The Gregory Brothers present a video game-inspired musical mash-up of President Obama and Mitt Romney's speeches from the recent nominating conventions. Read full article here: Check out more from the Gregory Brothers: Author: TheNewYorkTimes Duration: 2:32
Photos for video Patriot Game - OpDocs (Obama vs Romney)
Президент России дал телеканалу RT эксклюзивное интервью. Владимир Путин ответил на вопросы ведущего RT Кевина Оуэна о саммите АТЭС во Владивостоке и других наиболее актуальных событиях в России и за рубежом. Подписывайтесь на RT Russian - RT на русском - Vkontakte - http Facebook - Twitter - Livejournal - Author: rtrussian Duration: 53:13
Photos for video Эксклюзивное интервью Владимира Путина каналу RT
Slavery is once more legal in the United States thanks to language buried deep inside Executive Order 13603, which Barack Obama signed into law on March 16th 2012. According to this Executive Order the President, or those he designates, can conscript "persons of outstanding experience and ability without compensation," in "peacetime and times of national emergency." In a nutshell, that means that Barack Obama, and those he designates, can seize any resource, property, or person at any time for any reason, forcing that person with labor without being paid. There is only ONE definition for forced, "uncompensated employment." That word is slavery. This episode also includes an appeal to Federal, State, County, and Local law enforcement officers to uphold the oath they took to "Protect and Defend the Constitution of the United States," by defending the citizens they have sworn to protect, even when the aggressor is a Federal Government that has devolved into nothing more than a Tyranny where one man (or those he designates) can order the enslavement of its citizens, their detention in labor and re-education camps - even their deaths - simply by signing a piece of paper. Executive Order 13603: Internment and Resettlement Field Manual: Author: Bobby Powell Duration: 16:41
Photos for video Obama Institutes Slavery In US: A Plea To Law Enforcement (Part 2 of 2)
Airing Date Dec.20, 2011 You can also view this video at DailyMotion here Ron Paul Interview On CNN's John King, USA lets see here Ask about a third party run... Check Ask why his own party hates him... Check Ask about newsletters he did not write..... Check Ah yes the main stream media, your relevancy is fading before you but fortunately you can not see it. Your time is up, LONG LIVE THE INTERNET ! Author: SaveOurSovereignty3 Duration: 6:20
Photos for video Ron Paul Interview On CNN's John King, USA
On June 9, 2011, President Obama issued a sweeping executive order for a White House Rural Council that purports to exert broad municpal powers over the food, fiber, and energy production of Rural American. Where's the Line, America to how much power the president can amass by executive order? Author: voteivory Duration: 6:00
Photos for video President Obama Executive Order 13575 Rural Councils
SOURCES AND TRANSCRIPT: A group of American national security whistleblowers, civil liberty campaigners, anti-war groups, national whistleblower organizations and others are set to release a petition tomorrow asking a group of NGOs to take back the "transparency award" they bestowed on President Obama last March for his supposed attempt to fight against government secrecy. Author: corbettreport Duration: 13:22
Photos for video Obama's Hypocrisy - Whistleblowers Line Up to Take Back Transparency Award
Aaron Dykes & Alex Jones May 24, 2011 Speaking today on the Alex Jones Show, investigative journalist Jerome R. Corsi dropped a huge bombshell. Dr. Corsi provided proof that he was alerted to an on-going plot to release a fake more than two months before President Obama released his purported long-form birth certificate. Corsi supplied with time-stamped Microsoft Word documents [.ZIP] of five unpublished World Net Daily investigative drafts, written between February 23 and February 24, 2011, two months before Obama's April 27 birth certificate press conference. The unpublished reports confirm that moles inside the Hawaiian State government, including one inside the Department of Health, had warned Corsi of a plan by Obama operatives to plant and then publicly release a forged birth certificate. The veteran investigative journalist released more details during a live appearance today, two hours and 8 minutes into the three hour broadcast. Three weeks before the April 27th Obama press conference, Corsi was contacted again by his informants, who had been keeping a close eye on the birth records. It had happened. Prior to April 2011, there had been no Barack Obama birth certificate in the sequentially numbered book, but as of early April, it had suddenly appeared in the records. Remember, in January 2011, Hawaiian Governor-elect Neil Abercrombie had told reporters that he was unable to locate President Obama's birth <b>...</b> Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 5:08
Photos for video Gov't Moles Alerted Investigator of Planted Obama Birth Certificate 2 months before Release 4/4
После этой программы, в которой Носик запугивал Кремль, называя Навального русским Обамой, Следственному комитету было приказано накопать на Навального ну хоть что-нибудь Author: Дмитрий Щёлоков Duration: 50:31
Photos for video Навальный и Носик у Альбац на Эхо Москвы о РосПиле
Note: Sources for the polling data include Pew Research Center, Gallup, and several other respected groups. Non-Partisan Polling Data 1: Non-Partisan Polling Data 2: Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 6:57
Photos for video Polls: Americans Are Progressive On Most Issues