Showing posts with label Obama history. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Obama history. Show all posts

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Selena Gomez Promises Honesty In Music, And Mindless Behavior Invades DC The MTV News Show 1.18.13

Selena Gomez Promises Honesty In Music, And Mindless Behavior Invades DC The MTV News Show 1.18.13Will Selena Gomez Have Any Breakup Tracks On Her New Album? Plus, will The Lumineers show off their comedic side on 'SNL'? Click "Show More" for additional info! All of these stories and more when MTV News brings you the three most-dished-about stories from today, including Mindless Behavior on their performance for the President. - Exclusive 'Spring Breakers' Trailer Watch Now! - Jennifer Lawrence's 'SNL' Promo Is Here, And It Is Awesome - Beyonce, Kelly Clarkson and Katy Perry: A Pop-Culture Guide To The Inauguration
Author: MTVNewsVideo
Duration: 1:34

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Selena Gomez Promises Honesty In Music, And Mindless Behavior Invades DC The MTV News Show 1.18.13
Video Selena Gomez Promises Honesty In Music, And Mindless Behavior Invades DC The MTV News Show 1.18.13 Selena Gomez Promises Honesty In Music, And Mindless Behavior Invades DC The MTV News Show 1.18.13 Selena Gomez Promises Honesty In Music, And Mindless Behavior Invades DC The MTV News Show 1.18.13

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

"Colorado & Washington Flat Out Legalized All Marijuana!"

"Colorado & Washington Flat Out Legalized All Marijuana!"November 07, 2012 Current TV News i-502 legalize legalization marijuana weed drug war profiteering prison military industrial complex police state washington colorado obama president 2012 election results result mox news
Author: MOXNEWSd0tC0M
Duration: 6:57

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"Colorado & Washington Flat Out Legalized All Marijuana!"
Video "Colorado & Washington Flat Out Legalized All Marijuana!" "Colorado & Washington Flat Out Legalized All Marijuana!" "Colorado & Washington Flat Out Legalized All Marijuana!"

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

We Will Find You - RFID Microchip - Police State - 666 - Coming Apocalypse - Paul Begley

We Will Find You - RFID Microchip - Police State - 666 - Coming Apocalypse - Paul BegleyNestle Candy (Kit-Kat) Bars will have RFID Micro-Chips implanted for "We Will Find You" Ad Campaign. USA Sec. of State Hillary Clinton "I Take Responsibility" of the Libya Consulate Attack instead of the President Obama. Also China has 7 Warships in Japanese waters. Also Iran seeks Electromagnetic Weapons along with Nukes. Also Hurricane Paul due to hit Mexico and Baja, California while Hurricane Rafael headed for Bermuda, and Cyclone Anaya is huge and going for Madagascar! Theologian Paul Begley of Indiana will discuss these issues and more with Bible Prophecy and the Powerful Word of God. Current News Events, Bible Prophecy as it relates to the Word of God with Pastor Paul Begley. He is the author of three books: Hosea Prophecy, Mark of the Beast RFID, and Texas Blood Lake. is his website that streams live M - F 12pm to 3pm EST and every Sunday night 7pm to 10pm. Pastor Paul Begley has hearkened to the call of God to reach out to a troubled world with the end time clarion call of salvation. http http
Author: begleyradio
Duration: 126:38

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We Will Find You - RFID Microchip - Police State - 666 - Coming Apocalypse - Paul Begley
Video We Will Find You - RFID Microchip - Police State - 666 - Coming Apocalypse - Paul Begley We Will Find You - RFID Microchip - Police State - 666 - Coming Apocalypse - Paul Begley We Will Find You - RFID Microchip - Police State - 666 - Coming Apocalypse - Paul Begley

Monday, October 8, 2012

Андрей Фурсов. Что? Где? К чему?

Андрей Фурсов. Что? Где? К чему?ЧЕТЫРЕ СЦЕНАРИЯ РАСПАДА США Сценарий распада №1. Хаос — полный и быстрый крах Запоздалая реакция властей США на ураган «Сэнди», рост числа петиций штатов (все 50 штатов) и т.д. свидетельствуют о неэффективности американской системы управления и принятия решений. Напомним, что американские военные базы находятся в 130 странах мира. И, скорее всего, система управления ими может быть потеряна в результате развертывания неконтролируемых событий на территории США. Предсказать появление новых центров силы, баланс их интересов крайне сложно в случае такого варианта развития событий. Видимо, развернется яростная ситуативная борьба за «американское наследство». Она будет сопровождаться чередой неконтролируемых конфликтов на территории всей планеты. Следует подчеркнуть, что данный сценарий является самым невероятным и малореализуемым. Процент его реализации крайне мал. Сценарий распада №2. Дезинтеграция США по модели Югославии (наихудший сценарий) Вероятность такого варианта развития событий существует. Обусловлена она наличием огромного оружейного арсенала у населения США, который в случае начала дезинтеграционных процессов станет источником развития неконтролируемых процессов. Кроме того, существуют достаточно большие противоречия между американскими штатами, которые резко обострятся в случае финансово-экономического коллапса, превосходящего Великую Депрессию. К тому же после начала кризиса продажа огнестрельного оружия населению США выросла на 40 <b>...</b>
Author: Владимир Будько
Duration: 12:48

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Андрей Фурсов. Что? Где? К чему?
Video Андрей Фурсов. Что? Где? К чему? Андрей Фурсов. Что? Где? К чему? Андрей Фурсов. Что? Где? К чему?

Friday, September 14, 2012

"Постскриптум" c Алексеем Пушковым (15.09.2012)

"Постскриптум" c Алексеем Пушковым (15.09.2012)Одна из ведущих аналитических программ российского телевидения. PS посвящен важнейшим событиям в стране и за ее пределами. В программе неоднократно принимали участие видные российские и зарубежные политики: Евгений Примаков, Сергей Степашин, Геннадий Селезнев, Игорь Иванов, Григорий Явлинский, Юрий Лужков, Патриарх Московский и всея Руси Алексий II, Кондолиза Райс, Генри Киссинджер, Джордж Робертсон, Зоран Джинджич и другие. Программа Постскриптум пользуется популярностью и авторитетом среди влиятельной политической и бизнес-элиты России и СНГ. Каждую субботу несколько десятков миллионов телезрителей, а это наиболее активная часть населения страны, отдают свое предпочтение Постскриптуму и ее автору и ведущему Алексею Пушкову.
Author: Михаил Леонтьев
Duration: 50:51

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"Постскриптум" c Алексеем Пушковым (15.09.2012)
Video "Постскриптум" c Алексеем Пушковым (15.09.2012) "Постскриптум" c Алексеем Пушковым (15.09.2012) "Постскриптум" c Алексеем Пушковым (15.09.2012)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Denace - We Are Young (Mr. President)

Denace - We Are Young (Mr. President)we are young so let's set the world on fire we can burn brighter than the sun we are young so let's set the world on fire we can burn brighter than the sun this country is young and so outta reach and i dont wanna see it burn so i gotta preach let the people know that the world wants peace we fighting for a cause? whats the cause in your speech? cuz nothing makes sense mr. president and why you think all these people are so hesistant in making a choice to vote people are broke noand when you lie to us just to bring us some hope it discusts us then you discuss US how the US is united you should trust us how can we trust you when you butt fucked us you said youd take the troops out iraq you promised but nothing changed but your hair its white now how does it feel being black in a white house thats the only good thing that came from it is that you made history and caught fuckin fame from it i wanted you to win so did most of us you made us feel good brought u close to us that charm and charisma got a hold of us and whatd you prove? ur a liar i made a note of this i wont forget the day u signed that bill the martial law? are you retarded brah? you said you wouldnt do it but you did it mr president you lied again admit it why the hell you gotta be so neg-le-gente we are young so let's set the world on fire we can burn brighter than the sun we are young so let's set the world on fire we can burn brighter than the sun barack obama theres problems on our streets we dont have many <b>...</b>
Author: TheOfficialNasty
Duration: 4:29

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Denace - We Are Young (Mr. President)
Video Denace - We Are Young (Mr. President) Denace - We Are Young (Mr. President) Denace - We Are Young (Mr. President)

Friday, October 28, 2011

Lifting The Veil of Evil: Nightly News Special Report 2/2

Lifting The Veil of Evil: Nightly News Special Report 2/2"WARNING" - Contains Graphic News Footage of the past, and present. VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED!
Author: TheAlexJonesChannel
Duration: 15:03

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Lifting The Veil of Evil: Nightly News Special Report 2/2
Video Lifting The Veil of Evil: Nightly News Special Report 2/2 Lifting The Veil of Evil: Nightly News Special Report 2/2 Lifting The Veil of Evil: Nightly News Special Report 2/2

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Peter Schiff Speaks on QE3 -2/2

Peter Schiff Speaks on QE3 -2/2Alex then speaks with economic expert Peter Schiff on QE3 and his recent testimony before Congress warning about the economy and the government's inept attempt to create jobs through a stimulus. Instead, it is irresponsible monetary and fiscal policy that is undermining employment in America, according to Schiff. (Subscribe to Infowars Nightly News today!)
Author: TheAlexJonesChannel
Duration: 6:18

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Peter Schiff Speaks on QE3 -2/2
Video Peter Schiff Speaks on QE3 -2/2 Peter Schiff Speaks on QE3 -2/2 Peter Schiff Speaks on QE3 -2/2

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Auburn Tigers Football Team Visits the White House

Auburn Tigers Football Team Visits the White HouseThe National Champion Auburn Tigers recent trip to the White House.
Author: AuburnAthletics
Duration: 5:01

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Auburn Tigers Football Team Visits the White House
Video Auburn Tigers Football Team Visits the White House Auburn Tigers Football Team Visits the White House Auburn Tigers Football Team Visits the White House

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

March 31, 2011 - Farrakhan Press Conference on Libya, Pres. Obama and Col. Gadhafi

March 31, 2011 - Farrakhan Press Conference on Libya, Pres. Obama and Col. GadhafiMin. Farrakhan's March 31, 2011 press conference addressed Libya, Pres. Obama Admin's policy and more. Order CD/DVD @
Author: FCNN
Duration: 126:34

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March 31, 2011 - Farrakhan Press Conference on Libya, Pres. Obama and Col. Gadhafi
Video March 31, 2011 - Farrakhan Press Conference on Libya, Pres. Obama and Col. Gadhafi March 31, 2011 - Farrakhan Press Conference on Libya, Pres. Obama and Col. Gadhafi March 31, 2011 - Farrakhan Press Conference on Libya, Pres. Obama and Col. Gadhafi

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Government Admits they Deal Heroin, Terrorize Families for Pot

Government Admits they Deal Heroin, Terrorize Families for Alex Jones puts into perspective the radical behavior of SWAT teams and other government enforcement agencies who recently raided and terrorized a family and killed two dogs in order to bust a man for one gram of marijuana. At the same time, the CIA and other agencies of government have admittedly carried out narcotrafficking operations for decades. This is especially true in Afghanistan, where troops guard opium crops, and the fight against the Taliban and al qaeda is mired in drug trafficking.
Author: TheAlexJonesChannel
Duration: 10:54

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Government Admits they Deal Heroin, Terrorize Families for Pot
Video Government Admits they Deal Heroin, Terrorize Families for Pot Government Admits they Deal Heroin, Terrorize Families for Pot Government Admits they Deal Heroin, Terrorize Families for Pot

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Alex Conducts a Masive Police State News Blitz and Takes Your Calls on The Alex Jones Show 2/3

Alex Conducts a Masive Police State News Blitz and Takes Your Calls on The Alex Jones Show 2/3Alex goes on a news blitz and takes your calls on the importnat issues of the day. htttp://
Author: TheAlexJonesChannel
Duration: 9:42

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Alex Conducts a Masive Police State News Blitz and Takes Your Calls on The Alex Jones Show 2/3
Video Alex Conducts a Masive Police State News Blitz and Takes Your Calls on The Alex Jones Show 2/3 Alex Conducts a Masive Police State News Blitz and Takes Your Calls on The Alex Jones Show 2/3 Alex Conducts a Masive Police State News Blitz and Takes Your Calls on The Alex Jones Show 2/3

Monday, May 11, 2009

Jesse Ventura: You Give Me a Water Board, Dick Cheney and One Hour

Jesse Ventura: You Give Me a Water Board, Dick Cheney and One HourFrom Larry King Live May 11, 2009.
Author: heathr456
Duration: 3:44

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Jesse Ventura: You Give Me a Water Board, Dick Cheney and One Hour
Video Jesse Ventura: You Give Me a Water Board, Dick Cheney and One Hour Jesse Ventura: You Give Me a Water Board, Dick Cheney and One Hour Jesse Ventura: You Give Me a Water Board, Dick Cheney and One Hour