Известный политолог и публицист Анатолий Вассерман подводит итоги уходящего 2012 года на Телевидении KM.RU. Источник: tv.km.ru Все плейлисты этого канала YouTube смотрите здесь: www.youtube.com Author: ShurikShev Duration: 22:14
Photos for video Анатолий Вассерман - Итоги 2012 года
This video is meant for comedic and entertainment purposes. Leave a like if you enjoyed. Follow on Twitter: twitter.com Outro Music: CyberPunks "-Epic (The S Remix) Provided by The Tasty Network : youtube.com Author: MinnesotaBurns Duration: 5:15
To everyone who went out and voted, regardless of who you voted for, we thank you for being active citizens. Democracy Prep's amazing fourth grade citizen-scholars, the "Harlem Prep Hawks", sing their civic message loud and proud to the tune of Carly Rae Jepsen's "Call Me Maybe." We hope they inspired you to "#VoteForSomebody!" Democracy Prep is a "Straight A" network, with 2000 students across seven campuses in Harlem, NY and Camden, NJ, proving what is possible in urban education. We are preparing our responsible citizen-scholars to succeed in the college of their choice and a life of active citizenship. Work Hard. Go To College. Change the World! Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com Facebook: www.facebook.com Website: www.democracyprep.org Disclaimer The majority of comments have been really positive and encouraging. To those who feel differently about what we're doing, we have no intention of censoring your opinons, but please do watch the whole video before commenting and please do so in a respectful manner; refrain from crude and offensive language as school-aged children are watching this video. If you have questions about the full extent of what we teach in our schools, contact us and come visit us. We've got an open door policy! Credits: Executive Producer: Seth Andrew Lyrics & Book: Brian Duran Editing & Videography: Anthony Hull and Greg Callan Talent: Amazing 4th Grade Scholars at Harlem Prep Author: DemPrepPublicSchools Duration: 2:53
Photos for video Democracy Prep Citizen-Scholars: Vote For Somebody!
"Julian Assange has dramatically sought political asylum at the Ecuadorean embassy in London, days after the supreme court rejected the last of his appeals against extradition to Sweden to face sex crime accusations and after what he called a "declaration of abandonment" by his own government in Australia." Source: www.guardian.co.uk Support The Young Turks by Subscribing bit.ly Like Us on Facebook: www.fb.com Follow Us on Twitter: twitter.com Find out how to watch The Young Turks on Current by clicking here: www.current.com Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 5:04
Photos for video Julian Assange Seeking Asylum in Ecuador Embassy
Killuminati The Movie - Chapter 3 (Part 5 of 50) Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), United Nations, Trilateral Commission, The Bilderberg Group & The Media This is the 2nd quarter of Chapter 3 This is a new documentation which will be split into 50 parts. Including political issues, the truth about 911, lying politicians, new world order, satanic government, satanic hollywood, the music industry, symbology & numerology, ancient history & cultures, rituals, secret societies, human consciousness, tv mind control, the solution and much more... Its all about being aware of things, it's time to wake up. We all have been asleep for too long. The truth will set you free. Stay tuned for upcoming parts Dont forget to rate and comment. Author: KilluminatiTheMovie Duration: 14:56
Photos for video Killuminati The Movie (Part 5 of 50) CFR, United Nations, Trilateral Commission & Bilderberg Group
Following the reported assassination of Osama bin Laden by the United States military inside Pakistan, Alex breaks down what the event means and what it portends in the days ahead as widespread war threatens to expand in the Middle East and the US dollar heads for the exists. This will be one of the most important broadcasts of the Alex Jones Show. www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv www.infowars.net www.prisonplanet.com Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 15:25
Photos for video Alex Takes Calls on Photoshop Bin Laden Death Image Hoax
www.presstv.com Obama budget is the continuation of the bailout plan which was carved out to please corporate companies. They now have to balance the budget on the side of the poor. So, interest rates will go up and bank portfolios will collapse. Indeed the war machine in the states is very powerful and they are controlling the entire system for implementing their objectives. Author: PressTVGlobalNews Duration: 10:53
Photos for video Obama budget-On the edge with Max Keiser-03-04-2011(Part1)
In a lecture reaching far beyond the designated topic of Middle East peace prospects, Noam Chomsky is sharply critical of Israel, India, Pakistan, President Obama, and the US - which he calls a "rogue nation" and "the Godfather." He accuses the US of controlling Israel and undermining the two-state solution that would establish a Palestinian state. Hosted by School of Education and Axis of Hope on December 8, 2009. Author: bu Duration: 89:20
Photos for video Obama, the Middle East, and the Prospects for Peace
Infowars January 27, 2009 www.infowars.com In the seventh installment of his new audio blog, Alex Jones and his wife Violet discuss various government propaganda, as well as television programs, which advance the idea that those who dont vaccinate will contaminate the rest of society. Violet discusses an episode of Private Practice which features a scenario where the mother of an autistic child had refused to vaccinate another child out of concern about the link between vaccine & autism. That action is portrayed as a dangerous misjudgment leading to the second child spreading measles which the doctors see as evidence that the womans children should be taken by CPS. Alex also discusses USA Service ads that are promoted by Obama, government propaganda about the supposed dangers of marijuana smokers, the pro-abortion culture, and other issues. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 10:57
Photos for video Alex Jones Audio Blog: January 27, 2009 on Vaccine & Other Govt Propaganda 1/3