Im coming for your guns obama. You need to be impeached. I will attack you politically in the infowar. No more false flags. No more staged events. No martial law. Thank you for hurricane sandy. You did such a great job. We dont need Fema Camps we need self sufficiency. Police wake up! Oathkeepers RISE!!!! ALL ARMED FORCED VISIT and check out the BILLBOARD CAMPAIGN! Elemental News more Activism Videos Flyers Author: Justin Castrianni Duration: 6:32
Photos for video Impeach Barack Obama Martial Law Fema Camps Oathkeepers Police False Flag Elemental News Ep 5 Full
Брюс Ли против Клинта Иствуда Дополнительно: "Кулаки ярости" - фильм с Брюсом Ли "Малышка на миллион" - фильм с Клинтом Иствудом Тарелка Pu-Pu - какая-то китайская еда "Думаешь тебе повезет, подонок" - цитата из фильма "Грязный Гарри" "побеждал хороших и плохих" - отсылка к фильму "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" (в нашем переводе "Хороший, плохой, злой", правда последнее слово в контексте этого видео нужно переводить как "безобразный") Фраза про то, что Иствуд псих и ему лучше читать против стула - это отсылка к его выступлению на Республиканской национальной конвенции, где он разговаривал со стулом, как будто бы там сидел Обама Группа Вконтакте Author: spamer006 Duration: 1:50
Photos for video (русские субтитры) Bruce Lee vs Clint Eastwood. Epic Rap Battles of History Season 2.
Click to Tweet: Ben Swann of Fox19 interviews President Barack Obama on NDAA, indefinite detention, the "presidential kill list" (assassination of American citizens without charges or due process), Syria and the war in Afghanistan. FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 USC section 107 of the US Copyright Law. Author: Eduardo89rp Duration: 6:55
Photos for video Ben Swann interviews President Obama (NDAA, Kill List, Syria, Afghanistan) Распространите это видео как можно шире! Благодарим за поддержку Социальную сеть Спроси создателя http Зачем подкладывают бомбу терроризма под Казахстан? Как поживают страны молодой демократии? Как «проклятый Асад» дотянулся до повстанцев с шайтан-трубой? А также новый эксперт рубрики. В Сирии ООН сворачивает миссию наблюдателей. Наблюдать здесь больше нечего. Боевики продолжают устраивать теракты и нападения на мирных жителей, а правительственные войска теснят их из захваченных районов. Между тем, Совет ООН по правам человека распространил доклад о преступлениях сирийской армии. Доклад основывается на показаниях сирийских беженцев и дезертиров. Мы решили провести свое собственное мини-расследование. Зато Интернет просто наводнен роликами, где представители т.н. «Сирийской свободной армии» зверски расправляются со своими противниками. Их демонстративно, с садистским упоением расстреливают, расчленяют, отрезают головы, сбрасывают с многоэтажных зданий. Все это называется борьба за демократию. Но многочисленные западные правозащитные организации, видимо, не умеют пользоваться Интернетом. Дошло до того, что даже офицеры турецких спецслужб пригрозили сирийским боевикам лишить их поддержки, если они продолжат выкладывать ролики со зверствами в Интернет. Тем временем сирийский конфликт, как и ожидалось, перекинулся на соседнее государство. Пока что только на Ливан. После того как боевики в Сирии захватили граждан Ливана, ливанские шииты начали настоящую охоту <b>...</b> Author: MrEsuper Duration: 10:10
Photos for video Мировой передел. Обзор за неделю. Выпуск 41
The impeachment Of War criminal Barack obama has begun but the globalist controlled traitor media is blacking this huge news out. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 4:48
Photos for video Media Cover-up Of Obama Impeachment Exposed!
There are citizens of ONE other nation who have entirely to much power and influence in the US Government. These are the same people currently pushing our military and sons and daughters into war with Iraq. These are the same people who pushed the United States into war with Iraq. The result was another of Apartheid Fascist Israel's enemies knocked out, ONE MILLION MURDERED Iraqi CIVILIAN men, women and children, thousands of American soldiers, mothers, fathers, sons and daughters dead... for what? Not one Iraqi attacked the United States. Here is a list of the Foreigners who have Citizenship in Israel as well as the United States of America. These men certainly have a loyalty to Israel. Richard Pearl, Rahm Emmanuel ( White House Chief of Staff), Paul Wolfowitz, Marc Grossman, Elliot Abrams, Kenneth Adelman, Robert Satoff, Dov Zakheim, Henry Kissinger ( who says Obama is primed to lead the NEW WORLD ORDER!), Douglas Feith, Richard Haas, Scooter Libby, Michael Mokasey, Lawrence Franklin, Steve Goldsmith, Ari Fleischer, James Schlesinger, David Frun, Joshua Bolten, David Wurmser, Eliot Cohen, Mel Sembler, Joseph Gidelhorn, Steve Goldsmith. *ALERT* NOAHIDE LAWS OF JUDAISM WILL RULE OVER AMERICANS* * NO SEPARATION OF STATE AND SYNAGOGUE!* ZIONIST WAR PARTY IN AMERICA: READ WHAT BENJAMIN FRANKLIN HAD TO SAY *Sephardic Jew's Warning to Christians* Zionist Police <b>...</b> Author: argybargy2 Duration: 9:28
Photos for video Dual Citizens-America Is Being Ruled by FOREIGNERS!
Although Bush and Cheney might be gone, their deeds outlive them. Keith Olbermann's nightly segment on Countdown that features updates and developments on the headlines lingering from the previous administration's 50 running scandals. ---------- THREE days after the world learned that $50 billion may have disappeared in Bernie Madoffs Ponzi scheme, The Times led its front page of Dec. 14 with the revelation of another $50 billion rip-off. This time the vanished loot belonged to American taxpayers. That was our collective contribution to the $117 billion spent (as of mid-2008) on Iraq reconstruction — a sinkhole of corruption, cronyism, incompetence and outright theft that epitomized Bush management at home and abroad. The source for this news was a near-final draft of an as-yet-unpublished 513-page federal history of this nation-building fiasco. The document was assembled by the Office of the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction — led by a Bush appointee, no less. It pinpoints, among other transgressions, a governmental Ponzi scheme concocted to bamboozle Americans into believing they were accruing steady dividends on their investment in a new Iraq. The report quotes no less an authority than Colin Powell on how the scam worked. Back in 2003, Powell said, the Defense Department just kept inventing numbers of Iraqi security forces — the number would jump 20000 a week! We now have 80000, we now have 100000, we now have 120000. Those of us who questioned these <b>...</b> Author: AntiConformist911 Duration: 10:57
Photos for video (still) BUSHED! (Part 01) Keith Olbermann exposes Bush corruption scandals
The fantastic tales of adventure penned over a hundred years ago by Jules Verne still live in the minds and hearts of millions. Futuristic concepts and legendary heroes mix with visions of a utopian world and crazed madmen, and yet, this incredible legacy is still misunderstood and misinterpreted. Hundreds of writers have tried desperately to analyze the writings of Jules Verne, claiming on the one hand that there is an underlying sexual message, on the other that he is guiding us towards some hidden and lost treasure. But what is the truth? Were these highly successful stories simply great works of fiction? Or do they really hold a message for us today? In this film, we dissect the most famous of tales and discover the truth. From Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea to Around the World in Eighty Days, from The Mysterious Island to Journey to the Center of the Earth, this film scrutinizes both the author and the meaning of his work. This is a voyage into the world of Jules Verne, the father of science fiction. Winner of Honorable Mention and Official Selection at Twin Rivers Media Festival REALITY IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT - BUY NOW AT THE REALITY FILMS STORE OR VISIT US ONLINE ... (more info) Author: RealityEntertainment Duration: 3:17
Photos for video The Extraordinary Journeys of Jules Verne