Mitt Romney and Barack Obama hang in the green room after the third and final debate. Subscribe NOW to Late Night with Jimmy Fallon: Watch Late Night With Jimmy Fallon Weeknights 1235/11:35c Get more Jimmy Fallon: Follow Jimmy: Like Jimmy: Get more Late Night with Jimmy Fallon: Follow Late Night: Like Late Night: Late Night Tumblr: Full Episodes: Get more NBC: Full Episodes: NBC YouTube: Follow NBC: Like NBC: NBC Pinterest: NBC Tumblr: Romney & Obama's Post-Debate Hang Session (10/23/12) Author: latenight Duration: 4:18
Photos for video Romney & Obama's Post-Debate Hang Session (Jimmy Fallon)
Governor Romney faced a fiery President Obama, sparing over issues like oil and gas drilling, women's rights, immigration, and the 47 percent. Things became particularly feisty during an exchange on Benghazi and whether the phrase "acts of terror" was used to describe the attack. (October 16, 2012) Author: ReutersTV Duration: 14:55
Photos for video Romney, Obama Debate Round 2: binders full of women, blind trusts, and acts of terror - The Trail
On the LIVE Sunday, October 14 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex discusses the outlandish medical practice of misdiagnosing children with ADHD to justify psychotropic drug prescriptions with investigative reporter and writer Jon Rappoport. He also breaks down the escalating tensions between Turkey and Syria potentially foreshadowing World War III and the manufactured collapse of American and other world economies. We'll also cover the Internet firestorm of tweets and Facebook posts from people pledging to riot if Obama loses the election, as covered in Michael Snyder's article "Will the Election Results Cause Massive Riots to Erupt All Over America?" Alex Jones Show Playlist: Alex Jones Show Playlist Pt. 2 Author: ConspiracyScope Duration: 118:35
Photos for video Alex Jones Show: Sunday (10-14-12) Jon Rappoport
First up, as the Presidential race kicks into a fever pitched overdrive, candidates are taking to the web to connect with voters. Mitt Romney attempted to use a smartphone app to announce his running mate Paul Ryan - he failed when Twitter broke the news first. And Obama recently took part in a surprise Reddit AMA to address questions from users of the popular online aggregator. So how the President do. Not bad. He broke even in terms of upvotes and downvotes, but he soared in terms of visibility. At one point Reddit went down due to overwhelming traffic. The President answered 10 questions during a half hour session on topics ranging from the war to tax cuts to campaign financing reform. Obama's clearly capitalizing on the online strategies he successfully employed in 2008. Will he pull a repeat victory? Next up, Carl's Jr has some new kind of pulled pork cheeseburger sandwich or something...but who cares? They have a new ad featuring not one but TWO scantily clad ladies slathering up that meat and feeding each other. It actually looks a lot harder to eat that way. Oh well. It's up to Sara Jean Underwood and Emily Ratajkowski to fill the void left by Kate Upton this time around and it looks Carl's Jr has another ad on their hands that will never end up on the air. As for the burger itself, it looks to be a heart-attack inducing mouthgasm-burger filled with pulled pork and cheese. The exact kind of sandwich these girls are probably contractually obligated <b>...</b> Author: AskMenVIDEO Duration: 2:53
Photos for video Obama Does Reddit, Carl's Jr. Sexy New Ad, EcoXGear
Classified documents highlighting the Obama administration's achievements in the war on terror have been leaked to US media. The White House is facing tough criticism for what some claim was a deliberate leak for the sake of political gain. Peter Van Buren, former Foreign Service officer at the State Department, believes the now public documents paint the President as a hypocrite. Watch RT LIVE on our website Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark. Author: RussiaToday Duration: 12:12
Photos for video Obamaleaks: 'Pres poses as superhero but has blood on his hands'
Alex speaks with Congressman Walter B. Jones, Jr. about H.CON.RES.107 -- a bill that deems the use of offensive military force by a President without prior and clear authorization of an Act of Congress an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under article II, section 4 of the Constitution. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 23:49
Photos for video Obama Impeachment Bill Goes Viral!
Investigate and research the United States government and spread the word they are capable of doing another 9/11 terror attack at the Olympics, blame Iran, to start World War 3 WIII involving nuclear weapons of mass destruction. Author: Glenn Howard Duration: 85:41
Photos for video US Government CORRUPTION 9/11 Inside Job - Obama Fraud, Bilderberg Secret Meetings
PLEASE SUBSCRIBE AND GIVE A THUMBS UP! If you're reading this at click "Original Article" for the video. For Blushield products that protect you from wireless radiation click here: Vinny's NUTShell: Jordan Maxwell enlightens us as to his journey of waking up, what role his parents played, and some very strange spiritual experiences that made him begin to question, research and learn all that he can. The truth that we are not alone in the universe either physically or spiritually. His lament at the fall of America and the peoples manipulation by the Republican (NAZI) Party and the Democrat (Communist) Party that is leading them quickly into tyranny. Listen to the whole show here: Please buy a dvd! Watch this video and please share it around! Author: MRNEWSguerillamedia Duration: 95:04
Photos for video Jordan Maxwell, How I started to question everything, Vinny Eastwood Show Mar 14 2012
Brave New Books in Austin, Texas "Dangerous, profoundly wrong and has no place in our society..." are the words President Obama used to describe human cloning. Was there a covert meaning in this message? CERN opens dimensions and seeks dark matter in space. A spiraling vortex of sapphire particles opens over Norway as Obama arrives to receive his Nobel Peace Prize. Mysterious missiles launch from coast to coast and the Space War ramps up with the X-37B, an automated military space shuttle and Space X launches the Dragon preparing to meet Robonaut 2 on the ISS. Are we witnessing the rise of the technocratic elite? Author: FloydAnderson Duration: 14:48
Photos for video 1/8 Freeman at Brave New Books 2/2/2012: ET & The Transhumanist Agenda