"We have a president who has not hesitated to kill foreign innocent children or American innocent children when they are in a foreign country. He loses credibility when he stands with innocent American children and says 'I'm going to keep you safe,'" Napolitano said. My Channel: www.youtube.com Fair Use Disclaimer: This video may contain copyrighted material. This material is made available for educational, research, and news reporting purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 USC section 107 of the US Copyright Law which allows citizens to reproduce, distribute or exhibit portions of copyright motion pictures, video tapes, or video disks under certain circumstances without authorization of the copyright holder. Author: Eduardo89rp Duration: 4:16
Photos for video Judge Napolitano: Obama Has Not Hesitated To Kill Foreign And American Innocent Children With Drones
We MUST hold this government accountable! Knowledge is Free! Share it! "I see the strongest and the smartest men who have ever lived... and these men are pumping gas and waiting tables." Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club, Chapter 19 ### PM2012Mirror: galatorg.com PM2012Site: projectmayhem2012.org (Down) Project Mayhem 2012 'Dangerous Ideas #1 and #2': pastebin.com Beta Candidates galatorg.com Project Mayhem 2012 Tyler: pastebin.com TYLER forum discussion: galatorg.com TYLER pad discussion: pad.telecomix.org pad.fnordig.de (Don't BEE afraid to start your OWN seKret TYLER) Project Mayhem 2012. Game OVer. ra2012.tumblr.com November: www.youtube.com Deeper: anoncentral.tumblr.com Open the Door: www.galatorg.com PM2012 Tumblr: pm2012.tumblr.com RA2012 Twitter: twitter.com RA2012 Facebook: www.facebook.com RA2012 Tumblr: ra2012.tumblr.com PM2012 Twitter: twitter.com twitter.com www.facebook.com #TYLER Beta Testing: Audit, test, and report issues here: galatorg.com #pm2012 #Nov5 #Anonymous Twitter: twitter.com | twitter.com Tumblr: ra2012.tumblr.com | pm2012.tumblr.com Author: LilKing420s Duration: 16:43
Photos for video -= Anonymous =- Obama: You are fooling NO ONE!
LIVE, UNSCRIPTED, AND UNCENSORED! To Be Debated! (TBD) is PoliPop's newest show, bringing together the diverse voices of our network. Stay tuned for weekly hangouts and debates! Subscribe to PoliPop for updates, and watch the livestream Thursdays at 6:30pm PST! Check here for the live link:... Author: POLIPOP Duration: 74:19
Photos for video TBD! #4 HowTheWorldWorks VS. TheAmazingAtheist!
Today on this LIVE Sunday edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex welcomes author and leading birth certificate researcher Jerome Corsi to unveil the latest information on the shadow war for leading up to the 2012 elections. The investigation into the mysterious death of Andrew Breitbart continues, as reports show he had been meeting with Sheriff Joe Arpaio just days before his untimely demise. Breitbart had been poised to release bombshell footage of Obama on the day of his death which he hoped would sink Obama's re-election chances, while Arpaio is pursuing 'probable cause' in a case questioning Obama's birth certificate and eligibility. Alex covers other news, including the declared victory by Vladimir Putin in Russia's elections, hotly contested by a largely Western-backed opposition crying fraud at the results. Also, Alex discusses the release of his speech from Dallas, Texas, the Blueprint to Defeat the New World Order, accompanying the new mini-documentary New World Order: Blueprint of Madmen, both available at PrisonPlanet.tv and on You Tube. Your calls are welcome. www.infowars.com twitter.com jeromecorsi.com Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 5:49
Photos for video Texas DPS Targets Infowars Reporter for Armed Military Style Boat Fleet Report
Tonight on Adam vs. the Man with Adam Kokesh: Adam explains why Barack Obama won't win the 2012 presidential election. And a police state update as two men in Britain are sentenced to 4 years in jail for using Facebook to try inciting the riots in London and if you possess a small amount of marijuana you may lose custody of your child. Plus, former governor of New Mexico, Gary Johnson shares his political views with Adam. Author: AdamVsTheManRT Duration: 30:09
Photos for video 8/18/11 Full show -- Obama 2012, Governor Gary Johnson, UK Riots, Police State, Marijuana
Humorist John Hodgman was the entertainment headliner at the 2009 Radio and TV Correspondents' Dinner. Mr. Hodgman roasted the president for being a "nerd", referencing his place in popular culture and passion for comics and science fiction. www.c-spanarchives.org Author: CSPAN Duration: 14:04
Photos for video John Hodgman at Radio & TV Correspondents' Dinner
RonPaul1.Blogspot.com for more on Ron Paul..... http RonPaul1.Blogspot.com http RonPaul1.Blogspot.com http RonPaul1.Blogspot.com Peter Schiff Glenn Beck marc faber gerald celente Ron Paul Bernanke the Bailout Plan scandal Warren Buffett dollar Fema Camps NWO UK Britain pound sterling Marc Faber Jim Rogers gold Gerald Celente Max Keiser Lou Dobbs civil unrest turmoils riots Alex jones david Icke Bob Chapman economy collapse meltdown silver currency Worst Case Scenario 2020 obama mayors stimulus wisely Illuminati new world order skull and bones bohemian grove bush Freemason Author: RonPaulYTChannel Duration: 9:37
Photos for video Ron Paul debates Stephen Baldwin on Legalizing Marijuana on CNN Larry King 03132009
From Larry King Live Oct. 24, 2008 the panel of Scott McClellan, Terry Holt, Lars Larson and Christopher Hitchens discussing the Presidential election ,McCain's choice of Sarah Palin as a running mate, Iraq, the surge and Palin's fruit fly comment. Author: ThePatriotsMaxims Duration: 8:39
Photos for video Hitchens - No Responsible Person Can Vote Republican
Palin remarked, "I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a community organizer, except that you have actual responsibilities." Now I'm all for upholding the dignity of small-town mayors and acknowledging the responsibilities they shoulder. And certainly we need to more of a town hall forum dynamic within government on a national scale if ordinary people are to have any access to counter the influence of corporate lobbyists. But it's just wrong to dis community organizers. More than that, it's politically stupid to belittle community organizers when you are trying to portray yourself as an insurgent candidate seeking to overthrow the Washington elite. So let's start with one obvious way in which community organizers make a difference. They register new voters. In 1992, a record 150000 new voters were added to the rolls in Chicago owing in large measure to a grassroots effort led by Project Vote. A January 1993 analysis by Chicago magazine on the local director of Project Vote concluded, "A huge black turnout in November 1992 altered Chicago's electoral landscape -- and raised a new political star: a 31-year-old lawyer named Barack Obama." And community organizers...empower people to express their needs and concerns, not just as individuals but as a more powerful collective of diverse but coordinated souls. This means that community organizers must also be skilled at communication, negotiation, and compromise -- traits required of any good leader. I can't say what <b>...</b> Author: AntiConformist911 Duration: 10:38
Photos for video Obama responds to Sarah Palin's nasty attacks
Enjoy this exclusive sit down interview with Ne-Yo and his mother Lorraine. They speak of his new foundation and their relationship when Ne-Yo was younger. Author: MichaelMelendy Duration: 10:21
Photos for video Ne-Yo Talks about Not Having a Father!