( ntdtv.ru ) 21 января в США состоялось одно из главных событий 2013 года -- инаугурация президента. Как прошли торжества, и что надела первая леди страны на бал -- давайте узнаем. Author: NTDRussian Duration: 2:57
Photos for video Барак Обама принял присягу и посетил бал
Please SUBSCRIBE for the Best Music and Breaking NEWS !! President Obama Inauguration Signing Ceremony Barack Obama Inauguration Speech 2013 After Oath of Office Sworn In - President Barack Obama Please SUBSCRIBE for the Best Music and Breaking NEWS !! Barack Obama Inauguration Speech 2013 After Oath of Office Sworn In - President Barack Obama ----------------------------------------------------------- Barack Obama Oath of Office Sworn In - President Obama Inauguration 2013 ---------------- Please SUBSCRIBE for the Best Music and Breaking NEWS !! President Obama takes the Oath of Office | Video: Barack Obama takes oath of office for second term President Barack Obama is officially sworn-in by Chief Justice John Roberts in the Blue Room of the White House during the 57th Presidential Inauguration in Washington, Sunday Jan. 10, 2013. Next to Obama are first lady Michelle Obama, holding the Robinson Family Bible, and daughters Malia and Sasha. To quote an MSNBC commentator, three of the Obamas wore blue in the White House Blue Room during the first of two Inaugural ceremonies Sunday afternoon. Michelle Obama was stunning in a blue sheath by Reed Krakoff that she paired with a matching cardigan. Krakoff is the former head designer of Coach. Malia rocked what looked like a royal blue jumper, or dress, with sharply contrasting black sleeves - a signature look of the eldest first daughter. And of course. young Sasha stood out in her pink printed A-line dress with the fitted <b>...</b> Author: InsaneMrBrain Duration: 1:18
Photos for video President Obama Inauguration Signing Ceremony 2013 Barack Obama Inauguration Speech 2013
On Thursday night, Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney delivered a lighthearted address to the guests at the Alfred Smith Dinner in New York City. During his address, Romney roasted both himself and President Barack Obama with some hard-hitting humor and biting criticisms Romney opened by joking that he was glad to be able to attend the white tie function wearing "what Ann and I wear around the house." But Romney quickly turned from self-deprecating humor to roasting his opponent. He said he wished President Barack Obama would have bought Vice President Joe Biden with him "because he'll laugh at anything." "Of course we're down to the final months of the president's term," Romney said to applause. "You have to wonder what he's think. So little time, so much to redistribute." "Usually when I get invited to gatherings like this, it's just to be designated driver," Romney joked, poking fun at his Mormon faith. Romney said he spends the debates finding straw men to mercilessly attack. "Big Bird didn't even see it coming," Romney said. "In the spirit of sesame Street, the president's remarks tonight are brought to you by the letter O and the number $16 trillion." Romney turned to mocking the media for their occasionally favorable coverage of the president. "I never suggest the press is biased. They have a job to do and I have a job to do," said Romney. "My job is to lay out a positive vision for the country, and their job is to make sure nobody finds out about it <b>...</b> Author: NewsPoliticsNow2 Duration: 10:30
Photos for video Mitt Romney Speech At The Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner - 10/18/2012 [HD]
On the LIVE Sunday, October 14 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex discusses the outlandish medical practice of misdiagnosing children with ADHD to justify psychotropic drug prescriptions with investigative reporter and writer Jon Rappoport. He also breaks down the escalating tensions between Turkey and Syria potentially foreshadowing World War III and the manufactured collapse of American and other world economies. We'll also cover the Internet firestorm of tweets and Facebook posts from people pledging to riot if Obama loses the election, as covered in Michael Snyder's article "Will the Election Results Cause Massive Riots to Erupt All Over America?" www.infowars.com www.infowars.com prisonplanet.tv conspiracyscope.blogspot.com www.youtube.com Alex Jones Show Playlist: www.youtube.com Alex Jones Show Playlist Pt. 2 www.youtube.com Author: ConspiracyScope Duration: 118:35
Photos for video Alex Jones Show: Sunday (10-14-12) Jon Rappoport
Click to Tweet: clicktotweet.com Ben Swann of Fox19 interviews President Barack Obama on NDAA, indefinite detention, the "presidential kill list" (assassination of American citizens without charges or due process), Syria and the war in Afghanistan. FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 USC section 107 of the US Copyright Law. Author: Eduardo89rp Duration: 6:55
Photos for video Ben Swann interviews President Obama (NDAA, Kill List, Syria, Afghanistan)
This happened a year ago but I still have the file I DVR'ed and decided to upload it now since it's historical. This is from when I turned the TV on and hit record after getting a Breaking News text message about an unscheduled, awkward press conference so excuse the few minutes of Donald Trump crying about a birth certificate. This is coverage from CNN of Osama bin Laden's death. Honestly pressing record I was scared we were about to go to war with someone then I put everything together after a few minutes and guessed on a facebook status that bin Laden was killed and I was right. But anyways people seem to like watching the MSNBC footage put up by two people and I had CNN and I don't see it anywhere else so I'll share my copy. Author: pinvj Duration: 98:16
Photos for video Bin Laden Dead Breaking News CNN Situation Room Episode - May 1, 2011
On the Friday edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks about the destruction of the economy and other related issues. He also talks with regular Friday guest Bob Chapman of the International Forecaster and takes your calls. www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.com www.infowars.net www.prisonplanet.tv Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 13:18
Deployed Troops cover Adele "Rolling in the Deep" with amazing lead vocal by female soldier. Please make sure to watch some clips from the movie The Fence, a short film by some local guys out of Connecticut about an American family who loses their son in Iraq. God Bless the Troops and America Author: DreyfusFilms Duration: 3:05
Photos for video Deployed Troops cover Adele "Rolling in the Deep"
TAYLOR SWIFT LIVE IN MANILA FEB. 19, 2011 Will you believe me and my sister didn't even plan on watching the concert, not until a friend of ours texted us AN HOUR BEFORE THE CONCERT STARTS and offered us upper box a tickets for TSwifts concert, we literally rushed right away to get the ticks in this persons house then made the car FLY to araneta coliseum! Thanks for the ADRENALINE TSWIFT! It was totally worth it! FOR THOSE WHO WERE ASKING WHAT CAM I USED, ITS LX5. Author: gelic143 Duration: 4:06
Suspect Alex Croft, who has a ton of black friends, planned to kill Obama because of his socialist agenda—not because of his skin color. Author: TheOnion Duration: 2:33
Photos for video Man Attempts To Assassinate Obama, 'But Not Because He's Black Or Anything'
Alex breaks down what he thinks is the next real false flag attack on america, and it's going to be none other then obama himself.Alex breaks down the key points from those who have been talking about this, and where they are leading their viewers.very important topic today, so please share with everyone you know, because time is very short right now. prisonplanet.tv www.infowars.com Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 10:55
Photos for video Alex Jones Tv 2/6: Obama is The Next False Flag!!!
From the war in Iraq to the space station, government programs almost always end up costing much more than they were supposed to. They also usually end up doing more than they were supposed to. Would ObamaCare be any different? Some say ObamaCare would lead to death panels, even euthanasia classes. Now supporters of President Obama's health care overhaul are fighting back against such charges. And the president himself warns: "If you misrepresent what's in this plan, we will call you out." But you don't have to side with those who warn of euthanasia classes to recognize that government programs often end up doing all kinds of things that weren't in politicians' original plans. Call it mission creep. Politicians pass a program, and then the scope of the program grows and changes. It's happened with everything from state-level health insurance plans to the Troubled Asset Relief Program. TARP's original mission was spelled out in its name--the governments would purchase troubled assets from financial institutions. However, just over a year later TARP's mission has exploded, and billions in TARP funds have gone to bail out General Motors, Chrysler, and struggling homeowners. TARP money may even fund another stimulus. "The Best Laid Plans of ObamaCare" is written and produced by Ted Balaker, and hosted by Nick Gillespie. Director of Photography: Alex Manning; Associate Producer: Paul Detrick Approximately two-and-a-half minutes. For downloadable versions of this video, go to <b>...</b> Author: ReasonTV Duration: 3:05
Photos for video ObamaCare and Mission Creep: Why health care reform will end up covering much more than you think.
This segment profiles Shepard Fairey, a contemporary artist, graphic designer, and illustrator who emerged from the skateboarding scene. The Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, calls him one of today's best known and most influential street artists. He first became known for his "Andr Author: srfup Duration: 8:06
Photos for video Shepard Fairey, "OBEY" Street Artist and Designer