Dr Leonard Kayiwa author of best seller book ministering to God key to prosperous life/church filled with God's power miracles, wonders and signs' with pastor Gail Kayiwa and church forks praying in united states of america, as the inauguration motorcade proceeds ; for God to protect his people plus president barack obama.and that many my get born again Author: bishop leonard kayiwa Duration: 7:06
Photos for video Obama inauguration mortocade 2013 live by bishop leonard kayiwa
Led Zeppelin Honored At The 35th Annual Kennedy Center Honors. December 26, 2012. 0. Documentary 1. Foo Fighters - Rock and Roll 2. Kid Rock - Babe I'm Gonna Leave You, Ramble On 3. Lenny Kravitz - Whole Lotta Love 4. Heart (with Jason Bohnam) - Stairway to Heaven Facebook: www.facebook.com Web: kartinki.tv ВКонтакте vk.com The 35th-annual Kennedy Center Honors aired last night, December 26, on CBS, shining a massive spotlight on the rock powerhouse that is Led Zeppelin, who were among the event's honorees. The special, which was recorded in Washington, DC, on December 2, also honored venerable blues guitarist Buddy Guy and featured Led Zeppelin-centric performances by Foo Fighters, Lenny Kravitz and Ann and Nancy Wilson of Heart, who performed with Jason Bonham. Guy received tributes from Gary Clark Jr., Tracy Chapman and Bonnie Raitt, and Jeff Beck performed "I'd Rather Go Blind" with singer Beth Hart in Guy's honor. President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama were in attendance. "There was this singer with a mane like a lion and a voice like a banshee," Obama said during a speech honoring the band, "a guitar prodigy who left people's jaws on the floor, a versatile bassist who was equally at home on the keyboards, a drummer who played like his life depended on it. It's been said that a generation of young people survived teenage angst with a pair of headphones and a Zeppelin album, and a generation of parents wondered what that noise was all about." The 90 <b>...</b> Author: dkartinki Duration: 22:04
Photos for video Tribute to Led Zeppelin (35th Kennedy Center Honors, Live, 2012, HD, GREAT QUALITY)
we are young so let's set the world on fire we can burn brighter than the sun we are young so let's set the world on fire we can burn brighter than the sun this country is young and so outta reach and i dont wanna see it burn so i gotta preach let the people know that the world wants peace we fighting for a cause? whats the cause in your speech? cuz nothing makes sense mr. president and why you think all these people are so hesistant in making a choice to vote people are broke noand when you lie to us just to bring us some hope it discusts us then you discuss US how the US is united you should trust us how can we trust you when you butt fucked us you said youd take the troops out iraq you promised but nothing changed but your hair its white now how does it feel being black in a white house thats the only good thing that came from it is that you made history and caught fuckin fame from it i wanted you to win so did most of us you made us feel good brought u close to us that charm and charisma got a hold of us and whatd you prove? ur a liar i made a note of this i wont forget the day u signed that bill the martial law? are you retarded brah? you said you wouldnt do it but you did it mr president you lied again admit it why the hell you gotta be so neg-le-gente we are young so let's set the world on fire we can burn brighter than the sun we are young so let's set the world on fire we can burn brighter than the sun barack obama theres problems on our streets we dont have many <b>...</b> Author: TheOfficialNasty Duration: 4:29
Photos for video Denace - We Are Young (Mr. President)
Obama is a puppet of the Banksters, but the Office of the President itself is being transformed into a dictatorial command and control system. Congress has now been told that they are merely ceremonial, while the military is openly training to wage war on the American people during a staged economic collapse! www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv twitter.com www.facebook.com For Immediate Release Executive Order — National Defense Resources Preparedness EXECUTIVE ORDER NATIONAL DEFENSE RESOURCES PREPAREDNESS By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended (50 USC App. 2061 et seq.), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code, and as Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States, it is hereby ordered as follows: PART I -- PURPOSE, POLICY, AND IMPLEMENTATION Section 101. Purpose. This order delegates authorities and addresses national defense resource policies and programs under the Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended (the "Act"). A dvertisement Sec. 102. Policy. The United States must have an industrial and technological base capable of meeting national defense requirements and capable of contributing to the technological superiority of its national defense equipment in peacetime and in times of national emergency. The domestic industrial and technological base is the foundation for national defense preparedness. The authorities <b>...</b> Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 8:33
Photos for video Obama Implementing Martial Law Coup!
The passage of the authoritarian military dictatorship bill, the NDAA, by the House of Representatives on Wednesday. He talks about Obama's theatrical about-face after he promised to veto the legislation and implications the bill presents for an all-out war against enemies of the state by the Pentagon on the internet. www.prisonplanet.tv Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 12:39
Photos for video Obama's Power Grab Within NDAA Bill & More: Infowars Nightly News
An upcoming PBS Frontline special titled Top Secret America explains how the Obama Administration has not fulfilled it's promise to make sweeping changes within the CIA after various questionable practices that began under George Bush and Dick Cheney. The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur and Michael Shure discuss. www.salon.com The Largest Online News Show in the World. Google+: www.gplus.to Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com Support TYT for FREE: bit.ly Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 3:06
Photos for video Obama Didn't Change CIA After Bush
On May 17, 2011 President Barack Obama hosted a reception for Jewish community leaders from across the country in honor of Jewish American Heritage Month. Yeshiva University President Richard M. Joel was in attendance, as well as YU's a cappella group, The Maccabeats www.maccabeats.com who provided musical entertainment. Full story here: blogs.yu.edu Author: YeshivaUniversity Duration: 19:38
Photos for video YU Maccabeats Perform at The White House
thejuicemedia.com Rap News - episode 2 - Back by popular demand, Robert Foster turns his attention to the soaring Orwellian rhetoric hailing from Oslo, where Barack Obama is currently receiving the prestigious Nobel War-is-Peace prize. This second episode of Rap News covers the fallout from the now infamous NASA Moon Bomb on October 9th, the very same day on which the Nobel Committee awarded US President Barack Obama the 2009 'War is Peace' Prize. Is it justified? Is it premature or plain immature? And what will the Moon say?! Was this a prize for peace-making or for making war look like peace, something Bush was not able to do? And why do we even care what these Norwegian guys do. All this, and more, in this latest report with Robert Foster on ~JuiceMedia's Rap News. Juice Rap News written & created by Giordano Nanni and Hugo Farrant in a back-yard studio in suburban Melbourne, on Wurundjeri Land. Download MP3 and Lyrics and find out more: Website: thejuicemedia.com Lyrics www.reverbnation.com Connect with Robert Foster: www.facebook.com **************************************************************************************** SUPPORT Rap News so we can keep broadcasting rhyme and reason on the only remaining free frequency: thejuicemedia.com **************************************************************************************** CAPTIONS: Many thanks to Ismael & The Three Arts, for English captions. TRANSLATIONS: * Many thanks to Ismael & The Three Arts, for Spanish <b>...</b> Author: thejuicemedia Duration: 5:12
Photos for video Barack Obama wins the Nobel War-is-Peace Prize [RAP NEWS 2]