Record deaths by UAVs makes Obama Drone King, CNN paid by government of Bahrain to spread propaganda, Venezuela prepares for presidential election LIKE Breaking the Set @ FOLLOW Abby Martin @ EPISODE BREAKDOWN: On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin talks about Obama's kill list which one official has called a macabre "baseball card" set of "terrorists." Abby talks to Andy Roth of Project Censored for a look back at the year anniversary of the drone assassination that killed Anwar al-Aulaqi and his teenage son, both of which were American citizens, and a discusses the dangers of Obama's drone wars. Abby then interviews former CNN Investigative Reporter, Amber Lyon, about CNN's corrupt media empire, calling into question a media establishment where censorship can be bought. BTS wraps up with a look at the upcoming elections in Venezuela, highlighting the successes and controversies that have led to this critical election. Author: breakingtheset Duration: 28:03
Photos for video [21] Obama Drone King, Dictators Sponsor CNN, Venezuela's Elections | Breaking The Set
Barack Obama raps about "You Didn't Build That", Mitt Romney, and the 2012 campaign to the tune of MC Hammer's "U Can't Touch This". Featuring cameos from Clint Eastwood, Stephen Colbert, Hulk Hogan, Julia Gillard, and Jennifer Granholm. Lyrics below. By Hugh Atkin LYRICS Mitt Romney strikes me, so hard. Makes me feel like Shirley Sherrod. Out of context, those words aren't mine. The private sector's doing fine. Feels good, when the economy's weak, Responding with a national security leak. Osama Bin Laden, I killed. And that was a mission you didn't build. [CHORUS] If you've given three dollars before, I'm asking again for a few dollars more. Clint Eastwood and the empty chair Would be bettter than this Republican pair. Shut up, it's my turn. Let's rap together. Go ahead. You've got a lot to learn. Mr Ryan and his voucher retailin'. Maybe he's just a brighter shade of Palin. Mr Romney...and his friends on Wall Street. What I'm saying is they're SuperPacking Heat. And here is a woman Mitt killed. But that was an attack ad you didn't build. [CHORUS] [JENNIFER GRANHOLM BREAKS IT DOWN] Stop. Obamatime. The race is still in play. So I gotta be careful about what I say. And so, from the Australian nation, I'll be introducing the Strine translation. The Republican party in the debt ceiling fight. Ravings of the eccentric, lunar right. There are those who don't believe my birth certificate. There are nut jobs on the internet. To your guns keep on clinging <b>...</b> Author: Hugh Atkin Duration: 3:45
Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: The revised video is here: It contains 3 more minutes of relevant content and a MUCH improved ending. Thanks for watching While thinking about the state of our country and the scarcity of the patriots therein, I was moved to make a short video on my Constitutional thoughts regarding 3 men who are hailed in the Republican ranks as "champions" of the Republic. (former Sheriff) Richard Mack, (Senator) Rand Paul and (vice presidential nominee) Paul Ryan. So I got out my trusty iPhone and just began to record the thoughts that went through my head as I drove, walked and trudged through life's mundane obstacle course. My "short" video turned into a longer version, but I really tried to include relevant information without any fluff. There are humorous parts, but my hope is that, instead of detracting from the main issues, they will aid in uncovering the ENORMOUS lie the media and our "benevolent" government is attempting to make us swallow -- that is, that we actually have different choices in the two-party political arena. I don't post this video for gain of popularity - it is posted because I think that it is RIGHT to shine a bright spotlight of TRUTH on those who claim to uphold the staff of light and lead the way, while they are covered in darkness and lead astray; and to tell as many as will listen, that we, the people of this patriot-purchased piece of terra firma - we call America <b>...</b> Author: OneTruth4Life Duration: 11:52
Photos for video Political Illusion Exposes Rand Paul Paul Ryan Richard Mack bad politics
Brandon Raub served his country well as is apparent from the amount of medals and decorations he received as a Marine. He fought for this country, for freedom, for the Constitution. One thing in particular that he fought for was our right to free speech. That right was taken away from him on August 16, 2012. A contingent of police officers, FBI and Secret Service agents wrestled him to the ground in handcuffs and took him away without due process, without being arrested, without any semblance of legality. Waiting back at John Randolph Psychiatric Hospital in Hopewell, Virginia was a psychiatrist willing to do the US government's bidding and signed a court order to lock up Brandon for thirty days of "observation." What tipped off the FBI and Secret Service agents that Brandon was insane and might harm others? He dared to criticize his government. In a phone interview he had this to say: "I really love America, and I think that idea that you can be detained and sent somewhere without due process and a lawyer ... is crazy." Wake up, America or you'll be next... Author: Kris Zane Duration: 2:23
Photos for video Marine Hero Brandon Raub Falsely Detained for Exercising His Right to Free Speech
On the Sunday, March 11 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks about the establishment's latest propaganda effort -- Kony 2012 -- as it takes its bankster and war machine into Africa. Alex calls for the arrest of Hollywood darling Angelina Jolie, the CFR "ambassador" who has enthusiastically provided her services as part of a cynical propaganda cover for the next phase of globalist war crimes. He also runs down the latest developments in the effort to hold Obama responsible for High Crimes and Misdemeanors and the latest on the simmering Iran attack. Alex also covers the economy as Obama and the establishment cheerfully claim we are now out of the woods. Obama's campaign against Kony and the LRC was similarly cast as a noble humanitarian gesture -- this time with the spotlight on Kony's use of children combatants -- and the fact that Uganda and much of Africa are considered a prized strategic asset is ignored. Back in 2005, investigative journalist Wayne Madsen reported that the US had major communications and listening stations in Uganda's Ruwenzori Mountains. Since then, Africom has set-up a sprawling operation there. Libya was its first "engagement." In what is now a well-established pattern, the global elite exploited tensions created by the disastrous economic impact of its loan sharking operation and moved to establish a sphere of influence in a region historically dominated by the former colonial powers of France <b>...</b> Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 14:06
Photos for video Obama's KONY 2012 Campaign: "Propaganda on Parade" 2/5
Немцов и Кох обсирают своих друзей оппозиционеров, споря, кто из них работает на чекистов. Крайней оказалась Ксюша Дмитриева и Явлинский. Шевчук, оказался трусом. Author: MadeinGeorgian Duration: 5:49
Photos for video Новая прослушка Немцова. Life News и не снилось.
This year Time Magazine chose The Protester as the person of the year. Protests have emerged all over the world and some say the Arab Spring was the catalyst to this global movement for change. In Syria according to some reports 5000 people have died while protesting against the government. Now there are some reports that President Obama has moved US troops to the Syrian border. James Corbett, host of The Corbett Report, helps us inspect what's going on around Syria. Follow Kristine on Twitter at Author: RTAmerica Duration: 11:15
Photos for video US troops surrounding the Syrian border?
After a speech from President Barack Obama Patti took the stage to perform her most powerful rendition of the song "Two Steps Away". She wrote that song in 2003 with her friend Jon Delise and recorded it for her 2004 "Timeless Journey". Thie raw emotion for the 9/11 victims was incredible! She left the microphone at the Kennedy Center and was heard to the back rows! 67 years young! INCREDIBLE!!! Author: LoveOfLaBelle Duration: 6:48
Photos for video Patti LaBelle - "Two Steps Away" (Concert For Hope @ Kennedy Center) [HQ]
Min. Farrakhan's March 31, 2011 press conference addressed Libya, Pres. Obama Admin's policy and more. Order CD/DVD @ Author: FCNN Duration: 126:34
Photos for video March 31, 2011 - Farrakhan Press Conference on Libya, Pres. Obama and Col. Gadhafi
Even as President Obama maintains close to 50000 troops in Iraq and continues to escalate and expand the war in Afghanistan, the antiwar movement in America continues to shrink. So, what happened? visited two antiwar protests—one left-leaning, one libertarian—in an attempt to answer that question. Author and historian Thaddeus Russell and Reason Senior Editor Brian Doherty also weigh in. War, it seems, is a bipartisan venture, which is reflected by the fact that Democrats have a favorable view of Obama's foreign policy, despite its remarkable similarity to George W. Bush's foreign policy. And though there have been rumblings of antiwar sentiment from some on the Right, Republicans remain strongly in favor of an interventionist foreign policy. Although public sentiment is turning against the war in Afghanistan, the always-shifting withdrawal deadlines and the unwillingness to touch defense spending mean that this bipartisan war is likely to continue far into the future. Approximately 7 minutes. Written and Produced by Zach Weissmueller. Senior Producer: Ted Balaker. Visit for downloadable versions, and subscribe to's YouTube Channel to receive automatic notification when new material goes live. Author: ReasonTV Duration: 7:10
Photos for video What Happened to the Antiwar Movement?
Paul Joseph Watson pops in to cover the latest phony Osama bin Laden video. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 10:40
Photos for video Paul Joseph Watson on Alex Jones Tv 1/3:CIA-Bin Laden Tapes? "Here We Go Again!"