President Barack Obama delivered his second inaugural address after being sworn in for his second term as President of the United States. Author: PBSNewsHour Duration: 19:46
Photos for video Watch President Obama Deliver His Second Inaugural Address
Mitt Romney says it's nice to finally wear what he and Ann Lounge around in at home every night. Just one of many great lines from Mitt Romney's 10 minute monologue at the 2012 Al Smith dinner. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mitt Romney... Author: NakedMile2000 Duration: 10:34
Photos for video Mitt Romney Jokes at The Al Smith dinner - 2012 (Full Monologue)
Click to Tweet: Ben Swann of Fox19 interviews President Barack Obama on NDAA, indefinite detention, the "presidential kill list" (assassination of American citizens without charges or due process), Syria and the war in Afghanistan. FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 USC section 107 of the US Copyright Law. Author: Eduardo89rp Duration: 6:55
Photos for video Ben Swann interviews President Obama (NDAA, Kill List, Syria, Afghanistan)
Ron Paul getting some acknowledgement over his economic skills and him predicting the finanical crisis and the housing market collapse. Ron Paul 2012 Google Ron Paul Tell Your Friends and Family to Google Ron Paul. Author: Jason Botzong Duration: 4:13
Photos for video Ron Paul schools Herman Cain and the Federal Reserve with his Economic Skills. Cain is an Idiot.
Since the birth of the idea in Ancient Greece, democracy has undergone many changes in definition but is still essential for politics and peace. That's according to historian and theorist John Dunn, who spoke with RT's Laura Emmett in London. Author: RussiaToday Duration: 10:23
Photos for video 'Democracy as rule by people - ridiculous'
Alex also talks with Paul Craig Roberts about his article, The Ecstasy of Empire, and his latest book, How the Economy Was Lost: The War of the Worlds. Alex also covers the latest news and takes your calls. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 14:48
Photos for video Paul Craig Roberts: America is Truly being Destroyed by Design - The Alex Jones Show 2/3 why are we becoming so lazy? It really is not that hard to go speak to citizens about 9/11 truth and various topics, nor is it hard to spare 5.00 and get many copies of fliers at your local libraries. I don't know if I should stay on youtube, as I do feel I am contributing to the laziness of a once active movement, share this video to get people in the streets, out in public, and motivated. Author: Robert Wanek Duration: 4:13
Photos for video Fed Up With The Truth Movement - The Actvism Challenge
True story of a mysterious wind appearing suddenly to help some Israeli soldiers get through a field covered with land mines. What an AWESOME God we serve! Author: IsraelWillStandAlone Duration: 3:13
Photos for video Miracle at Golan Heights: True Story!
Lt. Col. Allen West (US Army, Ret.) speaks to the Center for Security Policy's National Security Group on Capital Hill. Col. West was a senior advisor, Combined Security Transition Command - Afghanistan, US Central Command. He is running for Congress in South Florida. For more information, see Author: securefreedom Duration: 20:14
Photos for video Allen West: Define the Enemy: What it takes to win in Afghanistan
A conversation with Esperanza Spalding. Esperanza Spalding speaks about her first experiences with music and her new album . http This interview is part of the book/dvd project Under your skin" Camera: L. Giorgi Author: underyourskindvd Duration: 6:22