Joe Rogan, David Seaman, Abby Martin & Dell Cameron discuss the psychotic behavior of American leaders: From their reckless use of Predator drones to their proposed false flag attacks to justify starting wars. JRE Episode #276 recorded live at Deathsquad Studios on October 16, 2012. Joe Rogan (@joerogan) David Seaman (@d_seaman) http Abby Martin (@abbymartin) Dell Cameron (@dellcam) http redban (@redban) Featured Music Thievery Corporation - Lebanese Blonde (Instrumental) Ratatat - Mi Viejo Ratatat - Flynn Thievery Corporation/Anoushka Shankar - Beloved Rage Against The Machine - Renegades of Funk I do not claim ownership of any video footage, images, music, or audio in this film. Author: FuckTVChannel Duration: 10:01
Photos for video DRONES: The United Sociopaths of America (The Joe Rogan Experience)
Jimmy Kimmel Live - Chris Rock - Message for White Voters Jimmy Kimmel Live: Back to Brooklyn -- Chris Rock - Message for White Voters Jimmy Kimmel Live's YouTube channel features clips and recaps of every episode from the late night TV show on ABC. Subscribe for clips from the monologue, the interviews, and musical performances every day of the week. Watch your favorites parts again, or catch-up on any episodes you may have missed. Website: Channel Subscribe: Author: JimmyKimmelLive Duration: 2:40
Photos for video Chris Rock - Message for White Voters This documentary is about the foreign policy of the United States. It is the second of three parts. It demonstrates the importance of the political economy, the Mafia principle, propaganda, ideology, violence and force. It documents and explains how the policy is based on the interest of major corporations and a tiny elite to increase profits and the United States governments own interests in maintaining and expanding it's imperialistic influence. Inside the United States this has been made possible with a propaganda of fear for the horrible enemies like the Soviet Union, Communists and so on and a love for "free markets", "democracy", "freedom" and so on. Externally (and increasingly internally) this has caused massive poverty and suffering, genocide, war, coups, crushed unions and popular movements and environmental destruction. Author: infiniteinfiniteinfi Duration: 98:57
Photos for video The Power Principle - II: Propaganda, Metanoia-films (Noam Chomsky et al.)
ВОПРОС - Какой компьютер и в чем рисую? @ ОТВЕТ - Компьютер: CPU Intel Core i5 2500, PCI-E2 GeForce GTX570, MB ASUS P8Z68-V, DDR3 4G 1333MHz Kingston x3, PSU 800W FSP Epsilon, HDD 3Tb WD. Рисую на планшете Genius G-Pen F610 и в программе Adobe Photoshop CS5. Мой сайт - ФУТБОЛКИ - Мой основной канал - Мой второй канал - Мой Твиттер - Группа Вконтакте - Группа Steam - Мои кошельки для желающих меня немного поддержать (да, я наивный) Яндекс Деньги: 41001886424383 WebMoney: R147910088790 Z169617211390 Author: gagatunLive Duration: 8:06
Photos for video ВОПРОСЫ@ОТВЕТЫ - Какой компьютер и в чем рисую?
On the Sunday, March 11 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks about the establishment's latest propaganda effort -- Kony 2012 -- as it takes its bankster and war machine into Africa. Alex calls for the arrest of Hollywood darling Angelina Jolie, the CFR "ambassador" who has enthusiastically provided her services as part of a cynical propaganda cover for the next phase of globalist war crimes. He also runs down the latest developments in the effort to hold Obama responsible for High Crimes and Misdemeanors and the latest on the simmering Iran attack. Alex also covers the economy as Obama and the establishment cheerfully claim we are now out of the woods. Obama's campaign against Kony and the LRC was similarly cast as a noble humanitarian gesture -- this time with the spotlight on Kony's use of children combatants -- and the fact that Uganda and much of Africa are considered a prized strategic asset is ignored. Back in 2005, investigative journalist Wayne Madsen reported that the US had major communications and listening stations in Uganda's Ruwenzori Mountains. Since then, Africom has set-up a sprawling operation there. Libya was its first "engagement." In what is now a well-established pattern, the global elite exploited tensions created by the disastrous economic impact of its loan sharking operation and moved to establish a sphere of influence in a region historically dominated by the former colonial powers of France <b>...</b> Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 14:14
Photos for video Obama's KONY 2012 Campaign: "Propaganda on Parade" 3/5
ORIGINAL WND ARTICLE HERE Hear Carl Gallups (narrator) LIVE - every Friday on 1330 WEBY AM - NW Fl Talk Radio. FREEDOM FRIDAY WITH CARL GALLUPS 4-6pm CT - Call in and be a part of the show! CLICK THE LISTEN LIVE LINK NOTE - This video was uploaded to PPSIMMONS with permission from Producer Dylan Wade, the original producer of this video. Author: ppsimmons Duration: 5:36
My tribute to one of our greatest childhood memories finally realized... that the US will never see in a theatrical release. What else is there to say, other than... ENJOY! I do not own the rights to the movie, or music. My hope is that this video will help generate more interest in bringing this film to the US ...or at least a US DVD release. Author: TonyPeesTunes Duration: 3:53
Photos for video Space Battleship Yamato (Live Action) Music Video
President Barak Obama says now is the time to make a change in the Middle East and North Africa. Will he take the peaceful route as he promised back on the campaign trail, though? Musician, poet and playwright Lowkey doubts the President is sincere and that, rather, his message is falling on deaf ears. Obama, says Lowkey, was elected on the promise of being everything George W. Bush wasn't. Donald Rumsfeld thinks Obama has kept all those policies he intended on straying from, but according to Lowkey, the administration has only extended them further by driving America further into war and doing more harm than good overseas. Author: RTAmerica Duration: 7:04
Photos for video Lowkey: 'Bush imperialism continues under Obama'
Wyclef Jean gettin' Norway Wyclectic! Skip to 1:10 for the hilarious interview with the man himself and his extraordinary performance! His acapella at 6:32 is something else and really makes you think! You better watch Part 2 too: Halfway in it he exceeds all expectations! Author: HiPreb Duration: 8:42
Photos for video Wyclef "Wyclectic" Jean - Nobel Peace Prize Concert 2009 Part 1