check us out on Facebook Follow us @ Welcome to Capital Account. The accused Federal Reserve bomb plotter's home country wants details on his case. While this may make headlines, we ask Lew Rockwell of the Ludwig Von Mises Institute about one aspect of the Federal Reserve that has not made front page news: how the Fed, with its printing press, may be making war easier. After all, if the people of the United States were asked to write a check every year to the IRS in order to fund the exploding deficits and rising interest payments on the national debt, would they continue to support all these wars? Randolph Bourne may have famously quipped that "war is the health of the state," but it isn't the health of the economy, this is for certain. If the American people could identify their miserable economic plight with the actions of the federal reserve and with the hundreds of billions of dollars spent every year on war and defense, it is reasonable to expect that they would simply refuse the burden all together. We will ask Lew Rockwell, Chairman of the Ludwig Von Mises Institute what he thinks, and if he thinks that war is made easier by a pliant and compliant central bank. And, sticking with this issue of the Federal Reserve as the great "enabler," what about it's role in "disabling" and dismembering America's dwindling middle class? How responsible is the Federal Reserve and its quantitative easing, zero percent interest rate policy <b>...</b> Author: CapitalAccount Duration: 28:03
Photos for video Lew Rockwell explains how the Federal Reserve Enables War, Empire, and Destroys the Middle Class
In part one, Jon Stewart gave loose support to Tim Pawlenty and Mitt Romney as potential Republican presidential candidates (the key word here is "loose") when Bill O'Reilly asked the Daily Show host if there were any GOP-ers he "liked." He did, however, seem to have a hearing problem when it came to discussing his feelings toward Sarah Palin. Stewart then showed his patriotic side when Bill asked if he "loathed" any of the GOP 2012 contenders. Stewart answered, "I feel like this country is stronger than any individual you could throw at it, so I don't hate any of these people. I don't think personally that the damage they could do is so drastic or so great that we could ever be run off course by one individual." In part two, O'Reilly and Stewart talk discuss the current president. Stewart says bluntly, "no," when asked if Obama has lived up to his expectations. The comedian walked the statement back a bit by saying that he's not sure, however, if his expectations were "fair to that individual." Author: FoxNewsInsider Duration: 4:22
Photos for video Jon Stewart to O'Reilly: Obama Hasn't Lived Up to My Expectations
That it is difficult to believe that countries with blood on their hands from wars on Serbia, S.Ossetia, Iraq, Afghanistan and other countries would get involved in Libya simply out of humanitarian reasons. The United States & Co has initiated a war against Libya, as Secretary of Defense Robert Gates has conceded. When one country bombs another, which has not attacked it nor posed any immediate threat to it that is an act of war. No "humanitarian" rationale justifies such an act. Only an act of Congress suffices according to the United States Constitution. Barack Obama, has violated that provision of the United States Constitution, which he swore, falsely it is now apparent, to defend and protect. Barack Obama has committed this greatest of impeachable offenses. /// Republican Congressman Justin Amash has directly alleged Obama is violating the US Constitution by engaging in military action in Libya, citing words used by President Obama himself as a Senator. "The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation," said Obama as a US Senator. "Under the President's and my reading of the Constitution, the US must halt all strikes against Libya. I call on congressional leadership to reconvene session so we can vote on whether to authorize military action," Amash concluded. Journalist and war correspondent Keith Harmon Snow argued the <b>...</b> Author: ProtectSouthOssetia Duration: 12:19
Photos for video Jesse Ventura Questions Obama's Honesty, Disapproves Of War Against Libya
Dr. JR Church discusses the vision of the most famous Freemason leader in history, Albert Pike (1809-1891). Pike detailed his vision in a letter to European Freemason leader, Giuseppe Mazzini (1805-1872). The letter that Pike wrote to Mazzini, dated August 15, 1871 graphically outlined plans for three world wars to usher in the Luciferian World Order. We can marvel at how accurately it has predicted events that have already taken place. Pike was also a founded and leader of the KKK. An evil man indeed! Used by permission: Author: RealWorldNewsOrg Duration: 10:52