This video is a message to all Americans including those of you who are serving in the military and law enforcement. America is losing all of the freedoms that define it as America. The American dream will come to an end unless we draw the line. Everyone of you is going to have to make a decision. Obama is moving to become a dictator. In order to do that, Americans must be disarmed. Our government is preparing legislation to have firm arms confiscated beginning with semi-automatic rifles and military grade hand guns. I'm asking you to become public and vocal. I'm asking you to publicly state with me that IF anyone in any level of government uses physical force to remove our firearms, that you execute them as terrorists who are trying to overthrow our form of government and turn America into a police state modeled after Nazi Germany and Communist Russia. In this video I'm going to lay out the historical facts that show where are county is headed. Specifically, I'm going to compare the United States to the rise and fall of Nazi Germany so you can the undeniable comparisons. FORMER RUSSIAN PREMIER/EX KGB HEAD TO WORK FOR HOMELAND SECURITY! 2nd Amendment Preservation Act. Speech by Goebbels. Women Suing State Troopers Over Roadside Cavity Searches Diels was right. The more we allow police to be perverts as a duty, the more perverts will pursue jobs as police officers and be <b>...</b> Author: David Lory VanDerBeek Duration: 68:23
Photos for video IF OBAMA SENDS POLICE TO TAKE YOUR GUNS, CIVIL WAR? Nevada Governor 2014 David Lory VanDerBeek
Led Zeppelin Honored At The 35th Annual Kennedy Center Honors. December 26, 2012. 0. Documentary 1. Foo Fighters - Rock and Roll 2. Kid Rock - Babe I'm Gonna Leave You, Ramble On 3. Lenny Kravitz - Whole Lotta Love 4. Heart (with Jason Bohnam) - Stairway to Heaven Facebook: Web: ВКонтакте The 35th-annual Kennedy Center Honors aired last night, December 26, on CBS, shining a massive spotlight on the rock powerhouse that is Led Zeppelin, who were among the event's honorees. The special, which was recorded in Washington, DC, on December 2, also honored venerable blues guitarist Buddy Guy and featured Led Zeppelin-centric performances by Foo Fighters, Lenny Kravitz and Ann and Nancy Wilson of Heart, who performed with Jason Bonham. Guy received tributes from Gary Clark Jr., Tracy Chapman and Bonnie Raitt, and Jeff Beck performed "I'd Rather Go Blind" with singer Beth Hart in Guy's honor. President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama were in attendance. "There was this singer with a mane like a lion and a voice like a banshee," Obama said during a speech honoring the band, "a guitar prodigy who left people's jaws on the floor, a versatile bassist who was equally at home on the keyboards, a drummer who played like his life depended on it. It's been said that a generation of young people survived teenage angst with a pair of headphones and a Zeppelin album, and a generation of parents wondered what that noise was all about." The 90 <b>...</b> Author: dkartinki Duration: 22:04
Photos for video Tribute to Led Zeppelin (35th Kennedy Center Honors, Live, 2012, HD, GREAT QUALITY)
Jimmy Kimmel Live - The first part of Jimmy's interview with Hayden Panettiere Jimmy Kimmel Live's YouTube channel features clips and recaps of every episode from the late night TV show on ABC. Subscribe for clips from the monologue, the interviews, and musical performances every day of the week. Watch your favorites parts again, or catch-up on any episodes you may have missed. Website: Channel Subscribe: Author: JimmyKimmelLive Duration: 3:51
Photos for video Hayden Panettiere on Jimmy Kimmel Live PART 2
OATH KEEPERS MUST BEGIN TO ACTIVATE, CALL FOR POPULAR ASSEMBLY, URGENT! Accelerating Geopolitical Events now threaten to destroy not only our Nation but all of civilization. Time is short. you must act now for the preservation of your own Life and the Lives of those you care about. Please check out this LINK (URGENT NEWS) and help inform others... SHARE, FAVORITE it makes a difference! Author: helias314 Duration: 4:19
02/29/12 Foreign Affairs Hearing: Ron Paul questions Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. You must read this. Ron Paul - Iran: The Next Neocon Target April 5, 2006 Ron Paul was born August 20, 1935, in Pittsburgh, PA. He received a medical degree from Duke University in 1961. After five years in the US Air Force, he began practice as an obstetrician in Texas. He was elected to Congress over 3 different periods of time beginning in 1976. Although a Republican, Paul's political views are closely aligned with those of the Libertarian Party, and he was the Libertarian nominee for president in 1988. Paul's actions frequently differ from the rest of Congress. He never goes on overseas fact-finding trips, and he does not participate in the generous Congressional pension plan. International Experience: I was unable to determine if Paul's Air Force service included time overseas. Paul currently serves on the House International Relations Committee and its subcommittees on the Western Hemisphere and Asia/Pacific. He is the author of "A Foreign Policy of Freedom." Ron Paul's Foreign Policy Positions: Congressman Paul is the only Republican presidential candidate to vote against the Iraq war authorization in 2002. He consistently opposes legislation supporting America's role in international agreements and organizations including the North American Free Trade Agreement, the International Criminal Court, the World Trade Organization, the United Nations, and <b>...</b> Author: PSNy2kUK Duration: 5:40
Photos for video Ron Paul questions Hillary Clinton- IRAN, IRAQ AND AFGHANISTAN
Not long ago, infamous hacktivist collective Anonymous came forward revealing their plans to go after members of the secret society Illuminati, calling George Bush, Barack Obama, Charles Schumer, Curtis James Jackson III and others their puppets. "Illuminati will take 75% of all social networks. Youtube is already done. We have managed to leak audio recordings and few video formats," they said at the time. Since the first warning, in which they asked the organization to stop their practices, was ignored, on December 17 they released a new video, declaring war on Illuminati in the year 2012 and threatening to reveal valuable information on "13 bloodlines". "They use manipulation to keep every resource in order with their mission. Now, it is our move. You think that you are in control, but we'll show you what is true power, true power of people and freedom. You control resources, but you don't control people," says a guy wearing a Fawkes mask in the latest video. MiRRoR-Worldsourc3 - Credits@Worldsourc3 WE ARE EVERYWHERE. WE ARE LEGION. WE DO NOT FORGIVE. WE DO NOT FORGET. EXPECT US cheers: rahezal / typo fixed Author: Last2TYears Duration: 7:14
Photos for video Anonymous- DEATH THREAT TO ILLUMINATI
The last GOP debate of the year was held last night in Iowa. At the debate Ron Paul and Michele Bachmann took the spotlight with their back and forth jabs on foreign policy. In recent numbers Ron Paul has been on a surge in the polls, so will this spat push Ron Paul over the edge? Follow Kristine on Twitter at Author: RTAmerica Duration: 5:56
Photos for video Ron Paul and Michele Bachmann go head-to-head
After the tragic airplane crash at the Reno Air Races, a chorus of protests arose to calling for an end to the air races. But was the pilot to blame or faulty equipment? Bill Whittle breaks down the mainstream media narrative of the crash on this episode of Afterburner. For more from Bill Whittle go to Author: Pajamasmedia Duration: 10:22
Photos for video Afterburner with Bill Whittle: Live Free or Die Rap News Episode 5 Who let the Logs out!? Wikileaks drops 400000 classified documents shedding new light on the Iraq war—the biggest leak of classified military documents in history—sending shockwaves across the Fourth Estate. Rap News marks the occasion by inviting into the studio the former US Secretary of Offense, Donald Rumsfeld. But what starts out as a conventional Rap News interview soon descends into mayhem as the live feed is hijacked by News World Order, eager to spin the record like a disc jockey on crack. Enter Bill O'Really, the champion of Fair & Balanced journalism, dragging us screaming into the No Spine Zone. Only divine intervention can save us now, from a fate worse than death. But beware of imitators; not all is what it seems to be! Join us for a rollercoaster episode of Rap News, featuring a very very special guest appearance. Juice Rap News: written by Giordano Nanni; lyrics and performance by Hugo Farrant. Created by Farrant & Nanni in a back-yard studio in suburban Melbourne. **************************************************************************************** USEFUL LINKS: Find out more about: Wikileaks: Julian Assange Bill O'Reilly at his finest: UN Human Rights Commissioner calls for inquiry into US/IRAQ after seeing Wikileaks evidence: Full clip of Barak Obama's words on Government transparency (2008 election campaign): <b>...</b> Author: thejuicemedia Duration: 5:59
Photos for video The War on Journalism - with Julian Assange [RAP NEWS 5]
First part of the 50 impressions by Jay Pharoah, Jay does over 75 but this is just a little sample, Chris, Will,Jack, Owen,Obama,DMX,50 Cent,Bernie Mac, Denzel, Nick Cage,Katt Williams, Steve Irwin..... Watch the clip Author: Jhullk Duration: 8:16
Photos for video 50 impressions Jay Pharoah pt.1 Eddie, Chris, Will,Heath, Jack, Owen,Prince, Dmx,Obama......
Here are a few of my impressions at my school's talent show. (Sorry for the poor audio quality. The school's audio system isn't the greatest.) In order: Barrack Obama George W. Bush Bill Clinton Billy Mays Vince from ShamWow Microsoft Sam/Stephen Hawkings Author: fusco425 Duration: 9:20
Photos for video Voice Impressions (Barrack Obama, George Bush, and more)