Barack Obama raps about "You Didn't Build That", Mitt Romney, and the 2012 campaign to the tune of MC Hammer's "U Can't Touch This". Featuring cameos from Clint Eastwood, Stephen Colbert, Hulk Hogan, Julia Gillard, and Jennifer Granholm. Lyrics below. By Hugh Atkin LYRICS Mitt Romney strikes me, so hard. Makes me feel like Shirley Sherrod. Out of context, those words aren't mine. The private sector's doing fine. Feels good, when the economy's weak, Responding with a national security leak. Osama Bin Laden, I killed. And that was a mission you didn't build. [CHORUS] If you've given three dollars before, I'm asking again for a few dollars more. Clint Eastwood and the empty chair Would be bettter than this Republican pair. Shut up, it's my turn. Let's rap together. Go ahead. You've got a lot to learn. Mr Ryan and his voucher retailin'. Maybe he's just a brighter shade of Palin. Mr Romney...and his friends on Wall Street. What I'm saying is they're SuperPacking Heat. And here is a woman Mitt killed. But that was an attack ad you didn't build. [CHORUS] [JENNIFER GRANHOLM BREAKS IT DOWN] Stop. Obamatime. The race is still in play. So I gotta be careful about what I say. And so, from the Australian nation, I'll be introducing the Strine translation. The Republican party in the debt ceiling fight. Ravings of the eccentric, lunar right. There are those who don't believe my birth certificate. There are nut jobs on the internet. To your guns keep on clinging <b>...</b> Author: Hugh Atkin Duration: 3:45
Видео с Олимпийских игр в Лондоне. Светлые Силы побеждают!))))))))))) http Author: Rasvet Slavyan Duration: 1:13
Photos for video Флаг США не выдержал соседства с Братскими флагами!
Страну успокаивают: в Ульяновске появится не военная база, а "всего лишь"перевалочный пункт НАТО для транзита грузов НАТО из Афганистана в Европу. Как этот "облегченный вариант" скажется на стратегической безопасности России? Мнение депутата госдумы от КПРФ П.С.Дорохина. Author: CommunistPartyRF Duration: 2:20
Photos for video Перевалочный пункт НАТО в Ульяновске - Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Chris Hedges has filed suit against President Obama and Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta to challenge the legality of the National Defense Authorization Act, which includes controversial provisions authorizing the military to jail anyone it considers a terrorism suspect anywhere in the world, without charge or trial. Sections of the bill are written so broadly that critics say they could encompass journalists who report on terror-related issues, such as Hedges, for supporting enemy forces. "It is clearly unconstitutional," Hedges says of the bill. "It is a huge and egregious assault against our democracy. It overturns over 200 years of law, which has kept the military out of domestic policing." We speak with Hedges, now a senior fellow at the Nation Institute, and former New York Times foreign correspondent who was part of a team of reporters that was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 2002 for the paper's coverage of global terrorism. We are also joined by Hedges' attorney Carl Mayer, who filed the litigation on his behalf in the US District Court for the Southern District of New York. Towatch the complete daily, independent news hour, read the transcript, download the podcast, and for additional coverage of the NDAA and civil liberties issues, visit the Democracy Now! news archives at FOLLOW DEMOCRACY NOW! ONLINE: Facebook: Twitter: @democracynow Subscribe on YouTube: <b>...</b> Author: democracynow Duration: 12:11
Photos for video Chris Hedges Sues Obama Admin Over Indefinite Detention of US Citizens Approved in NDAA
On March 14, 2010, The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan discussed the lies surrounding the events on September 11, 2001. This excerpt is from the lecture entitled, "The Time and What Must Be Done; The Great War". To order this lecture and others, please visit or call (866) 602-1230. Author: Ahmad770 Duration: 10:35
Photos for video Minister Louis Farrakhan Exposes 9/11 and Questions Official Story (Part 2)
Barack Obama spoke at Farm Aid 2005 in Tinley Park, Illinois about the importance of family farmers. He also introduced Chicago's own Wilco, who played "Airline to Heaven."Farm Aid was started by Willie Nelson, Neil Young and John Mellencamp in 1985 to keep family farmers on the land and has worked since then to make sure everyone has access to good food from family farmers. For more information about Farm Aid, visit: Farm Aid's performances are donated by the artists in order to raise funds and raise awareness for family farmers. They've raised their voices to help — what can you do? Author: farmaid Duration: 6:14
Photos for video Barack Obama introduces Wilco - Airline to Heaven (Live at Farm Aid 2005)