Barack Obama and Michelle Obama Dance at Inauguration Ball | Jennifer Hudson | Jason Wu Dress Obama's Dance at 2013 Commander in Chief Ball Presidential Inauguration | Jennifer Hudson Singing Barack Obama and Michelle Obama Dance at Inauguration Ball to Jennifer Hudson "Let's Stay Together"President Obama introduced his "dance partner," first lady Michelle Obama, as she emerged on stage at the Commander-in-Chief's Ball in a long red dress, saying, "she inspires me every day." They danced to "Let's Stay Together," performed by Jennifer Hudson. Obama famously sang a line from the song at an Apollo Theater fundraiser a year ago. First lady Michelle Obama wore wearing a custom ruby-colored chiffon and velvet gown by Jason Wu. The was paired with a handmade diamond embellished ring by jewelry designer Kimberly McDonald, and shoes by Jimmy Choo. At the end of the inaugural festivities, the first lady's outfit and accompanying accessories will go to the National Archives. Author: SVNewsToday Duration: 7:11
Photos for video President Obama,First Lady Michelle Dance Inaugural Ball, Jennifer Hudson's 'Let's Stay Together'
On the powerful Thursday, December 6 edition of Infowars Live, radio host Alex Jones dissolves the over-hyped rhetoric poured over the alleged Syrian chemical weapons threat being used to justify military intervention. He'll also break down the privacy violations perpetrated against the American people by drones already conducting domestic surveillance in non-restricted skies throughout the country. CHECK OUT [INFOWARS THE MAGAZINE] Buy it as a Gift or Order one for Yourself. ProPur Water Filtration Receive 15% off with promo code WATER15 - Good Until Dec 10th Alex Jones teams up with ProPur to provide you with the new gold standard of water filtration systems. ProPur takes the traditional gravity filtration systems and updates it for the 21st century. The ProPur Water Purification Systems with its new carbon domed filters are stronger and last longer than anything currently on the market. sign up today and share your UserID/Passcode with 4 extra people! Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 51:17
Photos for video Obama's George Bush Pre-War Invasion Moment
Rachel Maddow reviews John McCain's record of bad advice and wrong facts on foreign policy and recommends the Republican Party, desperate for a foreign policy identity, look to someone else for leadership. From the November 19th, 2012 edition of The Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC. Author: Panzerfaust04 Duration: 17:43
Photos for video McCain no substitute for basic competence on foreign policy - The Rachel Maddow Show (Nov. 19, 2012)
THE iTUNES LINK! - NEW TANK TOPS! - Join us LIVE on Mondays @ 11AM PST on SUBMIT YOUR WTKGTS BANNER! (4ft. tall x 6ft. wide) Send to: PO Box 66580 Los Angeles, CA 90066 OUR CHANNELS! WTKGTS FACEBOOK! WTKGTS TWITTER! OUR TWITTERS! THEME SONG BY TERABRITE! OTHER STUFF! Google+ Facebook: Instagram: SHOE! SHIRTS at Rodeo Arcade: OUR WEBSITE: Author: WhenTheKidsGoToSleep Duration: 54:30
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Share this: OFA.BO Tweet this: OFA.BO Eric Smalls wrote a letter to the President, this is his story. Dear Mr. President, My name is Eric Smalls. At a young age I was inspired by NASA and their expeditions to the moon. As a career I would love to build robots to explore the first earth-like planets and beyond. However, when I was three years old my mother passed away due to breast cancer. For several months my family was homeless and forced to live out of a car. With my dad doing his best to take care of my sister and I, those years were very difficult and college was just a pipe dream. As we lived paycheck to paycheck, the three of us shared two dollars a day for food. Some days, my sister and I were faced with choosing between going to school or eating that day. For a while I feared I might never be able to achieve my dreams. But I was motivated to change my circumstance. I got back on my feet and went to live in Philadelphia with my grandmother. I started attending an engineering and science academy in North Philly. I was determined to achieve my dreams. It was largely due to your STEM initiatives that I found my calling as the President of the robotics club at my high school. I became thoroughly motivated no matter how hard life became around me. Today, I can say that I'm well on my way to achieving my dreams and that your education initiatives are helping make it possible. Your doubling of Pell Grants have made college more affordable for students like me. This year <b>...</b> Author: BarackObamadotcom Duration: 3:00
President Obama and Governor Romney share some friendly banter over the phone as their running mates debate on TV. Subscribe NOW to Late Night with Jimmy Fallon: Watch Late Night With Jimmy Fallon Weeknights 1235/11:35c Get more Jimmy Fallon: Follow Jimmy: Like Jimmy: Get more Late Night with Jimmy Fallon: Follow Late Night: Like Late Night: Late Night Tumblr: Full Episodes: Get more NBC: Full Episodes: NBC YouTube: Follow NBC: Like NBC: NBC Pinterest: NBC Tumblr: Romney & Obama Watch The VP Debate Together (Jimmy Fallon) Author: latenight Duration: 5:07
Photos for video Romney & Obama Watch The VP Debate Together (Jimmy Fallon)
Part 1 Marc Faber Vs. Jim Rogers. Marc Faber Interview with CNBC Futures Now Dr. Faber on Debate 'I think both Romney and Obama would be a disaster' Part 2: FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 USC section 106A-117 of the US Copyright Law Author: ogchris100 Duration: 6:55
Photos for video CNBC: Marc Faber 'Global Crash Coming!' 10/4/2012
Международная пресса живо отреагировала на последнее высказывание Александра Лукашенко о гомосексуальности, обсуждение началось и на различных форумах и сайтах. Слова Лукашенко о вещах, которых находятся «за границами его понимания» облетели всю планету. Немецкий Der Spiegel отмечает, что слова Лукашенко сказаны «слишком поздно и неубедительны», а крупнейший гей-ресурс в США, пишет об извинениях Лукашенко в адрес Вестервелле, но напоминает о словах президента Беларуси, сказанных ранее, в которых он собирался всех геев отправлять в колхозы. Author: RussianChanel Duration: 1:12
Photos for video Самый прикольный ролик про Лукашенко!
Danish TV Host Mocks Obama for His Rhetoric !! Barack Obama and the US has a lot of close and strong allies in the world. And all small countries punches above their weight according to the president. From the show Detektor, Danish Broadcasting Corporation DR. Host is Thomas Buch-Andersen. ................................................................................................ For more Breaking News Plse Subscribe here My Channel Link My Breaking News Playlist Link ................................................................................................ MegaQuakeTracker Keeping you up to date with Lates Quakes M6+ .............................................................................................. .......................** NEW REALITY SHOW ** ............................. ....................... * The Bug Out Bachelor *............................... See Here .............................................................................................. Stay Up to Date with the New Reality Show Preparation - Sneak Previews Start - Mid April Pre-Launch - May And the Bug Out Bachelor Will Go Live June .................................................................................. Subscribe Now To Be First To Know Post this link to your facebooks, etc, A soon as there is 100 000 subscribers ( we guess 2mnths ), Show launch June <b>...</b> Author: pokertron Duration: 3:50
Photos for video Danish TV Host Mocks Obama for His Rhetoric !!
More: Obama's death panels. A "committee" who knows nothing about medicine will have to approve your operation if you're over 70, presumed to be no longer useful. Don't fool yourself Obamacare will include death panels. Author: L. J. Martin Duration: 5:54
Please Subscribe to GloZell on YouTube. Please Like GloZell's Official Fan Page. Please Follow GloZell on Twitter. Is politics the Circle of Lies? Do you believe everything the News is telling us about Obama and Osama? Author: glozell1 Duration: 1:07
Photos for video Da Lying King? Circle of Lies? ... By GloZell