Welcome aboard the USS Barack Obama the ENTIRE 9th Campaign Mission Call of duty: Black Ops 2 (24min) so be sure to LIKE this video / FAVORITE this video / COMMENT on this video to achieve absolutely nothing FACEBOOK IT Author: dougangotblocked Duration: 24:25
Photos for video Interrogating Raul Mendez!! Campaign Mission 9 (BLACK OPS 2 LETS PLAY)
Turkey Attacks Syria and then authorizes military action. Has Obama given the green light to Prime Minister Erdogen to finish off Syria's Assad? Mitt Romney seemed to have destroyed President Obama in the debate last night. Is Alex Jones on a list in Washington? China school is buried in a landslide leaving 19 dead, and much more bible prophecy and the powerful Word of God by Pastor Paul Begley of Indiana. Current News Events, Bible Prophecy as it relates to the Word of God with Pastor Paul Begley. He is the author of three books: Hosea Prophecy, Mark of the Beast RFID, and Texas Blood Lake. Paulbegleyprophecy.com is his website that streams live M - F 12pm to 3pm EST and every Sunday night 7pm to 10pm. Pastor Paul Begley has hearkened to the call of God to reach out to a troubled world with the end time clarion call of salvation. justin.tv twitter.com paulbegleyprophecy.com http youtube.com blogtv.com paulbegleyprophecy.chatango.com http Author: begleyradio Duration: 164:32
Photos for video Is Alex Jones On A Hit List In Washington? - The Coming Apocalypse - Paul Begley - October 4, 2012
Jere Van Dyk is a former TV correspondent and Taliban expert (and was once held captive by them). He believes the Taliban is poorly understood in the West, but that better understanding is key for US foreign policy. He shares his views with RT - READ FULL SCRIPT on.rt.com RT LIVE rt.com Subscribe to RT! www.youtube.com Like us on Facebook www.facebook.com Follow us on Twitter twitter.com Follow us on Google+ plus.google.com RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark. Author: RussiaToday Duration: 12:34
Photos for video 'US created forces it spends money fighting against' - Taliban ex-captive
Carl Reddix, an OB-GYN based in Jackson, Mississippi, has been blocked from serving on the state's board of health despite his obvious qualifications. Why? Though the doctor does not perform abortions, he has a remote tie to a women's health clinic that does, and that's enough for the Lieutenant Governor to declare him unqualified. Dr. Reddix joins Rachel Maddow to talk about the situation. From the May 2nd, 2012 edition of The Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC. Author: Panzerfaust04 Duration: 19:04
Photos for video Mississippi puts radical politics ahead of women's health - The Rachel Maddow Show (May 2nd, 2012)
Сергей Кургинян разбирает "Путинское большинство" - диалог Юрия Сапрыкина и известной либерально-фашистской журналистки Юлии Латыниной Author: Vegaz1974 Duration: 16:08
Photos for video Сергей Кургинян размазывает Сапрыкина и Латынину
democracynow.org - Responding to President Obama's State of the Union address, longtime consumer advocate and former Presidential candidate Ralph Nader says Obama's criticism of income inequality and Wall Street excess fail to live up to his record in office. "[Obama] says one thing and does another," Nader says. "Where has he been for over three years? There are existing laws that can prosecute and convict Wall Street crooks. He hasn't sent more than one or two to jail." On foreign policy, Nader says: "I think his lawless militarism that started the speech and ended the speech was truly astonishing. [Obama] was very committed to projecting the American empire, in Obama terms." Towatch the complete daily, independent news hour, read the transcript, download the podcast, and for the additional reports, visit www.democracynow.org. FOLLOW DEMOCRACY NOW! ONLINE Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: @democracynow Subscribe on YouTube: www.youtube.com Listen on SoundCloud: www.soundcloud.com Daily Email News Digest: www.democracynow.org Please consider supporting independent media by making a donation to Democracy Now! today, visit www.democracynow.org Author: democracynow Duration: 14:10
Photos for video "He Says One Thing And Does Another": Ralph Nader Reviews Obama's State of the Union Speech
Rep. Paul is the ONLY one in Congress with guts to say what all others refuse to tell you. Missouri's Akin, Clay, Carnahan, Cleaver, Graves, Emerson, Hartzler, Long and Luetkemeye are SILENT and Blunt-SILENT! Republicans Speaker Boehner and Leader McConnel SUPPORT Democrat Reid. McCaskill and Obama's TSA molestations, the illegal war in Libya and the unconstitutional Patriot Act. God bless Ron Paul!! Author: 22popuser Duration: 5:08
Photos for video Ron Paul "The Last Nail" - Incredible Floor Speech May 25 2011.flv
This is part one of me playing Call of Duty Black Ops Zombies. I am playing with some random people who I demonstrate some of my psychic powers to. Note: All personal information shared in this video are censored. Author: XBOXPsychic Duration: 9:50
Photos for video XBOX Live's Youngest Psychic Part One
Time Out Production presents occult expert Freeman. Covered on the program are some anomalies and occultist knowledge regarding Barack Hussien (Barry Soetoro), the Earths moon and Mars' moon Phobos. Author: Kevin Gallagher Duration: 28:45
Photos for video Time Out: Freeman Obama - Moon - Mars
Mirrored from this video - www.youtube.com All politicians sound good running for office, but we need to look at their actions, NOT their words. George HW Bush - George W. Bush - Barack Obama. Three different men, three similar Presidents. Top 3 Obama Excuses 1. Give him time - The Job is 4 years long. He has been in almost a year. I think he has had plenty of time. 2. He is better then McCain - I agree, but that is not saying much. He is not better then Ron Paul or Dennis Kucinich. Has it not been made abundantly clear that this fake Democrat and Republican thing is a complete and utter joke? They all act like they have all the answers when they have no control, but when they get in office they mess it up. This has been the same sick joke for about 4 decades now. 3. He inherited a bad job I agree, but he is not going in a different direction than we were already headed. If he were changing course I think we all would and should be more patient. The facts clearly state otherwise. FACT: (google any of these topics and you will see several articles confirming these. It is not my job to do your research and many of these are already in the video itself being reported by the mainstream media. That is how bad it is right now. Even they cant cover for all this nonsense.) The economy is worse now after his stimulus. Unemployment went to over 10% even after the stimulus when they said it would not get that high if we passed it. Guantanamo Bay is not going to be closed on time, if <b>...</b> Author: Marcus Riley Duration: 11:00
Are you familiar with the Rockefeller plan to create a One World Government? Are you aware of the relationships between the Rockefellers and Barack Obama and John McCain? This video will focus on Obama, McCain and the Rockefeller family. Author: RLiebenstein1 Duration: 7:41
Photos for video Rockefellers control government part 1