THE iTUNES LINK! - NEW TANK TOPS! - Join us LIVE on Mondays @ 11AM PST on SUBMIT YOUR WTKGTS BANNER! (4ft. tall x 6ft. wide) Send to: PO Box 66580 Los Angeles, CA 90066 OUR CHANNELS! WTKGTS FACEBOOK! WTKGTS TWITTER! OUR TWITTERS! THEME SONG BY TERABRITE! OTHER STUFF! Google+ Facebook: Instagram: SHOE! SHIRTS at Rodeo Arcade: OUR WEBSITE: Author: WhenTheKidsGoToSleep Duration: 30:30
Actress Eva Longoria delivers a heartfelt speech at the Democratic National Convention. Watch the conventions live here: For more CNN videos, check out our YouTube channel at Or visit our site at Author: CNN Duration: 5:38
Photos for video Raw Video: Actress Eva Longoria talks about American opportunity
Kurt Nimmo March 8, 2012 Rep. Walter Jones, a North Carolina Republican, has introduced H. Concurrent Resolution 107, which calls on the House, the Senate Concurring, to prevent Obama from starting another war without authorization from Congress. The resolution was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary on March 7. Obama has violated article I, section 8, clause 11 of the Constitution. Obama's unconstitutional decision to involve the US in the illegal attack on Libya without the consent of Congress motivated at least some members of the House of Representatives to demand an explanation. On June 3 of last year, the House passed a resolution demanding that the president provide an explanation to the American people, a request that was ignored by Obama and his administration. Rep. Jones' resolution states that any use of military force by Obama without explicit consent and authorization of Congress constitutes an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under article II, section 4 of the Constitution. It will be interesting to see if the resolution makes it out the Committee on the Judiciary. It was virtually ignored by the corporate establishment media. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 15:26
Photos for video Obama & UN Declare Congress Ceremonial: Alex Jones Calls for Impeachment!! 2/4
Alex also talks with Francis Boyle, a professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law, about the NDAA and the impending war to be waged against Iran. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 15:03
Photos for video Under NDAA, Obama Can Release Death Sqauds on Americans 1/3
"... what part of an overwhelming victory do the Democrats not understand? The American people sent them there to do a job, not to cower and be afraid of Republicans or hold out their hand and sing kumbaya. This is time now to get these things done for the people." -- Michael Moore Author: mmflint Duration: 8:50
Photos for video Michael Moore on Larry King Live with Wolf Blitzer - March 22, 2010 - Part 3
Don't pay attention to the details and enjoy. Thx to Julia Spiesser and Christophe Willem for the backing vocals, and also to Philippe Devin at the guitar. Xxx Zack xxX Author: Zack Reece Duration: 4:21
Photos for video Scared of Lonely "Beyonce" cover by Zack Reece
Infowars January 27, 2009 In the seventh installment of his new audio blog, Alex Jones and his wife Violet discuss various government propaganda, as well as television programs, which advance the idea that those who dont vaccinate will contaminate the rest of society. Violet discusses an episode of Private Practice which features a scenario where the mother of an autistic child had refused to vaccinate another child out of concern about the link between vaccine & autism. That action is portrayed as a dangerous misjudgment leading to the second child spreading measles which the doctors see as evidence that the womans children should be taken by CPS. Alex also discusses USA Service ads that are promoted by Obama, government propaganda about the supposed dangers of marijuana smokers, the pro-abortion culture, and other issues. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 10:57
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