Share this: OFA.BO Tweet this: OFA.BO Eric Smalls wrote a letter to the President, this is his story. Dear Mr. President, My name is Eric Smalls. At a young age I was inspired by NASA and their expeditions to the moon. As a career I would love to build robots to explore the first earth-like planets and beyond. However, when I was three years old my mother passed away due to breast cancer. For several months my family was homeless and forced to live out of a car. With my dad doing his best to take care of my sister and I, those years were very difficult and college was just a pipe dream. As we lived paycheck to paycheck, the three of us shared two dollars a day for food. Some days, my sister and I were faced with choosing between going to school or eating that day. For a while I feared I might never be able to achieve my dreams. But I was motivated to change my circumstance. I got back on my feet and went to live in Philadelphia with my grandmother. I started attending an engineering and science academy in North Philly. I was determined to achieve my dreams. It was largely due to your STEM initiatives that I found my calling as the President of the robotics club at my high school. I became thoroughly motivated no matter how hard life became around me. Today, I can say that I'm well on my way to achieving my dreams and that your education initiatives are helping make it possible. Your doubling of Pell Grants have made college more affordable for students like me. This year <b>...</b> Author: BarackObamadotcom Duration: 3:00
Record deaths by UAVs makes Obama Drone King, CNN paid by government of Bahrain to spread propaganda, Venezuela prepares for presidential election LIKE Breaking the Set @ FOLLOW Abby Martin @ EPISODE BREAKDOWN: On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin talks about Obama's kill list which one official has called a macabre "baseball card" set of "terrorists." Abby talks to Andy Roth of Project Censored for a look back at the year anniversary of the drone assassination that killed Anwar al-Aulaqi and his teenage son, both of which were American citizens, and a discusses the dangers of Obama's drone wars. Abby then interviews former CNN Investigative Reporter, Amber Lyon, about CNN's corrupt media empire, calling into question a media establishment where censorship can be bought. BTS wraps up with a look at the upcoming elections in Venezuela, highlighting the successes and controversies that have led to this critical election. Author: breakingtheset Duration: 28:03
Photos for video [21] Obama Drone King, Dictators Sponsor CNN, Venezuela's Elections | Breaking The Set
Секретные материалы: Основной инстинкт Хилари. • Шерон Стоун или серая мышка Хиллари. Мечты и реалии госсекретаря. • Открытие интернета для нужд дипломатии. Скромное обаяние первой леди. • Хиллари Клинтон 20 лет спустя. Цифровое облако оранжевых революций. • Куда ни кинь, повсюду Клинтон. Спасибо Моника. Вау - возглас пахнущий смертью. • Россия в объятиях биоробота и всё под контролем в программе "Основной инстинкт Хиллари" Участники: Игорь Князькин, Валерий Островский, Наталья Цветкова. Передача из цикла «Секретные материалы» телеканала «Мир» 14 марта 2012 года. Все тайное становится явным! Хотите узнать правду? Побывать за кулисами большой политики? Понять, что на самом деле происходит в мире? Увидеть подоплеку событий? Сенсационные разоблачения и тайны элиты. Парадоксы истории и зашифрованные открытия. Вход в круг посвященных только на телеканале «Мир» в программе «Секретные материалы». Author: Conspiracy Theory Duration: 25:56
Photos for video ОСНОВНОЙ ИНСТИНКТ ХИЛАРИ - Секретные материалы 14.03.12 - Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Chris Hedges has filed suit against President Obama and Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta to challenge the legality of the National Defense Authorization Act, which includes controversial provisions authorizing the military to jail anyone it considers a terrorism suspect anywhere in the world, without charge or trial. Sections of the bill are written so broadly that critics say they could encompass journalists who report on terror-related issues, such as Hedges, for supporting enemy forces. "It is clearly unconstitutional," Hedges says of the bill. "It is a huge and egregious assault against our democracy. It overturns over 200 years of law, which has kept the military out of domestic policing." We speak with Hedges, now a senior fellow at the Nation Institute, and former New York Times foreign correspondent who was part of a team of reporters that was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 2002 for the paper's coverage of global terrorism. We are also joined by Hedges' attorney Carl Mayer, who filed the litigation on his behalf in the US District Court for the Southern District of New York. Towatch the complete daily, independent news hour, read the transcript, download the podcast, and for additional coverage of the NDAA and civil liberties issues, visit the Democracy Now! news archives at FOLLOW DEMOCRACY NOW! ONLINE: Facebook: Twitter: @democracynow Subscribe on YouTube: <b>...</b> Author: democracynow Duration: 12:11
Photos for video Chris Hedges Sues Obama Admin Over Indefinite Detention of US Citizens Approved in NDAA
From the Majority Report, live MF 11:30am EST and via daily podcast at Majority.FM The White House has said that President Obama will not veto the National Defense Authorization Act or NDAA. The bill allows the military to detain and imprison American citizens indefinitely without trial. Author: SamSeder Duration: 4:21
Photos for video NDAA: an Astonishing Attack on Our Civil Liberties
Barack Hussein Obama captured and killed Osama Bin Laden... Then he dumped his body into the sea...!!! Is one hand washing the other? Are Obama and Osama two sides of the same coin? Is the Global Power Elite setting the stage for a horrible False Flag attack that will dwarf 9/11??? Author: Adrian Salbuchi Duration: 9:07
Photos for video Obama Gets Osama!! - Special Report by Adrian Salbuchi, 2nd May 2011
war in iran already USA wants to start another war, Iran RIP George Carlin the modern philosopher there is not such things as rights lol btw watch 9/11 inside job Author: takeresponsability Duration: 9:16
Photos for video lol rights *you don't have rights* *RIP George Carlin*