Barack Obama made history during his second inaugural address, when he expressed his support for gay marriage. It is the first time a US president has mentioned homosexuality on such an occasion. Al Jazeera's Cath Turner takes a look at the progress of the gay rights movement in US. Author: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 2:18
Photos for video Obama's hint towards progress for gay movement
Jason Woo Dress Please SUBSCRIBE for the Best Music and Breaking NEWS !! Barack Obama and Michelle Obama Dance at Inauguration Ball | Jennifer Hudson Author: Newsforthenation1 Duration: 2:25
Photos for video Barack Obama and Michelle Obama Dance at Inauguration Ball | Jennifer Hudson
Известный политолог и публицист Анатолий Вассерман подводит итоги уходящего 2012 года на Телевидении KM.RU. Источник: Все плейлисты этого канала YouTube смотрите здесь: Author: ShurikShev Duration: 22:14
Photos for video Анатолий Вассерман - Итоги 2012 года
Министр культуры России Владимир Мединский отвечает на вопросы Владимира Познера. "Несмотря на достаточно жесткий бюджет, государственные расходы на культуру в 2013 году вырастут, в том числе, - и в абсолютных цифрах, - сообщил в эфире программы "Познер" министр культуры РФ Владимир Мединский. -- В 2012 году мы много денег тратили на крупные федеральные стройки, теперь этих строек стало меньше, и у нас остались деньги на другие направления развития". В частности, подчеркнул министр, в 2013 году планируется повышение федеральной составляющей зарплат федеральных учреждений культуры на 25-30 процентов. "Это очень большие деньги, такого повышения не было ни разу за последние 20 лет", - отметил он. Говоря о цензуре, Владимир Мединский заявил: "Наша страна никогда не должна вернуться к эпохе, когда существовала цензура, когда художественные советы решали, имеет право творец предъявить публике свое творение или нет". Вместе с тем, по мнению министра, должна быть духовно-нравственная цензура: "Гражданское общество имеет право выразить свою позицию, имеет право сказать, в том числе и СМИ: "Конечно, вам решать, но нам кажется, что это перебор". Затронув тему кино, министр отметил, что "степень влияния государства на кинопродуцию крайне преувеличена". "Максимум, о чем идет речь, о том, что на основе соцопросов и мнений экспертов формируется десяток общих тем, о которых должны сниматься фильмы, - пояснил он. -- И если вы хотите иметь больше оснований на государственное финансирование <b>...</b> Author: Артур Курильский Duration: 54:58
Photos for video Познер. Интервью с Владимиром Мединским (02.12.2012)
THE iTUNES LINK! - NEW TANK TOPS! - Join us LIVE on Mondays @ 11AM PST on SUBMIT YOUR WTKGTS BANNER! (4ft. tall x 6ft. wide) Send to: PO Box 66580 Los Angeles, CA 90066 OUR CHANNELS! WTKGTS FACEBOOK! WTKGTS TWITTER! OUR TWITTERS! THEME SONG BY TERABRITE! OTHER STUFF! Google+ Facebook: Instagram: SHOE! SHIRTS at Rodeo Arcade: OUR WEBSITE: Author: WhenTheKidsGoToSleep Duration: 30:30
Watch Part 2 of this film: In keeping with Barack Obama's presidential campaign promise, the US has withdrawn its troops from Iraq and by the end of 2012 US spending in Iraq will be just five per cent of what it was at its peak in 2008. In a special two-part series, Fault Lines travels across Iraq to take the pulse of a country and its people after nine years of foreign occupation and nation-building. Now that US troops have left, how are Iraqis overcoming the legacy of violence and toxic remains of the US-led occupation, and the sectarian war it ignited? Is the country on the brink of irreparable fragmentation? Correspondent Sebastian Walker first went to Baghdad in June 2003 and spent the next several years reporting un-embedded from Iraq. In the first part of this Fault Lines series, he returns and travels from Basra to Baghdad to find out what kind of future Iraqis are forging for themselves. Follow on Twitter: Follow on Facebook: Follow on Instagram: See all episodes of Fault Lines: Meet the Fault Lines Team: Author: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 25:01
Photos for video Fault Lines - Iraq: After the Americans - Part 1
New TYT Network channels: New TYT Facebook Page(!): Follow us on Twitter: DISCOUNTS: FREE Movies(!): Note: The above two links are for TYT sponsors. Read Ana's blog and subscribe at: TYT Network (new WTF?! channel): Check Out TYT Interviews Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 4:43
Photos for video Obama Corruption Investigation By GOP?
As we pay our tax bills, it seems an appropriate time to urge everyone to Rethink Afghanistan, a war that currently costs over $2 billion a month but hasn't made us any safer. Everyone has a friend or relative who just lost a job. Do we really want to spend over $1 trillion on another war? Everyone knows someone who has lost their home. Do we really want spend our tax dollars on a war that could last a decade or more? The Obama administration has taken some smart steps to counter this economic crisis with its budget request. Do we really want to see that effort wasted by expanding military demands? Watch Pulitzer Prize-winning authors and journalists, military and foreign policy experts, leading economists, and many more explain just how much the war in Afghanistan will cost us over how many years. We must urge Congress to raise key questions about this war at once. As FireDogLake blogger Siun recently wrote, "Once again we are planning a surge with no exit plan and a continued lack of concern for the most basic protection of the civilians in the land we claim to liberate." Author: bravenewfilms Duration: 13:59
Photos for video Rethink Afghanistan War (Part 3): Cost of War
Is economic despair the vehicle for totalitarianism? Plummeting unemployment rates mark this economic crisis around the nation which is resulting in a political crisis on Capitol Hill, as Democrats and the GOP debate the stimulus. Some analysts say that this economic despair is creating a vehicle towards totalitarianism, which was evident during the Great Depression. But during that depression, the nation had strong labor unions and a vibrant independent press. Without those traditional tools, what might we face in the coming years? Chris Hedges is the author of American Fascists: the Christian Right and the War on America, and a Pulitzer-prize winning journalist. He is pessimistic about he says is a growing movement towards fascism in the US. Author: IWantDemocracyNow Duration: 8:57
Photos for video -MUST WATCH- Chris Hedges on Obama and the rise of Fascism