalized law enforcement to criminalize language used by the patriot movement. The glossary describes the word "constitutionalist" as a "generic term for members of the 'patriot' movement. It is now often used to refer to members of the sovereign citizen or common law court movement. Sometimes the word 'constitutionalist' is also used." According to Merriam-Webster, a constitutionalist is a person who adheres to a form of government according to constitutional principles. The DOJ is now apparently in the business of newspeak. In his dystopian novel on totalitarian government, Nineteen Eighty-Four, George Orwell introduced the term doublethink, from which the terms newspeak and <b>...</b> Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 14:56
Photos for video Obama's Department of Justice Puts Out Master Patriot Hit-list - Alex Jones Tv 1/5
This is an amazing compilation of happy returns I put together. Never a dry eye after watching it. I pray that everyone can coexist without war one day. It doesn't matter what race or religion you are. We all bleed the same. I know there are people out there that Author: Jackson Ferrell Duration: 10:03
I've done a lot of things in my life, but never this," Paul McCartney said on PBS tonight. "This" was traveling to the White House, which he did last month to accept the Library of Congress Gershwin Prize for Popular Song. A properly all-star concert was convened to befit the occasion, and while bits and pieces of the event have leaked out on YouTube since then, tonight the whole thing (or most of it) aired as part of PBS' "In Performance at the White House" series. The show opened with some stirring words from President Obama. "It's hard to believe that it's been nearly half a century since four lads from Liverpool landed on our shores and changed everything overnight," he reflected. Then it was time for a cavalcade of stars old and young to pay homage to the voluminous back catalog that earned McCartney this honor. High points were in abundance. Stevie Wonder's super-tight "We Can Work It Out" featured a mean harmonica solo, while Elvis Costello's faithfully jaunty "Penny Lane" boasted an even nicer piccolo trumpet solo. Emmylou Harris shone on an acoustic "For No One." Dave Grohl wore the night's biggest grin as he tore through "Band on the Run." Jack White's tender "Mother Nature's Son"/"That Would Be Something" medley captured something of McCartney's starry-eyed charm. Intermixed with these were some...not quite as highs. I'm not sure anyone other than Sasha and Malia Obama needed to hear the Jonas Brothers' competent if cutesy "Drive My Car." (In fairness <b>...</b> Author: PaulMcCartneyHD Duration: 4:15
Photos for video Stevie Wonder - We can work it out (Live at the White House 2010)
FKNNewz 2009 DVD Out now - www.deekjackson.com Join the Landless Peasant Party - http Rid the world of ignorance join The Astronomers - www.theastronomers.org Obama state of the union address when i said change i meant no change Afghanistan stability conference kharzis bitches line up for booty shaking in the uk Tony blair faces Iraq inquiry love in and tough hair style questions Hello tortured souls im the dark lord satan welcome to the fkn newz here are the headlies tonight... Author: Deek Jackson Duration: 10:00
www.jackmclamb.org www.infowars.com Alex talks with Arizona's most highly decorated lawman and radio talk show host, Jack McLamb. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 10:49
Photos for video Officer Jack McLamb on The Alex Jones Show:Corrupt Cops! 2/2