BEYONCE: Did She Lip- Sync? Did She Sing For Real? 24Wired.TV Has Uncovered The Lost Audio From Her Mic. Special Thanks To: WATCH MORE VIDEOS LIKE THIS ONE: SUBSCRIBE! TWITTER: FACEBOOK: VISIT OUR SITE: Queen Beyonce, King Beyonce, knowles, inauguration 2013, barack obama, michelle obama, jay z, star spangled banner, lip sync, sing, audio, leaked, exclusive, real, marine band, ceremonies, president, performance, live, rehearse, pre- recorded, cold weather, washington dc, ear piece out, recording studio, national anthem, rendition, media, fans care Author: 24WiredTV Duration: 1:51
Photos for video LEAKED! "Queen Beyonce's" REAL Barack Obama Inauguration Audio
В гостях у президент Общества дружбы и делового сотрудничества с арабскими странами, специалист по Ближнему Востоку и исламскому миру Вячеслав Матузов. В прямом эфире он рассказал Максиму Шевченко, что стоит за "арабской весной" и какая вина за кровопролитие лежит на Асаде, Каддафи, Мубараке, какое значение в исламском мире играет Иран и партия "Братья Мусульмане". А также как США создали группировку "Хезболла", что общего между войной в Сирии и в Ливане и чем она отличается от войны в Ливии, каковы заслуги наёмников в победах повстанцев и кто будет следующим, если Дамаск падёт. Author: Дмитрий Рогозин Duration: 70:48
Photos for video Шевченко vs Матузов. Россия побеждает в Сирии
Philip Defranco & Elliott Morgan cover all things that matter and don't matter from the 2nd Presidential Debate. For More on The Story- Be part of the Nation! #PDSLive to tweet us @PhillyD & @Sourcefed Check out for everything else that's awesome! Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Tumblr: Like us on Facebook: Philly D OFFICIAL APP for instant updates: Hosts: @phillyd & @elliottcmorgan Broadcasted using Wirecast Pro Author: SourceFed Duration: 66:35
Photos for video Romney Vs Obama #2 : Town Hall Brawl
Barack Obama raps about "You Didn't Build That", Mitt Romney, and the 2012 campaign to the tune of MC Hammer's "U Can't Touch This". Featuring cameos from Clint Eastwood, Stephen Colbert, Hulk Hogan, Julia Gillard, and Jennifer Granholm. Lyrics below. By Hugh Atkin LYRICS Mitt Romney strikes me, so hard. Makes me feel like Shirley Sherrod. Out of context, those words aren't mine. The private sector's doing fine. Feels good, when the economy's weak, Responding with a national security leak. Osama Bin Laden, I killed. And that was a mission you didn't build. [CHORUS] If you've given three dollars before, I'm asking again for a few dollars more. Clint Eastwood and the empty chair Would be bettter than this Republican pair. Shut up, it's my turn. Let's rap together. Go ahead. You've got a lot to learn. Mr Ryan and his voucher retailin'. Maybe he's just a brighter shade of Palin. Mr Romney...and his friends on Wall Street. What I'm saying is they're SuperPacking Heat. And here is a woman Mitt killed. But that was an attack ad you didn't build. [CHORUS] [JENNIFER GRANHOLM BREAKS IT DOWN] Stop. Obamatime. The race is still in play. So I gotta be careful about what I say. And so, from the Australian nation, I'll be introducing the Strine translation. The Republican party in the debt ceiling fight. Ravings of the eccentric, lunar right. There are those who don't believe my birth certificate. There are nut jobs on the internet. To your guns keep on clinging <b>...</b> Author: Hugh Atkin Duration: 3:45
GET THE SONG ON iTUNES!!!! CLICK to share of FACEBOOK! Click to TWEET!: GET AN ALPHACAT SHIRT and other cool stuff! Send me some MAIL! PO BOX 93894 Los Angeles, CA, 90093 Please SUBSCRIBE to be notified of new videos! http VIDEO LINKS! Obama/ Mitt Romney Comedy Ad: Subscribe to the PoliPop Network!: twitter: Deepak Chopra "30 Days of Intent" Reality Show Teaser #1 Teaser #2 Puppet Cop!: CAST: President Obama: Iman Crosson Twitter: @Alphacat Business Contact ONLY: Music by: Mike Kalombo GET HIS MUSIC APP at the app store and create beats for your videos! Joe Biden/ Journalist #1: Steve Greene Journalist #2: Andre Meadows Snide Journalist Seth Hendrix My Boxing Trainer: Charles "Lucky" Brandon http Secret Service: Jamar Johnson (aka Rick Ross lol) Michael Mitchell Nichalas Surratt @NichalasSurratt TAGS: alphacat alpha cat "President barack Obama" "healthcare legislation" "obamacare" "universal healthcare" Jay-Z 99 problems "the black album" jigga hov rockafella Barack (US President) Iman Crosson Parody (Film Genre) Spoof Kanye West Funny (Musical Artist) rap hiphop watch the throne Comedy beyonce blue ivy Author: Alphacat Duration: 6:25
Photos for video 99 Problems But Mitt Ain't One (Obama Rally)
Luke Rudkowksi, Tim Pool, Jeoff Shively, Dustin & Jess were driving home after covering a NATO protest in Chicago only to have their car raided by police. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 18:07
Photos for video Chicago Police Raid on Luke Rudkowski Goes Viral! This documentary is about the foreign policy of the United States. It is the second of three parts. It demonstrates the importance of the political economy, the Mafia principle, propaganda, ideology, violence and force. It documents and explains how the policy is based on the interest of major corporations and a tiny elite to increase profits and the United States governments own interests in maintaining and expanding it's imperialistic influence. Inside the United States this has been made possible with a propaganda of fear for the horrible enemies like the Soviet Union, Communists and so on and a love for "free markets", "democracy", "freedom" and so on. Externally (and increasingly internally) this has caused massive poverty and suffering, genocide, war, coups, crushed unions and popular movements and environmental destruction. Author: infiniteinfiniteinfi Duration: 98:57
Photos for video The Power Principle - II: Propaganda, Metanoia-films (Noam Chomsky et al.)
The impeachment Of War criminal Barack obama has begun but the globalist controlled traitor media is blacking this huge news out. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 4:48
Photos for video Media Cover-up Of Obama Impeachment Exposed!
Make Sure To Subscribe To Peter Schiffs' Official YouTube Channel At To Be Notified Immediatelly When Peter Posts A New Economic Video Blog Update!! ***Don't forget to add Peter as a friend on FaceBook!! (*** ---------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Connect With Me On Facebook: ---------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Follow Me On Twitter: ---------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Author: PhilDeCarolis Duration: 4:03
Photos for video 7/12/2011 - Peter Schiff On FXBIZ: Schiff: Debt Markets Are Being Destabilized By Obama US President Barack Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev have taken a break from bilateral meetings at the White House to travel outside Washington DC for a quick, informal lunch. Skip related content Traveling by motorcade, the two leaders headed for Ray's Hell Burger in Arlington, Virginia, a popular spot where Obama ate last year with Vice President Joe Biden. A cheer went up from customers when the presidents walked in, but the lunch crowd largely left the presidents alone. During their meal, Obama and Medvedev sat at a table with their interpreters, sharing a conversation through them. The US president had a cheeseburger with cheddar cheese, onion, lettuce, tomato and pickles, whilst his Russian guest had a cheeseburger with cheddar, onion, jalapenos and mushrooms. Obama drank iced tea and Medvedev sipped a Coke, while the presidents, both in shirt sleeves on a hot summer day, shared a portion of fries. Later in the day, and back to official business, the two leaders held a joint news conference at the East Room in the White House. Obama declared that he and Medvedev had "succeeded in resetting" the relationship between the former Cold War adversaries that had dipped to dangerously low levels in recent years. He directly acknowledged differences in some areas, such as Moscow's tensions with neighbouring Georgia, but said "we addressed those differences candidly." Obama also announced that the US and Russia had agreed to expand cooperation <b>...</b> Author: timesofearth Duration: 7:21
Photos for video Hamburgers : Obama takes Russian President out for a burger
Litigator-turned-legal-scholar Michelle Alexander, author of The New Jim Crow, argues that we have not ended racial caste in America, we have simply redesigned it: The US criminal justice system functions as a contemporary means of racial control, even as it formally adheres to the principle of color blindness. Her provocative new book challenges the civil rights community—and all of us—to place mass incarceration at the forefront of a new movement for racial justice in America. As the United States celebrates the nation's triumph over race with the election of Barack Obama, the majority of young black men in major American cities are locked behind bars or have been labeled felons for life. Event at Demos February 18, 2010. Camera, edit Joe Friendly. Author: Joe Friendly Duration: 67:44
Photos for video Michelle Alexander: Drug War Racism DOWNLOAD THIS MOVIE FOR FREE!!! Illuminati Death Conspiracy - New World Order 2012 Illuminati new world order swine flu conspiracy exposed freemason doomsday fema camps martial law antichrist prophecy 2012 pole shift end of the times time day days film films movie movies war prophecies barack obama alex jones nibiru planet planetx climate change global warming nwo economy economic collapse Author: TheProphecyChannel Duration: 10:58
Photos for video Illuminati Death Conspiracy - New World Order 2012