Интервью Голос России 27.11.2012. Какие геополитические задачи будут решать США, Китай и Россия. Подробнее по ссылке docme.ru Author: systeemtheorie Duration: 49:23
Photos for video Андрей Фурсов - Как изменится мир в ближайшие годы
Election Main Shorter: bitly.com - Thanks for the LIKE/FAV! Watch Kids React to the Election here: bit.ly SUBSCRIBE! New REACT episodes every Sunday: bit.ly Watch All React Episodes (incl. Kids React & Elders React) bit.ly Watch our new show MyMusic! www.youtube.com 4:00 - Campaign Spending 7:40 - Binders full of Women 11:54 - Unemployment 13:37 - War in Afghanistan 14:26 - Does it feel like we're at war? 15:32 - Would you go to War? 15:58 - Do you like talking Politics? 17:17 - Why so difficult to discuss Politics? 18:07 - Have you never not voted? 20:29 - Advice for Candidates? For the first time ever we present the first multi-generational episode of REACT. We're proud to feature both Teens and Elders reacting together in the first multi-generational episode of "React". It is important to capture the pulse of the country so we can look back one day and reflect on the issues that were facing our world. Leave video ideas in the comments or at our Facebook below of what you want us to show the Kids, Teens, or Elders next! Created and Directed by Benny & Rafi Fine (The Fine Brothers) MAIN CHANNEL: www.youtube.com SECOND CHANNEL: www.youtube.com FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com TWITTER:www.twitter.com GOOGLE+: www.gplus.to T-SHIRTS: www.thefinebros.spreadshirt.com IPHONE APP itunes.apple.com PINTEREST- www.pinterest.com WEEKLY PODCAST: tinyurl.com SEND US STUFF: TheFineBros PO BOX 4324 Valley Village, CA 91617-4324 ----------------------------- VIDEO FEATURES IN THIS EPISODE: We <b>...</b> Author: TheFineBros Duration: 22:54
Photos for video EXTENDED - Teens/Elders React to Election 2012
A must see for all truthers, christians and muslims alike. Please help in sharing this video before it gets taken down. The world is being set for the next false flag event, a nuclear world war! Of which, Barack Obama (the Leopard) is the one orchestrating it. For many, the truth may seem stranger than fiction, but my hope is that this video may open the eyes of you who are in darkness and to provide those who are awake the answers you are looking for. Be prepared, the FIRE is about to RISE and the man of perdition is about to be REVEALED! For better understanding of things to come please watch some of my earlier videos recommended below: -- Hurricane Sandy - The beginning of Sorrows (BIRTH OF THE NEW RACE) www.youtube.com -- The Olympic Ceremonies EXPOSED Full Playlist: www.youtube.com -- Satanism in the Industry: www.youtube.com -- This video includes a collection of all my work so far, including clips from Jonathan and Clay's DNArk Pheonix rising series, plus loads more new material yet unseen. Many hours have been put into making this video so I ask if you could all do your part and share this video with as many people as you can. Thank you and God Bless. "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in the heavenly places." - Ephesians 6:12 Author: scrawny2brawny Duration: 73:22
Photos for video The Great Deception: Obama and the Coming War *PLEASE SHARE*
David Mitchell is going forward with another rant, about 'going forward'. LIKE David Mitchell on Facebook @ on.fb.me David Mitchell's Soapbox DVD @ amzn.to ABOUT DAVID MITCHELL'S SOAPBOX: David Mitchell, star of UK TV favourites Peep Show and That Mitchell and Webb Look, brings us his unique perspective on the issues facing men of the world today. Author: davidmitchellsoapbox Duration: 2:13
Photos for video Going Forward | David Mitchell's Soapbox
США в качестве жеста доброй воли все-таки передали России секретную информацию о компонентах европейской системы противоракетной обороны. В свою очередь, Москва сочла "бесполезной и несущественной" секретную информацию о компонентах ПРО. Читайте также: Пуск противоракеты США в Европе может вызвать ответный удар www.pravda.ru Насколько боеспособна российская ПРО? www.pravda.ru Отчаявшись договориться с Вашингтоном, Москва готовит наступление на информационном фронте. В начале мая Минобороны предъявит доказательства потенциальной опасности ЕвроПРО для российских ядерных сил. Это будет сделано на международной конференции с участием военных и экспертов со всего мира. США придется подыскивать новые аргументы для обоснования реализации своих планов по ПРО. По мнению опрошенных Правдой.Ру экспертов, американцы и не могут передать Москве никакой важной информации по ПРО. Даже своим союзникам по НАТО Вашингтон не передает ничего серьезного. Между тем в Москве дали понять, что сведения по телеметрике противоракет представляют немалый интерес, поскольку позволяют определить, могут ли они угрожать ее собственным межконтинентальным баллистическим ракетам. Author: pravda Duration: 1:34
Photos for video Россия готовит разоблачения ЕвроПРО
President Obama announced that US troops will begin withdrawing from Iraq by the end of 2011. The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur compares the mainstream media reporting on the topic versus the reality. The Young Turks on Current TV: current.com The Largest Online New Show in the World. Google+: www.gplus.to Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com Support TYT for FREE: bit.ly Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 6:16
Photos for video MSM Fails on Obama Iraq Troop Withdrawal
CLICK to share this on FACEBOOK! on.fb.me CLICK TO TWEET THIS! :) clicktotweet.com Buy this on iTunes! itunes.apple.com Produced by: Stevie Levine - www.twitter.com Written and Edited by: Iman Crosson Please SUBSCRIBE to be notified of new videos! www.youtube.com LIKE my fanpage :) - www.facebook.com Follow me on Twitter - www.twitter.com Tumblr: imancrosson.tumblr.com Google Plus! - http My other channel - www.youtube.com My videos on Blip.tv! - www.blip.tv CAST: Barack Obama: Iman Crosson - youtube.com Michelle Obama - www.youtube.com Joe Biden: Steve Greene - www.youtube.com Herman Cain: Andre Meadows - www.youtube.com Rick Perry: Seth Hendrix - www.youtube.com Mitt Romney: Kevin Brueck - www.youtube.com Secret Service: Brett Sturgis Engels Santana I'm goin' In Parody Track by - Fozoh Saliki www.youtube.com Music Courtesy of Kevin Macleod www.incompetech.com Author: Alphacat Duration: 5:19
Photos for video Barack Obama - IM GONNA WIN! (I'm Goin' In - SPOOF) Now on iTunes!
Fire omggg. Twitter: twitter.com Facebook Group: www.facebook.com chat roulette chatroulette chatroulette.com prank improv piano merlin web funny comedy makemebad35 makemebad reactions shane dawson shanedawson pianochat chatrt viral video messing with people exorcist last omegle torture justin bieber barack obama collegehumor college humor hot girls jimmy dead guy ray william johnson raywilliamjohnson nigahiga fun south park eye live chats perverts trolling strip stripper meme Author: MagicofRahat Duration: 7:43
New TYT Network channels: www.youtube.com www.youtube.com New TYT Facebook Page(!): www.facebook.com Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com www.theyoungturks.com DISCOUNTS: www.theyoungturks.com FREE Movies(!): www.netflix.com Note: The above two links are for TYT sponsors. Read Ana's blog and subscribe at: www.examiner.com TYT Network (new WTF?! channel): www.youtube.com Check Out TYT Interviews www.youtube.com Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 4:34
Photos for video Poll: End The Afghanistan War Now
Michael Savage on Larry King Homo Baiting Bill O'Reilly Obama sympathizer & Dylan Ratigan declaring Tea Parties racist Author: rocknrollfriday Duration: 6:30
Photos for video Michael Savage on Larry King Bill O'Reilly & Dylan Ratigan
infowars-shop.stores.yahoo.net Former Governor Jesse Ventura talks with Alex Jones about his upcoming truTV show 'Conspiracy Theories' and his take on current events. IN PART TWO of the interview, Jesse and Alex discuss Obama's falling poll numbers, something Ventura points out he experienced as Governor of Minnesota, but wasn't too bothered by- a function, he believes, of widespread disatisfaction with single issues, and general partisanship. Ventura criticizes the Republican National Convention in Minnesota during the 2008 election cycle which, much like the DNC in Denver, put in place a 'martial law'-like police state, including storm troopers and razor wire to control dissent, and forcing attendees to go through massive security just to attend the event. By contrast, the vastly successful 'Rally for the Republic' counter-convention held by Ron Paul-- at which Ventura also spoke-- had no more security than would an everyday basketball game. That freedom went hand in hand with the open and free talk that took place from figures Ventura says can actually be honest with the American people (unlike those in the major parties). Jesse Ventura also blasted the 9/11 Commission Report which he compared to the Warren Commission Report which likewise sought to cover-up the truth of what happened. At some point, Ventura says, the Government decided that the people would NOT hear the truth about 9/11. He points out that Jonathan Farmer, lawyer for the 9/11 Commission, has come out <b>...</b> Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 8:50
Photos for video Fmr Gov. Ventura talks about shocking 9/11 Commission revelations
This is a superbly shot piece that depicts the Changing of the Guard at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia. The guards switch every hour on the hour 24hours a day, 365 Days a Year. Indeed, the only video since Barack Obama has been in office! Author: blackcivicsi Duration: 10:18
Photos for video Tomb of the Unknown Soldier-Changing of the Guard-Arlington National Cemetery