vk.com Распространите это видео как можно шире! Дополнительные материалы к выпуску: www.odnako.org www.independent.co.uk Author: MrEsuper Duration: 1:27
vk.com Распространите это видео как можно шире! Дополнительные материалы к выпуску: Террористы предложили Обаме перемирие. Пиар или легализация? Е.Супер www.odnako.org Американские погромы у освобождённых арабов. В Ливии исламисты убили американца, в Египте взяли штурмом консульство США. Е.Супер www.odnako.org Доуправлялись хаосом. На годовщину 9/11 и убийство американского посла союзниками США. М.Леонтьев www.odnako.org Американцы в Ливии упали в вырытую ими же яму. А.Эскин www.odnako.org Антиамериканские демонстрации охватили исламский мир. Последняя сводка. Е.Супер www.odnako.org Эта неделя войдет в историю чудовищной провокацией, ставшей причиной антиамериканских протестов по всему миру и гибелью десятков людей в угоду политическим интересам. Мы внимательно следили за происходящим и готовы представить вам подробный пошаговый разбор ситуации, который расставит все по своим местам. Предупреждаем, некоторые кадры выпуска слишком жестоки, чтобы их смотрели женщины, дети и впечатлительные зрители. Неудавшийся союз Началась неделя с громкой новости -- в канун годовщины трагедии 11 сентября, как по заказу к красивой дате, исламские радикалы предложили США и странам Запада заключить перемирие. Инициатива исходила от двух смертельных врагов США -- «Аль-Каиды» и «Талибана». При этом условия мира были вполне приемлемыми. «Аль-Каида» в обмен на прекращения терактов требовала от США прекратить вмешиваться в дела исламских государств и выпустить из тюрем заключенных джихадистов <b>...</b> Author: MrEsuper Duration: 11:42
Photos for video Мировой передел. Обзор за неделю 45 (10.0912-16.09.12)
NETWORK executive director Sister Simone Campbell's 2012 Democratic National Convention (DNC) speech. SISTER SIMONE: Good evening. I'm Sister Simone Campbell & I'm one of the "nuns on the bus." So, yes, we have nuns on the bus. And a nun on the podium! Let me explain why I'm here tonight. In June, I joined other Catholic sisters on a 2700 mile bus journey through nine states to tell Americans about the budget Congressman Paul Ryan wrote & Governor Romney endorsed. Paul Ryan claims his budget reflects the principles of our shared Catholic faith. But the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops stated that the Ryan budget failed a basic moral test because it would harm families living in poverty. We agree with our bishops & that's why we went on the road: to stand with struggling families & to lift up our Catholic sisters who serve them. Their work to alleviate suffering would be seriously harmed by the Romney Ryan budget & that is wrong. During our journey, I rediscovered a few truths. First, Mitt Romney & Paul Ryan are correct when they say that each individual should be responsible. But their budget goes astray in not acknowledging that we are responsible not only for ourselves & our immediate families. Rather, our faith strongly affirms that we are all responsible for one another. I am my sister's keeper. I am my brother's keeper. While we were in Toledo, I met 10-year-old twins Matt & Mark, who had gotten into trouble at school for fighting. Sister Virginia & the <b>...</b> Author: OraTVnetwork Duration: 7:07
Photos for video Sister Simone Campbell's DNC Speech | 2012 Democratic National Convention | Ora TV
The election of the first black US president offered hope to millions of African Americans across the country. But have four years of an Obama presidency seen positive change for black communities in the US' inner cities? While the 'war on drugs' rages on inside the US, there is some political consensus it is failing. White House officials have even indicated a federal policy shift away from incarceration and towards a public health strategy. In Baltimore, one of the most dangerous cities in the US, the police have reframed their 'war on drugs' as a 'war on guns'. The rhetoric may have changed, but critics say nothing else has and that concentrated law enforcement has resulted in high levels of incarceration among young African Americans and the criminalisation of entire communities. The nearly 30 years of drug policies have perpetuated cycles of violence and economic repression in US inner cities and especially among poor minority neighbourhoods. "Even in the age of Obama something akin to a caste system is alive and well in America," says Michelle Alexander, a law professor and author. "The mass incarceration of poor people of colour is tantamount into a caste system specifically designed to address the social, political and economic challenges of our time .... We have a school-to-prison pipeline operating in Baltimore and other cities across the nation where young people believe, with some good reason, that their destiny lies behind bars and they too will become <b>...</b> Author: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 24:12
Photos for video Fault Lines - Baltimore: Anatomy of an American City
Long-running negotiations between Russia and USA about NATO's European missile defence shield are currently deadlocked. Both countries want to protect their people by operating early warning radar stations, but have been unable to find a way to cooperate on the issue. NATO's top brass decided to deploy a missile defence system aimed at protecting Europe, but their plan to place it in former Warsaw Pact countries right on Russia's border raised the alarm in Moscow, leading it to consider countermeasures. So the reset in US-Russia relations announced by Washington and supported by Moscow is in now jeopardy. Find out more about this critical issue on RT. RT on Twitter twitter.com RT on Facebook www.facebook.com Author: RussiaToday Duration: 23:45
Photos for video Ballistic Peace: Diplomacy of Defence
On June 9, 2011, President Obama issued a sweeping executive order for a White House Rural Council that purports to exert broad municpal powers over the food, fiber, and energy production of Rural American. Where's the Line, America to how much power the president can amass by executive order? Author: voteivory Duration: 6:00
Photos for video President Obama Executive Order 13575 Rural Councils
Republican Mark Amodei (who's trying to fill Nevada's 2nd Congressional District seat) made a questionable ad involving China, the debt ceiling and president Obama. Cenk Uygur explains. The Largest Online News Show in the World. Facebook: www.facebook.com Subscribe: bit.ly TYT Mobile: bit.ly Twitter: twitter.com www.theyoungturks.com FREE Movies(!): www.netflix.com Read Ana's blog and subscribe at: www.examiner.com Read Cenk's Blog: www.huffingtonpost.com Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 2:53
Lowkey Obama Nation (Official Lyrics) [Intro] This track is not an attack upon the American people, Its an attack upon the system within which they live. Since 1945 the United States has attempted to overthrow more than 50 foreign governments, In the process the US has caused the end of life for several million people, And condemned many millions more to a life of agony and despair. [Verse 1] The strength of your dreaming prevents you from reason, The American dream only makes sense if youre sleeping, Its just a cruel fantasy; their politics took my voice away, But their music gave it back to me, The land where the lumpen are consumed by consumption, Killing themselves to shovel down food in abundance, I guess a rapper from Britain is a rare voice, America is capitalism on steroids, Natives kept in casinos and reservations, Displaced slaves never given reparations, Take everything from Native Americans, And wonder why i call it the racist experiment, Afraid of your melanin, the same as its ever been, That aint gonna change with the race of the president, I see imperialism under your skin tone, You could call it Christopher Columbus syndrome. [Chorus 2x] Is it Obamas nation? Or an abomination? Is it Obamas nation? Or an abomination? Is it Obamas nation? Or an abomination? Doesnt make any difference when they bomb your nation. O! say can you see by the dawns early light, What so proudly we hailed at the twilights last gleaming, Whose broad stripes and bright stars through <b>...</b> Author: mocity2baghdad Duration: 3:28
Infowars January 27, 2009 www.infowars.com In the seventh installment of his new audio blog, Alex Jones and his wife Violet discuss various government propaganda, as well as television programs, which advance the idea that those who dont vaccinate will contaminate the rest of society. Violet discusses an episode of Private Practice which features a scenario where the mother of an autistic child had refused to vaccinate another child out of concern about the link between vaccine & autism. That action is portrayed as a dangerous misjudgment leading to the second child spreading measles which the doctors see as evidence that the womans children should be taken by CPS. Alex also discusses USA Service ads that are promoted by Obama, government propaganda about the supposed dangers of marijuana smokers, the pro-abortion culture, and other issues. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 10:57
Photos for video Alex Jones Audio Blog: January 27, 2009 on Vaccine & Other Govt Propaganda 1/3
Cathy Dennis (always good at raising the blood pressure) performs on The Smash Hits Poll Winners Party. Hosted by Phillip (pip) Schofield Author: chandlerbingbong Duration: 4:04
Photos for video CATHY DENNIS: JUST ANOTHER DREAM ( Smash Hits Party )