US President Barack Obama is hoping Americans will learn from the country's history of shootings and call on their elected leaders to agree to ban the future production of some assault weapons and ammunition clips that hold more than 10 bullets. He also wants to make sure everyone who wants to buy a gun has to pass a more comprehensive background check. But despite the proposals given by Vice President Joe Biden on gun control, there are still an estimated 300 million guns already in the US and a strong pro-gun lobby. Al Jazeera's Patty Culhane reports from Washington, DC. Author: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 2:05
Photos for video Obama says Americans must demand stricter gun control
Mitt Romney One-Liners At Al Smith Dinner President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney peeled off the stump Thursday to attend the annual Al Smith Dinner at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel. During presidential election years, the event brings the candidates to the same stage to trade barbs and self-deprecating zingers as the race enter its final weeks. The white-tie affair raises millions for the Gov. Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation and is organized by the Catholic Archdiocese of New York to benefit needy children. More than 1600 were scheduled to attend the dinner. The menu includes poached lobster tail and dark chocolate tropical fruit cadeau. Tickets start at $2500. The diocese hopes to raise $5 million in grants this year. Last year it gave out $2 million in grants. President Barack Obama also taped an episode of Comedy Central's "The Daily Show" while he's in Manhattan. The show aired late yesterday. Comedy Central host Jon Stewart pressed Obama over the government's changing explanation about the Sept. 11 attacks in Benghazi, Libya, according to the Associated Press. When Stewart suggested that even Obama would concede his administration's coordination and communication had not been "optimal," Obama said: "If four Americans get killed, it's not optimal. We're going to fix it. All of it." Romney has questioned Obama's handling of the matter and his honesty about it to voters. On "The Daily Show," Obama insisted information was shared with the American people as it came in <b>...</b> Author: loudmothcha44 Duration: 10:34
Photos for video Mitt Romney One-Liners At Al Smith Dinner
Dave Stone takes a "flea market" approach to healthcare. Want to see more Stand Up Comedy? Subscribe to the Laugh Factory's channel here: Tell us what you thought in the comments and don't forget to like and add this video to your favorites if you LOL'd! LIVE SHOW TICKETS Author: TheLaughFactory Duration: 2:00
Photos for video Dave Stone - Home Remedies (Stand Up Comedy)
Kierra Sheard delivers a riveting rendition of "Indescribable" which can also be heard on her new album, "Free", in stores October 18th! Author: Sc0rpion Duration: 6:52
Photos for video Kierra Sheard - Indescribable (Live)
In part one, Jon Stewart gave loose support to Tim Pawlenty and Mitt Romney as potential Republican presidential candidates (the key word here is "loose") when Bill O'Reilly asked the Daily Show host if there were any GOP-ers he "liked." He did, however, seem to have a hearing problem when it came to discussing his feelings toward Sarah Palin. Stewart then showed his patriotic side when Bill asked if he "loathed" any of the GOP 2012 contenders. Stewart answered, "I feel like this country is stronger than any individual you could throw at it, so I don't hate any of these people. I don't think personally that the damage they could do is so drastic or so great that we could ever be run off course by one individual." In part two, O'Reilly and Stewart talk discuss the current president. Stewart says bluntly, "no," when asked if Obama has lived up to his expectations. The comedian walked the statement back a bit by saying that he's not sure, however, if his expectations were "fair to that individual." Author: FoxNewsInsider Duration: 4:22
Photos for video Jon Stewart to O'Reilly: Obama Hasn't Lived Up to My Expectations
In which Dan writes letters to author Dan Brown and President Barack Obama asking if maybe, potentially it would be possible to meet them. Tasks in this episode: Meet Dan Brown: Meet Barack Obama: ///Rough draft of letter/// Mr. President, My name is Dan Brown. I'm twenty years old and just moved from Lincoln Nebraska to San Francisco California for an internet show/project/social experiment I'm doing called "Dan 3.0." I've been a video blogger for the better part of four years-- I got started in 2007 with a tutorial on how to solve the Rubik's Cube, began "vlogging" regularly in 2008 and over time have grown an audience of over 250000 subscribers on YouTube. I've posted almost five hundred videos spanning all sorts of topics and styles. Some have been just plain silliness, but others have included "vlogs" about the 2008 election cycle, documenting a month-long trip to China I took with the University of Nebraska, and starting a discussion about the current state and potential future of higher education. The project I'm working on right now, Dan 3.0, is a bit of a change of pace-- essentially I'm letting my audience control my life for the year. Anyone can submit an idea into what we call the "decision engine" as to something they think I should do, submitted ideas are then voted upon by the masses and I do my best to carry out the highest rated ideas. Sometimes I wind up doing little things like making a rubber band ball or rolling down a hill <b>...</b> Author: pogobat Duration: 12:30
12 presidents get stranded in the PRESIDENTIAL ISLAND, a web-series produced and created by You can follow live events on Twitter @ipresidencial Author: IslaPresidencial Duration: 1:04
On Sat., Dec. 12, 2009, ex-Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D-GA) was one of the speakers at the emergency "End-the-US-Wars" rally. See for background: The event was held in Lafayette Park, directly opposite the White House. Rep. McKinney ran for President of the United States in the 2008 election on the Green Party ticket. She is also a champion of Human Rights and has consistently, and courageously, stood up for the beleaguered peoples of Occupied Palestine. Author: liamh2 Duration: 6:38
Photos for video Ex-Rep. McKinney: "President Obama, Stop Bankrupting our Nation!" We visited a neighborhood called Liberty City in Miami during our stay in America last November. We had a chat with the people there about their lives, the community they live in, world problems and more. Author: Couscousglobal Duration: 9:57