Barack Obama and the fiscal cliff The so-called fiscal cliff refers to a combination of severe tax increases and spending cuts due to kick in automatically in January if the president and Congress don't find a compromise plan to cut the deficit first. President Barack Obama and House of Representatives speaker John Boehner met Sunday to discuss the so-called impending fiscal cliff of steep tax hikes and spending cuts. No details of the talks were given, but a statement from Boehner's office said "the lines of communication remain open." Visual report live from the scene of events, between 3 seconds and two minutes long. 4 news reports daily broadcast from 6.15 am. An in-depth report on a major news issue. More FRANCE24 reports: Author: france24english Duration: 3:01
Photos for video Barack Obama met House of Representatives speaker John Boehner to discuss the fiscal cliff В районе Астория, в Нью-Йоркском Куинсе, с давних пор здесь обосновалась одна из крупнейших в США греческих общин, которая испытывает всё большую тревогу в связи с кризисом на исторической родине. Некоторые надеются, что Обама подтолкнёт европейских лидеров к решению проблемы. Другие полагают, что приоритетом Америки будут внутренние проблемы, а не борьба ЕС за спасение евро и европейской мечты. Author: euronewsru Duration: 8:06
Photos for video euronews reporter - США - ЕС: взаимозависимость в условиях кризиса
Rachel Maddow reviews John McCain's record of bad advice and wrong facts on foreign policy and recommends the Republican Party, desperate for a foreign policy identity, look to someone else for leadership. From the November 19th, 2012 edition of The Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC. Author: Panzerfaust04 Duration: 17:43
Photos for video McCain no substitute for basic competence on foreign policy - The Rachel Maddow Show (Nov. 19, 2012)
Вступайте в группу: Новостной видеокаст о самых интересных событиях недели от создателя Droider Show Бориса Веденского. В этом выпуске про всемогущего Шойгу и отставку Сердюкова, выборы Обамы и курение марихуаны в Вашингтоне. Author: vedensky Duration: 4:55
Photos for video ОффТОП Шоу #22. Шойгу против Обамы!
Obama Owns Romney On Military "We Have Things Called Aircraft Carriers" Flip Flop We also Have Fewer Horses and Bayonets Noting Romney's past criticism that the US Navy doesn't have as big a fleet as it used to, Obama said, "We also have fewer horses and bayonets because the nature of our military has changed. We have something called aircraft carriers, where planes land on them. We also have ships that go underwater, nuclear submarines. So the question is not a game of Battleship, or counting ships, it's what are our capabilities?" During debate on military. "Horses and bayonets": An undeniably awesome band name idea, and Obama's best zinger in the first half of the presidential debate on foreign policy. Romney blasted Obama for cutting military funding by $1 trillion, saying the Navy needs more ships, the Air Force needs newer and more planes, and the country can no longer afford to two conflicts. Obama called Romney's military vision outdated. While the Navy may have fewer ships than it did in 1917, Obama said, "We also have fewer horses and bayonets." The exchange came after the candidates veered so far off topic that moderator Bob Schieffer chastised: "Let's get back to foreign policy." Fewer Horses and Bayonets Author: pointblankperiods Duration: 2:02
Photos for video Obama Owns Romney On Military "We Have Things Called Aircraft Carriers" Flip Flop Romney Bayonets
Help build this campaign: OFA.BO Vice President Joe Biden Biography Video - 2012 Democratic National Convention Video Author: BarackObamadotcom Duration: 7:47
Photos for video Vice President Joe Biden's Story - 2012 Democratic National Convention Video
ВОПРОС - Какой компьютер и в чем рисую? @ ОТВЕТ - Компьютер: CPU Intel Core i5 2500, PCI-E2 GeForce GTX570, MB ASUS P8Z68-V, DDR3 4G 1333MHz Kingston x3, PSU 800W FSP Epsilon, HDD 3Tb WD. Рисую на планшете Genius G-Pen F610 и в программе Adobe Photoshop CS5. Мой сайт - ФУТБОЛКИ - Мой основной канал - Мой второй канал - Мой Твиттер - Группа Вконтакте - Группа Steam - Мои кошельки для желающих меня немного поддержать (да, я наивный) Яндекс Деньги: 41001886424383 WebMoney: R147910088790 Z169617211390 Author: gagatunLive Duration: 8:06
Photos for video ВОПРОСЫ@ОТВЕТЫ - Какой компьютер и в чем рисую?
Watch in True HD: Twitter: Facebook: Mariah Carey headlined a star-studded concert in the nation's capitol over the weekend. The annual Christmas In Washington special, which took place on Sunday at DC's National Building Museum, was filmed to air on TNT later this week. The mom-to-be said that performing at the event was "an honor," and with the recent release of her Merry Christmas II You album, she called the whole thing "the perfect way to highlight this holiday season." The event was hosted by comedienne Ellen DeGeneres and featured performances from Matthew Morrison, Miranda Cosgrove and Maxwell. President Barack Obama and the First Lady were in attendance as well. ********************HONORS**************************************** #49 - Most Discussed (Today)) - Music #142 - Most Viewed (Today)) - South Africa #79 - Most Viewed (Today)) - Music - Australia #144 - Most Viewed (Today)) - Music - Canada #96 - Most Viewed (Today)) - Music - United Kingdom #189 - Most Viewed (Today)) - Music - Ireland #78 - Most Viewed (Today)) - Music - New Zealand #90 - Most Viewed (Today)) - Music - Israel #114 - Most Viewed (Today)) - Music #14 - Most Viewed (Today)) - Music - South Africa #97 - Most Viewed (Today)) - Music - Argentina #73 - Most Viewed (Today)) - Music - Spain #69 - Most Viewed (Today)) - Music - France Author: MCLAMB4LIFE1 Duration: 4:42
Photos for video Mariah Carey - One Child (Live Christmas In Washington) - 2010
Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith Interview with Barack Obama Barack Obama winner of the Nobel Peace Prize 2009 in Oslo, Norway! Author: AM937 Duration: 4:52
Photos for video Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith - Interview with Barack Obama