There can no longer be any doubt -- the forces of tyranny are running wild across our once great Republic. The time has come for all good men and women to rally to the aid of their country. We have now entered a historic crossroads that will decide the destiny of the United States. Arrogance and corruption has long festered in Washington DC, but the last decade has seen an extreme acceleration of criminal looting and attacks on liberty -- every freedom is under sustained assault. We the People, the rightful masters of this Republic, will either rise up through Congress and the states or we can trade in our birthright of liberty for the chains of a technocratic slavery. Below we list some of the more egregious acts of seditious treason against the Republic of the United States. Anyone who wishes to continue to live in a free country and to pass that birthright on to their children must research this document and then lobby state legislatures and the Congress to do their duty and remove the would-be dictator. [STAND UP FOR YOUR 2ND AMENDMENT RIGHT WITH THIS POWERFUL T-SHIRT] [New Shirt] Your Price $19.95 [Infowars Magazine for January] GET YOUR COPY TODAY AND SPREAD THE TRUTH!! [FIGHT FLUORIDE with "Clearly Filtered" - NEW ITEM [Strategic Relocation Documentary Film Featuring Joel Skousen] Sale Price $19.95 [COLD & FLU IMMUNE SUPPORT PACK] The Cold & Flu Immune Support Pack from <b>...</b> Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 50:56
Photos for video Alex Jones: IMPEACH Obama for Sedition!
Kassem G and Shira Lazar re-watch and review the first 10 videos on What's Trending's "Top 20 of 2012" list. SUBSCRIBE for more exclusives: CHECK OUT PART 2, FEATURING THE YEAR'S TOP 10 VIDEOS: SUBSCRIBE TO KASSEM G: Follow Kassem on Twitter: @kassemg Every weekday, What's Trending has been seeking out the best videos YouTube has to offer. Now, here's a definitive guide to the 20 biggest, most infamous and best of YouTube in 2012. (Well, the first part anyway, covering videos #20 through #11.) Included in this line-up, Samuel L. Jackson's plea to American voters, Mister Rogers Remixed, Kristen Bell having a meltdown, an epic episode of Epic Rap Battles of History and much, much more! FEATURED VIDEOS: #20: Wake the F--k Up: #19: Barack Obama Singing Sexy and I Know It: #18: Mister Rogers Remixed | Garden of Your Mind: #17: Arrested Drunk Guy Singing Bohemian Rhapsody: #16: Oh My Dayum: #15: Kristen Bell's Sloth Meltdown: #14: Isaac's Live Lip Dub Marriage Proposal: #13: Bad Lip Reading: Edward and Bella: #12: Master Chief vs. Leonidas: Epic Rap Battles of History Season 2: #11: Tired of Bronco Bamma: Read our blog to discover more trends! Follow us on Twitter for real-time updates! Like us on Facebook! Add us to your circles on <b>...</b> Author: Whatstrending Duration: 4:53
Photos for video Top 20 YouTube Videos of 2012: Part 1 (feat. KassemG)
June 20, 2012 - We're in 130 countries, 900 bases. Iran is surrounded by 45 of our bases. They're no threat to anybody. That's all a concocted scheme to take over their oil. And they have to get you know, they have to take over Syria in order to go on to Iran. So this is just the plan of those who love intervention and love our empire. And the American people have fallen for this before. And I'm just trying to wake up the American people and say don't fall for these lies again. Iraq, it's a big shambles right now. ~ Dr. Ron Paul ALL CREDITS TO : CNN FBI -- WARNING -- Federal law allows citizens to reproduce, distribute or exhibit portions of copyright motion pictures, video tapes, or video disks under certain circumstances without authorization of the copyright holder. This infringement of copyright is called fair use and is allowed for purposes of criticism, news reporting, teaching and parody. Author: djgabrielpresents Duration: 4:32
Photos for video Ron Paul to John McCain: Syria is none of our business!
Бензин 4 копейки за литр! Создали установку в России, в Томске. Различный мусор, типа окурков, бумаги окисляют, получая бензин. Изобретатели сами ездят на этом бензине, говорят, больше не заправляются на бензоколонках... Author: skoroRAsvet Duration: 18:29
Photos for video Жесть! 1 литр бензина за 4 копейки!
Сергей Кургинян разбирает "Путинское большинство" - диалог Юрия Сапрыкина и известной либерально-фашистской журналистки Юлии Латыниной Author: Vegaz1974 Duration: 16:08
Photos for video Сергей Кургинян размазывает Сапрыкина и Латынину Alex Jones puts into perspective the radical behavior of SWAT teams and other government enforcement agencies who recently raided and terrorized a family and killed two dogs in order to bust a man for one gram of marijuana. At the same time, the CIA and other agencies of government have admittedly carried out narcotrafficking operations for decades. This is especially true in Afghanistan, where troops guard opium crops, and the fight against the Taliban and al qaeda is mired in drug trafficking. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 10:54
Photos for video Government Admits they Deal Heroin, Terrorize Families for Pot Top Secret Obama 2012 World War 3 Illuminati Antichrist Conspiracy! Top Secret Obama World War 3 Illuminati Antichrist Conspiracy president usa america martial law fema camps beast mark tribulations hell Alien UFO Planet X Nibiru Asteroid Meteorite Comet Impact prophecy revelations apocalypse 2012 2010 hell end time secret underground paranormal space world earth cataclysm mayan Author: exposedapostasy Duration: 10:52
Photos for video Top Secret Obama 2012 World War 3 Illuminati Antichrist Conspiracy!