News for Inauguration 2013 ABC News Presidential inauguration: Obama lays out battle plan for second term Chicago Tribune Author: MsTrendingNow Duration: 7:11
Photos for video Michelle and Barack Obama Dance Inaugural Ball, Jennifer Hudsons Lets Stay Together
In his inaugural address, President Barack Obama says enduring security and lasting peace do not require perpetual war. But he said the US will defend itself through 'strengths of arms and rule of law. Author: 24DailyNews Duration: 2:14
Photos for video President Barack Obama: No Need for Perpetual War Распространите это видео как можно шире! Безусловно важнейшим событием недели стала ситуация в секторе Газа, но к ней мы вернемся после, а пока обратимся к Сирии. Основные боевые действия развернулись на сирийско-турецкой границе в городе Рас аль-Айн. Сюда с турецкой территории проникло более тысячи боевиков. Всю неделю продолжалось ожесточенное противостояние. Турецкий город Джейланпынар, что через дорогу от сирийского стал, по сути, тыловой базой оппозиционеров. Гражданское население отсюда было эвакуировано, к границе стянута турецкая бронетехника, небо патрулируется турецкой авиацией. Это позволило боевикам свободно уходить на территорию Турции для лечения раненых, пополнения амуниции и перегруппировки. Особую остроту ситуации придаёт то, что город Рас аль-Айн считается курдским. И Турция, и боевики заинтересованы в контроле над ним -- это позволит создать новый коридор и распространить его на обширную приграничную зону. У Асада же цели прямо противоположные -- удержать город любой ценой и продемонстрировать курдам свою способность защищать территорию их проживания. Это и стало причиной особо ожесточенных боев в этом районе. Необходимо отметить, что чем ближе к зиме, тем выше у Турции рвение к окончательному решению сирийского вопроса. Дело в 150, а по не официальным данным 200 тысячах сирийских беженцев, которые разместились в лагерях на территории Турции. Поток беженцев не иссякает, ситуация в лагерях крайне напряженная. Просто представьте себе сто тысяч <b>...</b> Author: MrEsuper Duration: 9:27
Photos for video Мировой передел. Обзор за неделю 53 (12.11.12-18.11.12)
President Barack Obama and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney may not agree on much, but they're both totally into the use of unmanned aircraft known as drones to hunt down and kill real and imagined threats to the American way of life. Whenever you've got top Democrats and top Republicans getting along, you know something has gone horribly wrong. Here are three reasons why drone strikes are really freaking scary. 1. They're not that accurate. One of the main selling points of drone strikes is their supposedly surgical precision. Rather than carpet-bombing entire city blocks to nail one or two bad guys, now we can just zap them without harming anyone else. But a new study from researchers at NYU and Stanford concludes that as many 881 civilians - including 176 children - have been killed by US drone strikes in northern Pakistan since 2004. Worse still are reports that targets get blasted repeatedly, to ward off rescuers from helping the wounded. 2. There's no legal framework. Drone strikes have been carried out in countries with whom we're allies or against whom we've yet to declare war. They are the principal way in which President Obama's infamous "kill list" is made operational and yet nobody knows how such decisions are being made. As The New York Times said earlier this year, "a unilateral campaign of death is untenable." Not only is such a campaign immoral on its face, it only damages America's standing in the world. 3. It's only going to get worse. The Federal <b>...</b> Author: ReasonTV Duration: 2:33
Photos for video Three Reasons US Drone Policy Is Really Freakin' Scary
CLICK to share of FACEBOOK! Click to TWEET!: PLEASE REGISTER TO VOTE ONLINE- IT TAKES SECONDS! GET AN ALPHACAT SHIRT and other cool stuff! http Send me some MAIL! PO BOX 93894 Los Angeles, CA, 90093 Please SUBSCRIBE to be notified of new videos! VIDEO LINKS! Check me out on EPIC RAP BATTLES of HISTORY: WATCH ME COMPETE ON DANCE SHOWDOWN for $100k Deepak Chopra "30 Days of Intent" Reality Show CAST: President Obama: Iman Crosson Twitter: @Alphacat Business Contact ONLY: MITT ROMNEY Adam Ray Twitter @adamraycomedy MODERATOR Skyy John Twitter: @TipsyBartender Secret Service Jamar Johnson (Rick Ross lol) Crowd: NIkki Limo Natesvlogs Jesus Lopez Written and Directed by Iman Crosson Produced by: Andres Delsol Production Coordinator: Sandra Varona Production Assistant: Angelica Delgado Cameramen: Eric Thompson, Gustavo Padron Sound: Sheena Moriarty TAGS: 2012 presidential debates" "2012 Presidential Debates Spoof" "2nd presidential debate" "Complete Second Presidential Town Hall Debate 2012: Barack Obama vs. Mitt Romney - Oct 16, 2012" "second presidential debate" 'town hall debate" "debate spoof "rap battle" "President Barack Obama" "Mitt Romney" parody "Democratic National Convention" DNC speech presidential president Democrat <b>...</b> Author: Alphacat Duration: 4:30
Photos for video 2012 Presidential Debate SPOOF- Rap Battles (ROUND 2)
1st guy: "...We've shown, we've proved (misspoke), we've proved over the last ten years or etc., repeatedly that we only do one at a time. We can fight two wars." 2nd guy: "This is all get'n interrupted when he's, Ron Paul becomes President" Woman laughs 1st guy: "See, see this room? Two-thirds of us laid off when Ron Paul is President" Guys laughing 2nd guy: "...Truman doctrine... since before Obama was born" Woman: [inaudible] 1st guy:"Well World War II. We fought two wars [inaudible] that's where it comes from [inaudible] fully mobilized country [inaudible]" Woman: [inaudible] CSPAN announcer: "We are live again at the Pentagon this morning where President Obama is expected to talk about the defeat (misspoke) defense strategic...[end of clip]" Author: RonPaul2008dotcom Duration: 1:00
Photos for video Why the Warmongering Media Fears a Ron Paul Presidency
CHECK OUT MY MUSIC FINAL REVELATION Buy The Paper Version With A Sexy Glossy Cover Download The Writings AMAZING - The Amazing Atheist Documentary On sale now: Watch the trailer here: * * * Follow The Amazing Atheist TWITTER: FACEBOOK: MOVIE/MUSIC REVIEWS (as The Distressed Watcher): CODY'S VIDEOS: Author: TheAmazingAtheist Duration: 5:18
MSNBC host Cenk Uygur speaks with Tea Party Nation founder Judson Phillips on the unwillingness of the Tea Party to allow for a compromise on budget cuts. Author: TYTInterviews Duration: 7:58
Photos for video Tea Party - No Compromise On Cuts
Ron Paul 2012, This video shows the point of a view of Democrat vs. Republican. The host of the show isn't very forgiving to people who don't know what they believe. It just goes to show you how unaware the people of the US are when it comes to politics. The most realistic depiction... Author: John Smith Duration: 4:36
Photos for video CNN hosts shocked when Republican guest picks Ron Paul
Click to RT on Twitter - I am Peter Chao and I get sick of erection because it last too long and take up my TV time. I want to watch the Chef Ramsay yell at people on Hell Kitchen not the fucking asshole Politic talk about shit I don't care about. Also, do you know Barack and Ahnold follow me on the twitter? Connect with Peter Chao: BUY PETER CHAO'S NEW SHIRT! PETER CHAO'S NEW CHANNEL PETER CHAO FACEBOOK FAN PAGE PETER CHAO TWITTER LIVE! Attractions Inquiries CONTACT: DEdley(at) tj(at) All OTHER Inquiries: chao.outside(at) Author: pyrobooby Duration: 2:20
Photos for video Barack Obama Follows Peter Chao on Twitter!
Disclosure as of 2011 is nearing. Public announcement is bound to occur, various countries such as Brazil, Norway, Denmark, France, Italy, Sweden, Mexico, Canada, UK and others have officially declassified UFO files. Will the US Administration & President Obama finally lead the way in disclosing to the World the truth about ETs/UFOs? Featuring music from the Batman Begins & Dark Knight soundtrack, created by Hans Zimmer & James Newton Howard. Both quotes at the start and end of the video are by SaLuSa, of the Galactic Federation. "Official disclosure of extraterrestrial life is imminent" April UFO Conference - Part one ("X conference") Disclosure Project; Full 55min 2001 Press Meeting Disclosure Project. Dr. Carol Rosin's Testimony Vrillon's full message - Ashtar Command's 1977 Live Broadcast: Author: ETDisclosure Duration: 3:46
Photos for video ET/UFO Disclosure | President Barack Obama "First Contact"