The final TV showdown's looming for Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. They're running neck-and-neck right now, and are expected to ramp up the rhetoric to secure those much-needed, last-minute votes. RT talks to antiwar activist Brian Becker about US foreign policy - READ FULL SCRIPT RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark. Author: RussiaToday Duration: 4:33
Photos for video 'Americans sick of war, Obama & Romney should realize that' Распространите это видео как можно шире! Спецвыпуск. Турецкий гамбит Гамбит -- разновидность шахматного дебюта, когда одна из сторон жертвует пешку или фигуру для быстрейшего развития, захвата центра или просто для обострения игры. В то время как Сирия продолжает борьбу с бандами повстанцев, вокруг нее ситуация принимает все более тревожный характер. Настолько тревожный, что дает нам основания полагать -- развязка не за горами. Сейчас главным провокатором в регионе, безусловно, выступает ближайший сосед Сирии -- Турция. Именно эта страна, путем проведения нехитрой провокации, добилась юридического права на вторжение на территорию Сирии. Однако пока что его не реализовала. И это не смотря на то, что после первого инцидента с попаданием якобы сирийских снарядов на территорию Турции, произошло уже 6 аналогичных случаев. Если основываться на турецкой версии, то получится, будто Асад сам напрашивается на полномасштабный военный ответ Турции, обстреливая ее территорию с периодичностью раз в два дня. Правда, это звучит нелепо? Особенно, принимая во внимание осторожность, являющуюся отличительной чертой сирийского президента. Поэтому, если следовать логике, то все обстрелы с территории Сирии являются чередой провокаций, призванных поддерживать градус напряженности в регионе. Для тех, кто внимательно наблюдает за событиями вопрос о том, станет ли Сирия объектом иностранного военного вмешательства не стоит. Главный вопрос в том -- когда это случится. У нас есть соображения <b>...</b> Author: MrEsuper Duration: 10:00
Photos for video Мировой передел. Обзор за неделю 49 (15.10.12-21.10.12)
Former President Bill Clinton delivered an unabashed endorsement of President Obama at the Dem National Convention in Charlotte on Wednesday night, saying he inherited a terrible economic situation and kept it from getting worse. President Obama First Lady Michelle Obama bill clinton... Author: BigSupremeDaddy Duration: 14:20
Photos for video Bill Clinton - 2012 Democratic National Convention - Speech Highlights
Long-running negotiations between Russia and USA about NATO's European missile defence shield are currently deadlocked. Both countries want to protect their people by operating early warning radar stations, but have been unable to find a way to cooperate on the issue. NATO's top brass decided to deploy a missile defence system aimed at protecting Europe, but their plan to place it in former Warsaw Pact countries right on Russia's border raised the alarm in Moscow, leading it to consider countermeasures. So the reset in US-Russia relations announced by Washington and supported by Moscow is in now jeopardy. Find out more about this critical issue on RT. RT on Twitter RT on Facebook Author: RussiaToday Duration: 23:45
Photos for video Ballistic Peace: Diplomacy of Defence
Rep. Paul Ryan is complaining that President Obama gave a strong speech on the budget. Michael Shure and Wes Clark discuss. Subscribe: TYT Mobile: On Facebook: On Twitter: FREE Movies(!): Read Ana's blog and subscribe at: Read Cenk's Blog: Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 3:11
Photos for video Rep. Whines About Obama Budget Speech
One year after his speech in Cairo promising to repair ties with Islamic nations, has Barack Obama kept his word? The US President pledged to seek a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world "one based upon mutual interest and mutual respect." Trying to distance himself from his predecessor George W. Bush, Obama said it was time to end the mutual mistrust and suspicion. He said the US had made mistakes in Iraq and renewed Washington's calls for a two-state solution in the Middle East saying: "America will not turn our backs on the legitimate Palestinian aspiration for dignity, opportunity, and a state of their own." But on the first anniversary of that speech, many Muslims say Obama has not only failed to honour his promises, but in certain respects has continued the policies of George W. Bush. They point to his increasingly stern language against Iran over its nuclear programme, the White House's refusal to join the broader global condemnation of Israel's attack on the Gaza-bound aid flotilla, and the intensified drone attacks in Pakistan as some of the reasons. His supporters argue Obama has succeeded in reaching out to the Muslim world but must be given more time to carry out his policies. On Thursday's show we ask: "Has Obama has succeeded in changing the tone of US engagement towards Islamic nations... or has he defaulted on his Cairo commitment?" Joining the show will be Rashad Hussain, President Obama's special envoy to the Organization <b>...</b> Author: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 11:37
Photos for video RIZ KHAN: Reviewing Obama's Cairo Commitment - Part One