check us out on Facebook Follow us @ Welcome to Capital Account. The accused Federal Reserve bomb plotter's home country wants details on his case. While this may make headlines, we ask Lew Rockwell of the Ludwig Von Mises Institute about one aspect of the Federal Reserve that has not made front page news: how the Fed, with its printing press, may be making war easier. After all, if the people of the United States were asked to write a check every year to the IRS in order to fund the exploding deficits and rising interest payments on the national debt, would they continue to support all these wars? Randolph Bourne may have famously quipped that "war is the health of the state," but it isn't the health of the economy, this is for certain. If the American people could identify their miserable economic plight with the actions of the federal reserve and with the hundreds of billions of dollars spent every year on war and defense, it is reasonable to expect that they would simply refuse the burden all together. We will ask Lew Rockwell, Chairman of the Ludwig Von Mises Institute what he thinks, and if he thinks that war is made easier by a pliant and compliant central bank. And, sticking with this issue of the Federal Reserve as the great "enabler," what about it's role in "disabling" and dismembering America's dwindling middle class? How responsible is the Federal Reserve and its quantitative easing, zero percent interest rate policy <b>...</b> Author: CapitalAccount Duration: 28:03
Photos for video Lew Rockwell explains how the Federal Reserve Enables War, Empire, and Destroys the Middle Class
NETWORK executive director Sister Simone Campbell's 2012 Democratic National Convention (DNC) speech. SISTER SIMONE: Good evening. I'm Sister Simone Campbell & I'm one of the "nuns on the bus." So, yes, we have nuns on the bus. And a nun on the podium! Let me explain why I'm here tonight. In June, I joined other Catholic sisters on a 2700 mile bus journey through nine states to tell Americans about the budget Congressman Paul Ryan wrote & Governor Romney endorsed. Paul Ryan claims his budget reflects the principles of our shared Catholic faith. But the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops stated that the Ryan budget failed a basic moral test because it would harm families living in poverty. We agree with our bishops & that's why we went on the road: to stand with struggling families & to lift up our Catholic sisters who serve them. Their work to alleviate suffering would be seriously harmed by the Romney Ryan budget & that is wrong. During our journey, I rediscovered a few truths. First, Mitt Romney & Paul Ryan are correct when they say that each individual should be responsible. But their budget goes astray in not acknowledging that we are responsible not only for ourselves & our immediate families. Rather, our faith strongly affirms that we are all responsible for one another. I am my sister's keeper. I am my brother's keeper. While we were in Toledo, I met 10-year-old twins Matt & Mark, who had gotten into trouble at school for fighting. Sister Virginia & the <b>...</b> Author: OraTVnetwork Duration: 7:07
Photos for video Sister Simone Campbell's DNC Speech | 2012 Democratic National Convention | Ora TV
Ron Paul Introduces Legislation to Strike NDAA's Unconstitutional Section 1021 Kurt Nimmo January 18, 2012 Rep. Ron Paul left the campaign trail on Wednesday to speak on the House floor about the National Defense Authorization Act, which was signed into law on the first day of the new year by Obama. Paul introduced legislation to strike the NDAA's Section 1021, the discretionary detention provision authorizing the President to detain persons accused by the government of supporting terrorism. Ron Paul has serious reservations despite Obama's issuing a signing statement declaring that he will not use the law to detain Americans. In December, Paul said the bill will accelerate the country's "slip into tyranny" and virtually assures "our descent into totalitarianism." The Texas congressman and presidential candidate said on Wednesday the bill "provides for the possibility of the US military acting as a kind of police force on US soil, apprehending terror suspects, including Americans, and whisking them off to an undisclosed location indefinitely." He then criticized his fellow lawmakers. "Sadly, too many of my colleagues are too willing to undermine our constitution to support such outrageous legislation. One senator even said, about American citizens being picked up under this section of the NDAA, 'When they say 'I want my lawyer,' you tell them, 'Shut up. You don't get a lawyer.'" "Is this acceptable in someone who has taken an oath to <b>...</b> Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 8:12
Photos for video Ron Paul Fights NDAA: Infowars Nightly News
My tribute to one of our greatest childhood memories finally realized... that the US will never see in a theatrical release. What else is there to say, other than... ENJOY! I do not own the rights to the movie, or music. My hope is that this video will help generate more interest in bringing this film to the US ...or at least a US DVD release. Author: TonyPeesTunes Duration: 3:53
Photos for video Space Battleship Yamato (Live Action) Music Video
IS IT NOT TREASON? By Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. June 30, 2011 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The argument presented by Senator John Kerry, in defense of President Barack Obama's guilty violation of the Federal Constitution is, in itself, beyond all reason. The argument which the Senator presented in defense of his own shocking, utterly incompetent argument, has been one of the most disgusting pieces of sophistry on record. The question is, was that Senator blackmailed in some fashion? Certainly, submission to blackmail gives neither the Senator nor the Senate exculpatory credit. Clear and plain evidence by the errant President himself might be explained by death threats against the Senator. Since the culpability of the President himself is so clear, and so clearly proximate to treason on behalf of the British monarchy against our United States, the lack of credible explanations offered by Senator Kerry, is most troubling for those among us who had remembered him as being neither a traitor nor a fool. The President had violated the law, and that with the most flagrant shamelessness. This fact raises the question: "Is this President, whose popular support is being that of a decimated minority, willing to lie his way into a coup d'etat conducted in British interest as a betrayal of our United States to a foreign tyrant?" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A most <b>...</b> Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 15:01
Photos for video Lyndon LaRouche: War is Globalist Favorite Tool of Choice for Poplutation Reduction 1/4
On Thursday December 16th 2010, snow fell as 131 people were arrested in a Civil Disobedience at the White House protesting the continuing wars in Afghanistan, Pakistan and in Iraq. Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, Chris Hedges provides an extraordinary anti-war soliloquy which is inter-cut with interview of Veterans of the recent wars and with Daniel Ellsberg, who leaked the top secret Pentagon Papers. Read John Halle piece about this film This action was organized by the Veterans Peace Stop These Wars The March Forward A story by John Halle describes the challenges to organizing the event. A partial transcript of this video can be found at Full Transcript of the Chris Hedges Speech Bitter Memories of War on the Way to Jail, Monday 20 December 2010 by: Chris Hedges in Truthdig | Op-Ed Read an interview with Chris Hedges just after the speech on the RawStory And another Interview on Democracy Now where he discusses his most recent book, "Death of the Liberal Class" More about "Death of the Liberal Class" Iraq Veterans Against The War Operation Recovery 678.986.0617 Newspaper about the action Poll: Assessment of Afghanistan War Sours 60% now Oppose ABC News/Washington Post Poll: Record Six in 10 Say it's 'Not Worth Fighting <b>...</b> Author: ebecker2000 Duration: 13:38
Photos for video Veterans for Peace White House Civil Disobedience to End War
George W. Bush said even knowledge could spark the west into launching World War III, "I told people if you are interested in avoiding World War Three, it seems you ought to be interested in preventing them [IRAN] from having the KNOWLEDGE necessary to make a nuclear weapon." - White House, October 2007. This 20 minute Wise Up Journal and We Are Change Ireland film shows the build up to World War III is in place waiting for the right spark and exposes the hypocrisy of the United Nations. This film Proves using main stream media it's self that Georgia, a state backed by the US and NATO, launched a disgraceful attack on the Russian population of South Ossetia. The US leaders on both sides are exposed as shills by using their own words. The powerbrokers, war advisors, behind the scenes are brought to the front reveling how the grand chessboard of the globe has mobilised it's supporters to begin World War III against Russia, Pakistan, Iran and perhaps even US built up China and India. The US and other nations have stated since 9/11 that the use of pre-emptive nuclear war is its prerogative. Surely after the devastating chaos of nuclear world war III between nations a resounding call will rise to end nationalism and for the UN to be given greater power and control than WWII handed to them in order for sustainable peace (no opposition). A December 2007 NATO sponsored report states, "The first use of nuclear weapons must remain in the quiver of escalation as the ultimate <b>...</b> Author: WeAreChangeIreland Duration: 9:58
Photos for video Wars And Lies On The World Stage - Act 2/2
Mark Koernke speaks on social, political, historical, and military issues in regards to preserving freedom on the Alex Jones show. http http http Author: h888vids Duration: 9:04
Photos for video Mark Koernke in studio with Alex Jones 7-29-2008 part 1
Take a break from serious politics and enjoy! Don't bother reading the following unless you have watched the ENTIRE video. Match the number of the joke/picture in the video with the number here for explanations. 1. "If they're on an island, how do they speak English?" Its a joke. 2.Pigs are more civilized than Democrats. 3. Democrats are always saying how they really are good people deep down - although they never show it. 4. Self explanatory. 5. Democrats are always making stupid comments, and the media jumps on them. 6. MOST (not all) Democrats are dirt bags. 7. They both take money, Democrats waste it on pointless Government projects. 8. Self explanatory. 9. Self explanatory. 10. Self explanatory. 11. Al Gore is STUPID. If global warming is happening, then I'm paying $0.50 for gas per gallon. 12. Democrats raise taxes for wasteful projects. 13. Democrats whine about EVERYTHING. 14. Yes, I'm well aware that big-foot was fake, but still, it seems more real than a smart democrat by FAR. 15. Bill Clinton + Hillary Clinton = Chelsea. They're both bad lawyers and both bad politicians. 16. Self explanatory. 17. Self explanatory. 18. Self explanatory. 19. A comic by Rob Rodgers 20. Look at the facts, most people w/o jobs tend to vote democrat. 60% of crimes are committed by high school drop outs. Most people without jobs are high school drop outs. 21. Self explanatory. 22. Self explanatory (if you lived through the 90's) 23. Democrats (especially Hillary and Barack) NEVER stop <b>...</b> Author: FunPolitics Duration: 9:03