"We have a president who has not hesitated to kill foreign innocent children or American innocent children when they are in a foreign country. He loses credibility when he stands with innocent American children and says 'I'm going to keep you safe,'" Napolitano said. My Channel: www.youtube.com Fair Use Disclaimer: This video may contain copyrighted material. This material is made available for educational, research, and news reporting purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 USC section 107 of the US Copyright Law which allows citizens to reproduce, distribute or exhibit portions of copyright motion pictures, video tapes, or video disks under certain circumstances without authorization of the copyright holder. Author: Eduardo89rp Duration: 4:16
Photos for video Judge Napolitano: Obama Has Not Hesitated To Kill Foreign And American Innocent Children With Drones
Wolf Blitzer announces Barack Obama re-elected for President of The United States of America on CNN President Obama wins election 2012 Obama wins election 2012 Democrats win election 2012 Obama wins another 4 years 2012 President Obama back in the White House 2012 United States of America elections 2012 Obama wins election 2012 Barack Obama wins election for second term as president President Barack Obama handily defeated Gov. Mitt Romney and won himself a second term Tuesday after a bitter and historically expensive race that was primarily fought in just a handful of battleground states. Networks project that Obama beat Romney after nabbing the crucial state of Ohio. The Romney campaign's last-ditch attempt to put blue-leaning Midwestern swing states in play failed as Obama's Midwestern firewall sent the president back to the White House for four more years. Obama picked up the swing states of New Hampshire, Michigan, New Mexico, Iowa, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, and Ohio. Florida and Virginia are still too close to call, but even if he won them, they would not give Romney enough Electoral College votes to put him over the top. Romney looks poised to do better in the overall popular vote. The Obama victory marks an end to a years-long campaign that saw historic advertisement spending levels, countless rallies and speeches, and three much-watched debates. The Romney campaign cast the election as a referendum on Obama's economic policies, frequently comparing him <b>...</b> Author: dutty redz Duration: 6:38
Israel will perform a Drill called "Turning Point 6" in which they pretend a Mega Quake hits Jerusalem and kills 7000 people just like Revelation 11:13. Also US Embassy worker shot dead on his way to the Embassy in Yemen. Also USA President Obama sends troops Jordan. The Pope Benedict XVI prays in Arabic from Rome. Also Duke Professor confirms President Obama's ring does say in arabic "There is no god but Allah." Also 100 birds dive headlong into a car in Australia. Theologian Paul Begley of Indiana explains bible prophecy, current news events, and the powerful Word of God. Current News Events, Bible Prophecy as it relates to the Word of God with Pastor Paul Begley. He is the author of three books: Hosea Prophecy, Mark of the Beast RFID, and Texas Blood Lake. Paulbegleyprophecy.com is his website that streams live M - F 12pm to 3pm EST and every Sunday night 7pm to 10pm. Pastor Paul Begley has hearkened to the call of God to reach out to a troubled world with the end time clarion call of salvation. justin.tv twitter.com paulbegleyprophecy.com http youtube.com blogtv.com paulbegleyprophecy.chatango.com http Author: begleyradio Duration: 146:51
Photos for video Al-CIAda Embassy Hit Succeeds - Israel Mega Quake - Obama's Demon Worship - Mass Deaths
ПОМНИТЕ! США, Англия, Израиль - братья навек. Мы проиграли холодную войну в 1991г., мы побеждённая страна, нашу конституцию писали американцы, нашу "экономику" и политический строй, ПОД СЕБЯ, создавали они же; у нашего президента нет и тысячной доли власти которой обладал Сталин; НАМ ПО КОНСТИТУЦИИ ЗАПРЕЩЕНО ИМЕТЬ СВОЮ ИДЕОЛОГИЮ!!! И т. д. и т. п. ОНИ ПОДМЕНИЛИ НАШИ ЦЕННОСТИ НА ФАЛЬШИВЫЕ. К СОЖАЛЕНИЮ ЭТО ОБЪЕКТИВНАЯ РЕАЛЬНОСТЬ. Восстановить суверенитет наша задача. Первый раз они нас кинули ещё в 1917г.! Сегодня войны выигрываются в СМИ, в ТВ, а не на танках. Информационная война -- комплекс мероприятий по информционному воздействию на массовое сознание для изменения поведения людей и навязывания им целей, которые не входят в число их интересов, а так же защита от подобных воздействий. Информационные войны позволяют изменять оценку происходящего населением территории противника, пораженческое настроение и, в перспективе, переход на сторону ведущего инфовоздействие. С появлением СМИ и общим повышением уровня грамотности в ХХ веке ведение информационной войны стало более эффективным. Школа блоггеров-патриотов. nstarikov.ru Писатель Н.Стариков "Абсолютно незаметно, но чтобы человек на какие-то вопросы думал определённым образом. Например, запускается программа, иначе нельзя сказать, совершенно чёткая программа дискредитации одной из политических сил нашей страны. Выпускается «замечательный» слоган «Партия жуликов и воров». Проходит время, слоган этот повторяют везде к месту <b>...</b> Author: НИКОЛАЙ Александрович Duration: 7:34
Photos for video Березовские, Познеры, Гельманы, Шацы и РОССИЯ. 1917 - 2012.
Состояние Вооруженных Сил Российской Федерации после проведения реформ прокомментировал генерал-лейтенант В.И. Соболев Author: CommunistPartyRF Duration: 3:54
Photos for video Натовская оценка состояния Вооруженных Сил РФ
On this first live show of 2012, Alex takes a large number of your calls and talks about the latest news, including the Iowa caucus tomorrow and Ron Paul's chances as the Republican establishment plots against him and pushes the script-reading warmongers Mitt Romney and the recently come-from-behind candidate Rick Santorum, who has proposed air strikes on Iran. Alex also talks about the concerted effort by the corporate media to fiddle with poll results in order to downplay Ron Paul's obvious lead in the eleventh hour before the caucus. Alex takes a look at the police state NDAA legislation signed into law by Obama, who promises he will not send the military to arrest American citizens and strip them of their rights under the Fourth Amendment. www.infowars.com Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 12:37
Photos for video Outlook for 2012: Total Collapse of Society and The End of Internet Freedom 3/3
This is part one of me playing Call of Duty Black Ops Zombies. I am playing with some random people who I demonstrate some of my psychic powers to. Note: All personal information shared in this video are censored. Author: XBOXPsychic Duration: 9:50
Photos for video XBOX Live's Youngest Psychic Part One