Senior Obama strategist David Plouffe offers up politically stupid, economically dangerous, convention wisdom... This clip from the Majority Report, live MF at 12 noon EST and via daily podcast at Majority.FM Author: SamSeder Duration: 3:32
Photos for video Obama Advisor Wants to Burn the Middle Class
Joe Wong the American comedian from China. FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 USC section 106A-117 of the US Copyright Law. Author: 365jamz Duration: 15:24
Photos for video Being American Joe Wong. For President ?
"Obviously they are out to kill us. We are in the process of making two diffenent films on the Death Dump/Murder Meter issue, and need your help to pay our editors another 3-4 days on each project....or at least one. PG&E is about to bite the bullet for having been complicit in lighting the San Bruno (natural gas pipeline explosion) match outside of San Francisco which results in multiple deaths. Go the Free World Fim Works or email: to contribute towards the project. Weve got 11 films working concurrently that need completion. Then maybe can win this war, but it has to be fought on film. thanks..."Anthony J Hilder Chemtrails, Fluoride in the water, cell phone radiation. Some around the planet think there are too many people on the earth - that the earth cannot sustain billions of people and people will starve. Yet farmers are paid to not grow crops. One way to solve this "problem" is to make animal life just as important as human life on the planet. That is, in the end, to take away what rights humans have and to degrade their status down to the rights of animals. Eugenisist Thomas Maltus would approve. So blow up the dams, put people in urban human rabbit cages, restrict their movement making transportation expensive, Cut down on the carbon emmisions and save the earth by getting rid of the people who are polluting the earth and using its scarce resources. This is the mindset. Jerry Day acknowledges this and he states that Obama is the puppet <b>...</b> Author: mranthonyjhilder Duration: 4:31
Photos for video They're Out To Kill US - With Chemtrails, Fluoride & Electronic Radiation - Jerry Day
Подключу партнерскую программу YouTube, подробности на моей стене (самая первая запись): Самое смешное видео: АНЕКДОТЫ вконтакте: Наш канал на YouTube: Author: Andrey1980arti Duration: 0:24
Photos for video Смешное видео - Скажи ррррррррррррр :D
Dr. JR Church discusses the vision of the most famous Freemason leader in history, Albert Pike (1809-1891). Pike detailed his vision in a letter to European Freemason leader, Giuseppe Mazzini (1805-1872). The letter that Pike wrote to Mazzini, dated August 15, 1871 graphically outlined plans for three world wars to usher in the Luciferian World Order. We can marvel at how accurately it has predicted events that have already taken place. Pike was also a founded and leader of the KKK. An evil man indeed! Used by permission: Author: RealWorldNewsOrg Duration: 10:52
Find out what our next president is hiding from you! I did not make this video. A friend of mine did. They requested I put this video on my channel, so I did. I hope you like it. I do not own copyrights to this video. No copyright infringement intended to the parties that do own this footage. I do not make any money on this. This video is made purely for political relating purposes. Here is a list of references to this video. http (Note how Planned Parenthood praises Sanger as a hero and does not mention the Negro Project.) . Author: PoliticalssIdiot Duration: 10:22
Photos for video Obama SUPPORTS Black Genocide. The Cover-Up!
George W. Bush said even knowledge could spark the west into launching World War III, "I told people if you are interested in avoiding World War Three, it seems you ought to be interested in preventing them [IRAN] from having the KNOWLEDGE necessary to make a nuclear weapon." - White House, October 2007. This 20 minute Wise Up Journal and We Are Change Ireland film shows the build up to World War III is in place waiting for the right spark and exposes the hypocrisy of the United Nations. This film Proves using main stream media it's self that Georgia, a state backed by the US and NATO, launched a disgraceful attack on the Russian population of South Ossetia. The US leaders on both sides are exposed as shills by using their own words. The powerbrokers, war advisors, behind the scenes are brought to the front reveling how the grand chessboard of the globe has mobilised it's supporters to begin World War III against Russia, Pakistan, Iran and perhaps even US built up China and India. The US and other nations have stated since 9/11 that the use of pre-emptive nuclear war is its prerogative. Surely after the devastating chaos of nuclear world war III between nations a resounding call will rise to end nationalism and for the UN to be given greater power and control than WWII handed to them in order for sustainable peace (no opposition). A December 2007 NATO sponsored report states, "The first use of nuclear weapons must remain in the quiver of escalation as the ultimate <b>...</b> Author: WeAreChangeIreland Duration: 9:58
Photos for video Wars And Lies On The World Stage - Act 2/2