This video is a message to all Americans including those of you who are serving in the military and law enforcement. America is losing all of the freedoms that define it as America. The American dream will come to an end unless we draw the line. Everyone of you is going to have to make a decision. Obama is moving to become a dictator. In order to do that, Americans must be disarmed. Our government is preparing legislation to have firm arms confiscated beginning with semi-automatic rifles and military grade hand guns. I'm asking you to become public and vocal. I'm asking you to publicly state with me that IF anyone in any level of government uses physical force to remove our firearms, that you execute them as terrorists who are trying to overthrow our form of government and turn America into a police state modeled after Nazi Germany and Communist Russia. In this video I'm going to lay out the historical facts that show where are county is headed. Specifically, I'm going to compare the United States to the rise and fall of Nazi Germany so you can the undeniable comparisons. FORMER RUSSIAN PREMIER/EX KGB HEAD TO WORK FOR HOMELAND SECURITY! 2nd Amendment Preservation Act. Speech by Goebbels. Women Suing State Troopers Over Roadside Cavity Searches Diels was right. The more we allow police to be perverts as a duty, the more perverts will pursue jobs as police officers and be <b>...</b> Author: David Lory VanDerBeek Duration: 68:23
Photos for video IF OBAMA SENDS POLICE TO TAKE YOUR GUNS, CIVIL WAR? Nevada Governor 2014 David Lory VanDerBeek
Kassem G and Shira Lazar re-watch and review the first 10 videos on What's Trending's "Top 20 of 2012" list. SUBSCRIBE for more exclusives: CHECK OUT PART 2, FEATURING THE YEAR'S TOP 10 VIDEOS: SUBSCRIBE TO KASSEM G: Follow Kassem on Twitter: @kassemg Every weekday, What's Trending has been seeking out the best videos YouTube has to offer. Now, here's a definitive guide to the 20 biggest, most infamous and best of YouTube in 2012. (Well, the first part anyway, covering videos #20 through #11.) Included in this line-up, Samuel L. Jackson's plea to American voters, Mister Rogers Remixed, Kristen Bell having a meltdown, an epic episode of Epic Rap Battles of History and much, much more! FEATURED VIDEOS: #20: Wake the F--k Up: #19: Barack Obama Singing Sexy and I Know It: #18: Mister Rogers Remixed | Garden of Your Mind: #17: Arrested Drunk Guy Singing Bohemian Rhapsody: #16: Oh My Dayum: #15: Kristen Bell's Sloth Meltdown: #14: Isaac's Live Lip Dub Marriage Proposal: #13: Bad Lip Reading: Edward and Bella: #12: Master Chief vs. Leonidas: Epic Rap Battles of History Season 2: #11: Tired of Bronco Bamma: Read our blog to discover more trends! Follow us on Twitter for real-time updates! Like us on Facebook! Add us to your circles on <b>...</b> Author: Whatstrending Duration: 4:53
Photos for video Top 20 YouTube Videos of 2012: Part 1 (feat. KassemG)
Welcome aboard the USS Barack Obama the ENTIRE 9th Campaign Mission Call of duty: Black Ops 2 (24min) so be sure to LIKE this video / FAVORITE this video / COMMENT on this video to achieve absolutely nothing FACEBOOK IT Author: dougangotblocked Duration: 24:25
Photos for video Interrogating Raul Mendez!! Campaign Mission 9 (BLACK OPS 2 LETS PLAY)
CBS affiliate KPHO channel 5 in Phoenix declares OBAMA Winner of the 2012 Election. Remember folks Its NOT voter fraud its election fraud Read this article from Forbes Magazine: "Romney Family Investment Ties Author: RP4409 Duration: 5:34
Photos for video 4409 -- CBS leaks 2012 election results Declares Obama Winner
LIVE DEBATES EVERY THURSDAY! *Warning and disclaimer: Contains mild language. The views expressed in this broadcast are those of the individual speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions held by PoliPop. CHECK OUT THE POLIPOP NETWORK: ABillyRock AdamKokesh... Author: POLIPOP Duration: 65:18
Photos for video LIVE DEBATE: TBD! #8! Women & the 2012 Election
PLEASE SUBSCRIBE AND GIVE A THUMBS UP! If you're reading this at click "Original Article" for the video. For Blushield products that protect you from wireless radiation click here: Vinny's NUTShell: Jordan Maxwell enlightens us as to his journey of waking up, what role his parents played, and some very strange spiritual experiences that made him begin to question, research and learn all that he can. The truth that we are not alone in the universe either physically or spiritually. His lament at the fall of America and the peoples manipulation by the Republican (NAZI) Party and the Democrat (Communist) Party that is leading them quickly into tyranny. Listen to the whole show here: Please buy a dvd! Watch this video and please share it around! Author: MRNEWSguerillamedia Duration: 95:04
Photos for video Jordan Maxwell, How I started to question everything, Vinny Eastwood Show Mar 14 2012
Reupload / make any video that can proof of voter fraud call it "GOP voter fraud against Ron Paul 2012" Ron Paul WINS Virgin Islands MSM calls it for Romney Music Credit: Hans Zimmer - 'Time' Video Credit: PoliticMo - donnjx2 - PSNy2kUK- Ron Paul is America's leading voice for limited, constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, sound money, and a pro-America foreign policy. To spread the message, visit and promote the following websites: http http http http Author: PSNy2kUK Duration: 7:36
Photos for video Make GOP voter fraud against Ron Paul 2012 Famous!!!
Ron Paul 2012, This video shows the point of a view of Democrat vs. Republican. The host of the show isn't very forgiving to people who don't know what they believe. It just goes to show you how unaware the people of the US are when it comes to politics. The most realistic depiction... Author: John Smith Duration: 4:36
Photos for video CNN hosts shocked when Republican guest picks Ron Paul
On Tuesday's Riz Khan we look at the de-humanisation of war as robot combat gathers momentum, and we explore the legal implications of the latest advances in military technology. Author: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 22:29
Photos for video Riz Khan - Fighting wars by remote control
In light of independent candidate for president Ralph Nader's recent comments on Barack Obama and white guilt, SA thought it might be worth noting exactly how much more conservative the consumer advocate is than his Republican contemporaries. Author: Jack Hunter Duration: 5:48
Photos for video Conservative Ralph Nader by the Southern Avenger