Philip Defranco & Elliott Morgan cover all things that matter and don't matter from the 2nd Presidential Debate. For More on The Story- Be part of the Nation! #PDSLive to tweet us @PhillyD & @Sourcefed Check out for everything else that's awesome! Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Tumblr: Like us on Facebook: Philly D OFFICIAL APP for instant updates: Hosts: @phillyd & @elliottcmorgan Broadcasted using Wirecast Pro Author: SourceFed Duration: 66:35
Photos for video Romney Vs Obama #2 : Town Hall Brawl
The Schiff Report (10/5/2012) Listen to The Peter Schiff Show Weekdays LIVE and FREE on Follow me on Twitter @SchiffRadio Friend me on http Buy my new book at Author: SchiffReport Duration: 21:26
Photos for video Unemployment, GDP, debates, dollar, gold The Obama records which have not been released include; Passport records, Obama kindergarten records, Punahou School records, Occidental College records, Columbia University records, Columbia thesis, Harvard Law School records, Harvard Law Review articles, University of Chicago scholarly articles, Illinois State Bar Association records, Illinois State Senate records/schedules (said to be lost), Medical records, Obama/Dunham marriage license, Obama/Dunham divorce documents, Soetoro/Dunham marriage license, Adoption records and of course the long-form Certificate of Live Birth. State Representative Carl Seel, who introduced the bill, was joined by Sheriff Joe Arpaio, State Senator Lori Klein, and others in support of the bill. Important new information was revealed during the news conference including a request by Sheriff Joe Arpaio to the current head of the Selective Service Board to investigate the criminal forgery committed in the case of Barack Obama's Selective Service registration. In addtion, Carl Seel reveals some of the resistance that other Republicans are creating to stop the bill from even heading to a vote. The bill will require Barack Obama, or any candidate seeking to be on the Arizona ballot, to certify eligibility for the office they are seeking. This will essentially require Barack Obama to certify his eligibility if he wants to be on the ballot this year in Arizona. This could potentially be a game-changing piece of legislation. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 84:40
Photos for video Sheriff Arpaio: Obama's Records Are Missing + Mike Zullo, Jerome Corsi Full Interviews.
Jeff Beck & bassist Rhonda Smith (formerly of Prince) and Veronica Bellino (drums) Booker T Jones (Musical Director/"Green Onions") lay down a blues groove on "Brush with the Blues" at The White House Feb 21, 2012. Check your local PBS listing for the entire program to be aired Feb 27, 2012 **NOTE**.... Any comments which are political in nature will be removed. Author: Angel13Productions Duration: 3:45
Photos for video Jeff Beck - "Red White & Blues" at The White House
1st guy: "...We've shown, we've proved (misspoke), we've proved over the last ten years or etc., repeatedly that we only do one at a time. We can fight two wars." 2nd guy: "This is all get'n interrupted when he's, Ron Paul becomes President" Woman laughs 1st guy: "See, see this room? Two-thirds of us laid off when Ron Paul is President" Guys laughing 2nd guy: "...Truman doctrine... since before Obama was born" Woman: [inaudible] 1st guy:"Well World War II. We fought two wars [inaudible] that's where it comes from [inaudible] fully mobilized country [inaudible]" Woman: [inaudible] CSPAN announcer: "We are live again at the Pentagon this morning where President Obama is expected to talk about the defeat (misspoke) defense strategic...[end of clip]" Author: RonPaul2008dotcom Duration: 1:00
Photos for video Why the Warmongering Media Fears a Ron Paul Presidency
A local news reporter from Washington, DC ended up getting covered in what is probably the remnants of raw sewage as he delivered live hurricane reports from Ocean City, Md. WTTG-TV reporter Tucker Barnes was providing live updates for stations around the country as a wall of what he described as sea foam poured over him. Barnes was on the boardwalk as Hurricane Irene hit the coast of Maryland He noted that he had immersed himself in organic material. That "organic material" was most likely the effects of raw sewage pouring into the water during the storm. "It doesn't taste great," he said. He said it had a sandy consistency and added, "I can tell you first-hand, it doesn't smell great." The foam is often a toxic mix of pollution and cyanobacteria.60 mph wind gust sprayed the toxic mix across the reporter and the boardwalk and coated buildings. Bubbles and foam in the ocean can be caused by several other things, including oils from decomposing animals Read more: Author: UrbanWarfareChannel Duration: 4:27
Photos for video WTF Reporter Gets Covered In Raw Sewage Covering Hurricane Irene VERY Funny stand up by Robin Williams when he dishes on former President Bush -Luke Miconi Author: exoticfruittrain Duration: 9:21
Photos for video Robin Williams! Destroys President Bush
Obama on the campaign trail, propels to victory as the first African-American elected president. "Still I Rise" Yolanda Adams. Author: obbi2008 Duration: 6:03
Photos for video Barack Obama Video - "Still I Rise" by Yolanda Adams
During Saviours' Day 1995, The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan exposed to the world, The International Bankers and the worldwide conspiracy to finance criminal activity under the guise of legitimate government institutions such as the Federal Reserve. Author: Ahmad770 Duration: 10:27
Photos for video Jesus Saves: Exposing The International Bankers