Barack Obama, the president of the United States, has taken a public oath of office to begin his second term in office, a day after officially affirming the duties of president in a private White House ceremony. Hundreds of thousands gathered at the National Mall in Washington DC on Monday to witness the president take an oath to "protect and defend" the US constitution. In his second inaugural address, Obama declared that a decade of US wars was ending and that the country's economy was on the road to recovery. Al Jazeera's Patty Culhane reports from Washington DC. Author: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 1:52
Photos for video US President Obama sworn in for second term
Интервью Голос России 27.11.2012. Какие геополитические задачи будут решать США, Китай и Россия. Подробнее по ссылке Author: systeemtheorie Duration: 49:23
Photos for video Андрей Фурсов - Как изменится мир в ближайшие годы
*** LATEST: Jill Stein arrested at site of Hofstra debate *** The money-ruled American political system has a pretty straight-ahead Wall Street agenda and is designed to eliminate opposition the way dictatorships do, Jill Stein, the US presidential candidate for the Green Party, shared with RT - FULL SCRIPT at RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark. Author: RussiaToday Duration: 11:55
Photos for video Jill Stein: US political system hostile to Americans
Ron Paul is the ONLY candidate opposing the corrupt Federal Reserve System, the unjust Income Tax, and the ONLY ONE that will actually bring the troops home. Dr. Paul has received more support from the troops than ALL the other candidates COMBINED. Ron Paul is our LAST and ONLY HOPE to avert the impending Third World War that is now being planned by the banksters and warmongers of the ruling elite. This video was originally posted here: PEACE AND LOVE to all Author: jdogsful Duration: 11:55
Photos for video The World is Endorsing Ron Paul For President in 2012
Under Obama's term as president there has been more people prosecuted for whistle blowing than all other US presidents combined. Bradley Manning, the latest whistle blower, is being held on trial for releasing video exposing a US Apache helicopter shooting and killing civilians and journalists in Baghdad. Some say Manning is a hero, but he is being charged with aiding the enemy. Susan Lindauer, former CIA asset, gives us her taking on whistle blowing. Follow Liz on Twitter at Author: RTAmerica Duration: 8:28
Photos for video Whistleblowers being demonized in the US?
This LIVE Sunday edition serves as a red alert, a warning that America is slipping into a Soviet-style nightmare. In this special broadcast, Alex urges listeners to realize the grave choice we must all make-- to face up to the harsh realities happening around us, or ignore it and allow the country and globe to slip into total tyranny. It is all happening now-- from a Pentagon-led takeover of the Internet and bills authorizing the clamp down of free speech online to a military takeover in the homeland, emboldened by NDAA legislation authorizing the indefinite detention of Americans without trial and a martial law emergency response grid. Preparations are in place to launch World War III and totally supplant the Constitutional basis for legitimate government in the free world. Don't miss this call to action; tell your friends and family to tune in for this special Sunday appeal to reason, an attempt to stop what is happening in its tracks before it is too late. Your calls are also welcome. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 14:20
Photos for video Red Alert: Classical Tyranny and Usurpation - Alex Jones Sunday Edition 1/6
From the Majority Report, live MF 11:30am EST and via daily podcast at Majority.FM The White House has said that President Obama will not veto the National Defense Authorization Act or NDAA. The bill allows the military to detain and imprison American citizens indefinitely without trial. Author: SamSeder Duration: 4:21
Photos for video NDAA: an Astonishing Attack on Our Civil Liberties
From: October 05, 2011 - Rep. Ron Paul on Christie's 2012 decision, President Obama.FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 USC section 106A-117 of the US Copyright Law. Author: PigMine3 Duration: 5:49
Photos for video Ron Paul On Christie, Obama Impeachment
All politicians sound good running for office, but we need to look at their actions, NOT their words. George HW Bush - George W. Bush - Barack Obama. Three different men, three similar Presidents. Top 3 Obama Excuses 1. Give him time - The Job is 4 years long. He has been in almost a year. I think he has had plenty of time. 2. He is better then McCain - I agree, but that is not saying much. He is not better then Ron Paul or Dennis Kucinich. Has it not been made abundantly clear that this fake Democrat and Republican thing is a complete and utter joke? They all act like they have all the answers when they have no control, but when they get in office they mess it up. This has been the same sick joke for about 4 decades now. 3. He inherited a bad job I agree, but he is not going in a different direction than we were already headed. If he were changing course I think we all would and should be more patient. The facts clearly state otherwise. FACT: (google any of these topics and you will see several articles confirming these. It is not my job to do your research and many of these are already in the video itself being reported by the mainstream media. That is how bad it is right now. Even they cant cover for all this nonsense.) The economy is worse now after his stimulus. Unemployment went to over 10% even after the stimulus when they said it would not get that high if we passed it. Guantanamo Bay is not going to be closed on time, if at all. He is not getting us out of Iraq <b>...</b> Author: therealweeklynews Duration: 11:00
The Legend Crooner Andy Williams singing Moon River on his show. The earliest ever recorded by him. Enjoy the show folks. God bless Andy Williams and us all. Amen. Author: burtmurdoch Duration: 2:55
Photos for video Andy Williams - Moon River (Year 1961)