Barack Obama and Mitt Romney are throwing everything they've got into a last-ditch effort to woo voters in undecided states, in the closing days of the pre-election duel. Promises of change and economic recovery are taking centre stage, in what's ironically the most expensive Presidential race in US history. But talk about any cuts to the massive defence spending is absent from the frontlines of the campaign - with both candidates expected to keep the mighty military machine rolling, as Marina Portnaya reports. RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark. Author: RussiaToday Duration: 4:39
Photos for video Killing Machine: US defense budget blooms far from race frontline Распространите это видео как можно шире! Спецвыпуск. Турецкий гамбит Гамбит -- разновидность шахматного дебюта, когда одна из сторон жертвует пешку или фигуру для быстрейшего развития, захвата центра или просто для обострения игры. В то время как Сирия продолжает борьбу с бандами повстанцев, вокруг нее ситуация принимает все более тревожный характер. Настолько тревожный, что дает нам основания полагать -- развязка не за горами. Сейчас главным провокатором в регионе, безусловно, выступает ближайший сосед Сирии -- Турция. Именно эта страна, путем проведения нехитрой провокации, добилась юридического права на вторжение на территорию Сирии. Однако пока что его не реализовала. И это не смотря на то, что после первого инцидента с попаданием якобы сирийских снарядов на территорию Турции, произошло уже 6 аналогичных случаев. Если основываться на турецкой версии, то получится, будто Асад сам напрашивается на полномасштабный военный ответ Турции, обстреливая ее территорию с периодичностью раз в два дня. Правда, это звучит нелепо? Особенно, принимая во внимание осторожность, являющуюся отличительной чертой сирийского президента. Поэтому, если следовать логике, то все обстрелы с территории Сирии являются чередой провокаций, призванных поддерживать градус напряженности в регионе. Для тех, кто внимательно наблюдает за событиями вопрос о том, станет ли Сирия объектом иностранного военного вмешательства не стоит. Главный вопрос в том -- когда это случится. У нас есть соображения <b>...</b> Author: MrEsuper Duration: 10:00
Photos for video Мировой передел. Обзор за неделю 49 (15.10.12-21.10.12)
I Got 99 Problems But Mitt Aint One ! - Barack Obama *Created By: DiranLyons *DOWNLOAD LINK* *Lyrics* Lately I've been listening to a lot of Jay Z If your having bank problems , I feel bad for you son I've got 99 problems but Mitt's not one I got protestors saying are economy rolls & my wall street brothers' one occupied close You b*tches keep saying no change, no hopes I work for the bank stupid, what types of threats are those ? The gas pumps where your whole pay check goes Its been a long time since you was having cash-flow So f*ck my critics you can kiss my gas Or if you don't like my lyrics then you can hit the road Who cares about the polls in this election ? A show, if you want to vote for Mitt, I don't give a sh*t So the news mags try to use my weak ass So advertisements gives them more cash for ads F*ckers I don't know what you take me as But understand the intelligence Obama has We go from riches to rags b*tches I aint dumb I've got 99 problems but Mitt's not one ! [Chorus} 99 problems but Mitt's not one With all your bank problems I feel bad for you son Ive got 99 problems but Mitt's not one Hit me ! The year is 2009 and the White House is mine But the economy is in full motherf*cking decline My choices at the time was to sh*t on the poor Or fillate the bank to get elected once more Now I'm not trying to fight JB Morgan Chase Got their campaign dollars so I can win the race So I suck their d*ck and watch the country implode I heard "son do you know how <b>...</b> Author: Barack Obama Duration: 2:35
Photos for video Barack Obama - 99 Problems (Explicit Parody) W/Lyrics [Extended]
Singer Jessica Sanchez performs the Marvin Gaye classic at the 2012 Democratic National Convention. Jessica Sanchez: For complete coverage of the 2012 Democratic National Convention: Author: WhiteHouseWatch Duration: 3:54
Photos for video Jessica Sanchez Performs "You're All I Need To Get By" At Democratic National Convention
Видео с Олимпийских игр в Лондоне. Светлые Силы побеждают!))))))))))) http Author: Rasvet Slavyan Duration: 1:13
Photos for video Флаг США не выдержал соседства с Братскими флагами!
Please help Luke and LIKE his Facebook page! where you can also reserve an advanced autographed copy of his upcoming hit book due out in 2012 and learn about his new company hiring veterans, Archangel Security Service. "Luke One is just what America's returning Vets need." - Ken Sheetz, CEO BuzzBroz Video by Director Ken Sheetz Filmed on location at spiritual retreat http Author: BuzzBroz Duration: 3:14
Photos for video Veteran Hiring Veterans! Inspirational
Neil Diamond - a 2011 Kennedy Center Honoree - was honored in a ceremony at the White House by President Barack Obama. Neil Diamond is an American singer-songwriter with a career spanning over five decades from the 1960s until the present. As of 2001, Diamond had sold over 115 million records worldwide including 48 million in the United States alone. He is considered to be the third most successful adult contemporary artist ever on the Billboard chart behind Barbra Streisand and Elton John. His songs have been covered internationally by countless performers of all musical genres. Diamond was inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame in 1984 and into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2011. Additionally, he received the Sammy Cahn Lifetime Achievement Award in 2000. He has eight number one hit singles with "Cracklin Rosie", "Song Sung Blue", "Desiree", "You Don't Bring Me Flowers", "Love On The Rocks", "America", "Yesterday's Songs", and "Heartlight". Diamond continues to record and release new material and maintains an extensive touring schedule as well. Read Neil Diamond's full bio here: Join the conversation on Facebook Follow The Daily Conversation on Twitter Author: TheDailyConversation Duration: 2:08
Photos for video Neil Diamond Honored At The White House
On Tuesday's Riz Khan we look at the de-humanisation of war as robot combat gathers momentum, and we explore the legal implications of the latest advances in military technology. Author: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 22:29
Photos for video Riz Khan - Fighting wars by remote control
US President Barack Obama arrived Oslo, Norway, December 10 2009. Motorcade through Drammensveien in the city centre / USAs president Barack Obama i Oslo 10.desember 2009. Bilkortesjen kommer kj Author: ruscetta76 Duration: 4:05
The Republicans and Democrats play for the same team. It is all window dressing to keep us divided cheering for our 'Red' team or our 'Blue' team when in reality, they are of the same cloth. There is no change. It is the same basic message only it is now delivered with a new eloquence. If we are to put our wedge issues aside and listen to our conscience to what is just, what is right and if we are to judge a tree by the fruit it bears we can clearly see that our government is rotting on the branch. The players of each team will never enact any accountability on each other. The people of this country must demand it. Subscribe to our videos so that you are notified when ever we make a new video! Visit: Music by Trillion/Jody Lloyd We encourage you to copy and repost this and any of our videos in the hope of educating more people. Every ripple counts. Author: puppetgovcom Duration: 10:01
This is a superbly shot piece that depicts the Changing of the Guard at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia. The guards switch every hour on the hour 24hours a day, 365 Days a Year. Indeed, the only video since Barack Obama has been in office! Author: blackcivicsi Duration: 10:18
Photos for video Tomb of the Unknown Soldier-Changing of the Guard-Arlington National Cemetery - Canadian comedian Greg Morton weighs in on the current financial crisis and how President Obama plans to get us out of it. Author: martyspears Duration: 3:22
Photos for video BOB&TOM TV: "Obama Man" by Greg Morton