Infowars Analysis of Obama's War on Guns Citizens File Articles of Impeachment Against Obama Obama's "Gun Safety" Executive Actions Create Snitch Culture Cover the Press Conference Second Sheriff Refuses to Enforce Gun Confiscation NRA Ad: Obama Is 'Elitist Hypocrite' [STAND UP FOR YOUR 2ND AMENDMENT RIGHT WITH THIS POWERFUL T-SHIRT] [New Shirt] Your Price $19.95 [Infowars Magazine for January] GET YOUR COPY TODAY AND SPREAD THE TRUTH!! [FIGHT FLUORIDE with "Clearly Filtered" - NEW ITEM [Strategic Relocation Documentary Film Featuring Joel Skousen] Sale Price $19.95 [COLD & FLU IMMUNE SUPPORT PACK] The Cold & Flu Immune Support Pack from EnerHealth Botanicals is a great selection of herbal tinctures to help maintain and support your body during cold & flu season. Retail Price $99.95 Your Savings $10.00 Your Price $89.95** [START GETTING HEALTHY NOW BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE] Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 30:49
Photos for video Infowars Analyzes Obama's Tyrannical War on Guns
Министр культуры России Владимир Мединский отвечает на вопросы Владимира Познера. "Несмотря на достаточно жесткий бюджет, государственные расходы на культуру в 2013 году вырастут, в том числе, - и в абсолютных цифрах, - сообщил в эфире программы "Познер" министр культуры РФ Владимир Мединский. -- В 2012 году мы много денег тратили на крупные федеральные стройки, теперь этих строек стало меньше, и у нас остались деньги на другие направления развития". В частности, подчеркнул министр, в 2013 году планируется повышение федеральной составляющей зарплат федеральных учреждений культуры на 25-30 процентов. "Это очень большие деньги, такого повышения не было ни разу за последние 20 лет", - отметил он. Говоря о цензуре, Владимир Мединский заявил: "Наша страна никогда не должна вернуться к эпохе, когда существовала цензура, когда художественные советы решали, имеет право творец предъявить публике свое творение или нет". Вместе с тем, по мнению министра, должна быть духовно-нравственная цензура: "Гражданское общество имеет право выразить свою позицию, имеет право сказать, в том числе и СМИ: "Конечно, вам решать, но нам кажется, что это перебор". Затронув тему кино, министр отметил, что "степень влияния государства на кинопродуцию крайне преувеличена". "Максимум, о чем идет речь, о том, что на основе соцопросов и мнений экспертов формируется десяток общих тем, о которых должны сниматься фильмы, - пояснил он. -- И если вы хотите иметь больше оснований на государственное финансирование <b>...</b> Author: Артур Курильский Duration: 54:58
Photos for video Познер. Интервью с Владимиром Мединским (02.12.2012)
Kogelo received the news of Obama's victory and celebrated in style! Watch KTN Streaming LIVE from Kenya 24/7 on Author: standardgroupkenya Duration: 14:39
Subscribe To My Channel- Re-uploaded Originally uploaded by StormCloudsGathering There World War III (WWIII or Third World War) is a hypothetical conflict that denotes a successor to World War II (1939--1945). The conflict would be on a global scale, with common speculation that it would likely be a nuclear war and devastating in nature. In the wake of World War I, World War II, the commencement of the Cold War and the development, testing and use of nuclear weapons, there was early widespread speculation as to the next global war. This war was anticipated and planned for by military and civil authorities, and explored in fiction in many countries. Concepts ranged from the limited use of atomic weapons, to the destruction of the planetNorman Podhoretz has suggested that the Cold War can be identified as World War III because it was fought, although by proxy, on a global scale, with the main combatants, the United States and later NATO, and the Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact countries providing political, military and economic support while not engaging in direct combat. Eliot Cohen, the director of strategic studies at the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University, declared in The Wall Street Journal, a little more than a month after the attacks on the twin towers and the Pentagon, that the struggle against terrorism was more than a law-enforcement operation, and would require military conflict <b>...</b> Author: TheLiberalPacifist Duration: 13:48
Photos for video Ron Paul: World War 3 Is About To Start
Slavery is once more legal in the United States thanks to language buried deep inside Executive Order 13603, which Barack Obama signed into law on March 16th 2012. According to this Executive Order the President, or those he designates, can conscript "persons of outstanding experience and ability without compensation," in "peacetime and times of national emergency." In a nutshell, that means that Barack Obama, and those he designates, can seize any resource, property, or person at any time for any reason, forcing that person to labor without being paid. There is only ONE definition for forced, "uncompensated employment." That definition is slavery. This episode also includes an appeal to Federal, State, County, and Local law enforcement officers to uphold the oath they took to "Protect and Defend the Constitution of the United States," by defending the citizens they have sworn to protect, even when the aggressor is a Federal Government that has devolved into nothing more than a Tyranny where one man (or those he designates) can order the enslavement of its citizens, their detention in labor and re-education camps - even their deaths - simply by signing a piece of paper. Executive Order 13603: Internment and Resettlement Field Manual: Author: Bobby Powell Duration: 7:18
Photos for video Obama Institutes Slavery In US By Executive Order: A Plea To Law Enforcement (Part 1 of 2)
Michael Savage on Larry King Homo Baiting Bill O'Reilly Obama sympathizer & Dylan Ratigan declaring Tea Parties racist Author: rocknrollfriday Duration: 6:30
Photos for video Michael Savage on Larry King Bill O'Reilly & Dylan Ratigan
Alex welcomes back to the show former New Jersey Superior Court Judge and political and legal analyst for Fox News Channel, Andrew Napolitano. Judge Napolitano is the author of Constitutional Chaos: What Happens When the Government Breaks its Own Laws, The Constitution in Exile: How the Federal Government Has Seized Power by Rewriting the Supreme Law of the Land, and A Nation of Sheep. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 10:51
Photos for video Judge Andrew Napolitano on The Alex Jones Show 1/2:False Flag Event To Save Obama's Presidency
Fun and Facts About America, John Sutherland Productions. Creative Commons license: Public Domain. This Cold War-era cartoon uses humor to tout the dangers of Communism and the benefits of capitalism. For more great vintage animation check out and subscribe to our podcast. Author: AnimationStation Duration: 9:27