--President Obama's second inauguration takes place, and we discuss the first term, the President's speech, the upcoming second term, and more. --On the Bonus Show: Bubble-gun comments get kindergartner suspended, the end of passwords, calamari or pig intestines, more... If you liked this clip of The David Pakman Show, please do us a big favor and share it with your friends... and hit that "like" button! www.davidpakman.com Become a Member www.davidpakman.com Like Us on Facebook: www.facebook.com Follow Us on Twitter: www.twitter.com Get TDPS Gear: www.davidpakman.com 24/7 Voicemail Line: (219)-2DAVIDP Subscribe to The David Pakman Show for more: www.youtube.com Broadcast on January 21, 2013 Author: MidweekPolitics Duration: 7:13
Photos for video President Barack Obama Inauguration #2: 2013...Now What?
The election of the first black US president offered hope to millions of African Americans across the country. But have four years of an Obama presidency seen positive change for black communities in the US' inner cities? While the 'war on drugs' rages on inside the US, there is some political consensus it is failing. White House officials have even indicated a federal policy shift away from incarceration and towards a public health strategy. In Baltimore, one of the most dangerous cities in the US, the police have reframed their 'war on drugs' as a 'war on guns'. The rhetoric may have changed, but critics say nothing else has and that concentrated law enforcement has resulted in high levels of incarceration among young African Americans and the criminalisation of entire communities. The nearly 30 years of drug policies have perpetuated cycles of violence and economic repression in US inner cities and especially among poor minority neighbourhoods. "Even in the age of Obama something akin to a caste system is alive and well in America," says Michelle Alexander, a law professor and author. "The mass incarceration of poor people of colour is tantamount into a caste system specifically designed to address the social, political and economic challenges of our time .... We have a school-to-prison pipeline operating in Baltimore and other cities across the nation where young people believe, with some good reason, that their destiny lies behind bars and they too will become <b>...</b> Author: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 24:12
Photos for video Fault Lines - Baltimore: Anatomy of an American City
Barack Obama Singing Born This Way by Lady Gaga This video Barack Obama Singing Born This Way by Lady Gaga was really funny. Barack Obama Singing Born This Way by Lady Gaga I wished it was him really singing live, but i still enjoyed this. www.youtube.com Thanks so much, and don't forget to check me out on the links below! MAIN CHANNEL www.youtube.com Barack Obama Singing Born This Way by Lady Gaga president barack obama barack obama born this way dub parody singing autotune Lady Gaga Author: MeganSpeaks Duration: 0:41
Photos for video Re: Barack Obama Singing Born This Way by Lady Gaga "Barack Obama Singing"
9/11 MICHAEL JACKSON IS SINGING FROM HEAVEN: "MAKE LOVE NOT WAR" Now's the time to live in the here and now just for LOVE. God bless you all, Sunny 9th of September 2011. www.sunnylovesyou.com Michael Jackson tribute artist NIKA nika.michaeljackson@gmail.com lflymusic.atw.hu Author: lfly765 Duration: 5:46
Photos for video 9/11 Sunny - Make Love Not War (Official Music Video HD)
PresidentBarack Obama Dances with Thalia while Michelle Obama gets pissed! President Barack Obama Dances with Thalia US President Barack Obama a Fiesta Latina performance at the White House on Tuesday night. The highlight of the White House Fiesta Latina night was when Barack Obama danced a salsa with Latin pop star Thalia. Thalia was performing a song when she worked her way over to Obama's table and the President stands up and briefly dances for about five seconds. Some viewers were more interested in Michelle Obama's reaction to the Obama salsa. While Michelle Obama clapped during his brief salsa dance, cameras captured President Obama trying to talk to Michelle and she appears to be ignoring him. Of course, the brief clip leads some to speculate that Michelle was none too pleased with Obama's brief foray into latin dance. In addition to Thalia, the Fiesta Latina featured actors and performers such as George Lopez, Jimmy Smits, Marc Anthony, Gloria Estefan, Jose Feliciano, Los Lobos, and Sheila E. Author: mariaTHALIA giorgos Duration: 5:03
Photos for video President Barack Obama Dances with Thalia
Establishment media fearmongers about "mail bomb plot" despite no bombs being found, Obama contradicts his own federal security apparatus Paul Joseph Watson www.prisonplanet.com www.infowars.com Friday, October 29, 2010 UPDATE: As this contrived scare unravels, Obama has given a press conference reversing earlier announcements that there were no explosives in the packages found on the planes. Obama claimed that the packages "did apparently contain explosive material," completely contradicting earlier reports which quoted authorities as saying that both the package found in the UK and the two found in the US were all duds and contained no explosive material. A few hours ago CNN reported, "Investigators examined two UPS planes that landed at Philadelphia International Airport and another at Newark Liberty International Airport in New Jersey, said Mike Mangeot, a UPS spokesman. Authorities later gave the "all-clear" at the airport in Newark, US and UK officials said," and yet now CNN is running with the headline, Suspicious packages 'contain explosive material,' Obama says. This stinks to high heaven. Obama is directly contradicting the announcements of his own federal security apparatus. Obama also said that the events were a scare tactic designed to shake up Americans before the elections. On this point he's correct, but all the evidence points to his White House being behind the scare. Obama was informed last night of the events as the packages were discovered and even <b>...</b> Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 14:19
Photos for video Despite No Bombs Being Found, Obama Contradicts His Own Federal Security Apparatus 1/2
Live at The Copa~~ Jackie Wilson- Medley, Danny Boy, A Woman...., Doggin' Around & To Be Loved... Mr. Excitement Performing Live in New York's Famed Copa, Enjoy!!!!! Author: Dee530 Duration: 8:20