"Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) on Friday accused President Obama of conducting a foreign policy that is helping to create a second Ottoman Empire in the Middle East. Gohmert was speaking on the House floor, where he accused the Obama administration of pulling out of Iraq after victory had been won, and allowing Iran to better influence Iraq. He said withdrawing means less American influence there...".* The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks it down. *Read more here from Pete Kasperowicz in The HIll: thehill.com Support The Young Turks by Subscribing bit.ly Like Us on Facebook: www.fb.com Follow Us on Twitter: bit.ly Buy TYT Merch: theyoungturks.spreadshirt.com Find out how to watch The Young Turks on Current by clicking here: www.current.com Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 2:50
Photos for video Obama Created A New Ottoman Empire, Says Rep. Gohmert
The Mexican drug cartels are at war... with Mormons. In Part 2, we learn how the "Mormon Manson" turned his family into assassins, with over 40 dead under the banner of "Blood Atonement." Watch the rest here: bit.ly bit.ly bit.ly bit.ly bit.ly bit.ly bit.ly Hosted by VICE Founder Shane Smith Follow Shane on Twitter: twitter.com Watch more VICE documentaries here: bit.ly Subscribe to VICE for the best videos online: bit.ly Check out our full video catalog: www.youtube.com Videos, daily editorial and more: vice.com Like VICE on Facebook fb.com Follow VICE on Twitter: twitter.com Read our tumblr: vicemag.tumblr.com Author: vice Duration: 8:30
Photos for video The Mormon Manson (Drug Cartels vs. Mormons Part 2/7)
The Drug War is America's longest-running war. We have a long national history of drug use and cultivation - John Fugelsang explains it all. Subscribe for new episodes every Tuesday: bit.ly Read more: "Ain't Nobody's Business if You Do; The Absurdity of Consensual Crimes in our Free Country" by Peter McWilliams johnfugelsang.com Follow John twitter.com Like John: tinyurl.com FOLLOW US twitter.com WE LIKE YOU, TOO! www.facebook.com Google+ bit.ly Powered by MAKER STUDIOS makerstudios.com http www.facebook.com WATCH JOHN'S OTHER "CAFFEINATED!" EPISODES: #1 ROMNEY VS. MUHAMMAD ALI! youtu.be #2 CHICK-FIL-A VS. THE GAYS! youtu.be #3 EPIC KARDASHIAN RANT! youtu.be #4 AFGHAN GIRLS GONE WILD! youtu.be #5 ROMNEY VS. THE GOP! youtu.be #6 PAUL RYAN VS. AYN RAND VS. JESUS! youtu.be #7 ELECTION! PAUL RYAN VS. PRESIDENT JESUS! youtu.be (LIVE) JOHN DEBATES LEE DOREN! youtu.be Written by John Fugelsang Executive Producer: Will Keenan twitter.com Produced by Matt Cross Directed and Edited by Logan Burdick Director of Photography Mike Bauman STAR SPANGLED BANGER" BY MCSWAGGER ON ITUNES:tinyurl.com McSwagger's Channel: bit.ly Royalty Free Music by audiomicro.com Effects by audiomicro.com Author: POLIPOP Duration: 3:40
Photos for video DRUG WAR VS. AMERICANS! ( @JohnFugelsang /Caffeinated #8)
Ron Paul's consistently strong anti-war message is one that resonates with many US troops today. Hundreds of active duty troops, veterans, and Paul supporters marched from the Washington Monument to the White House this afternoon. Sick of fighting seemingly never-ending wars overseas, troops that took part in the march say they are ready for radical change. Liz Wahl spoke to veterans that say their only hope for that is getting Paul into the White House. Author: RTAmerica Duration: 2:10
Photos for video Troops March on White House for Ron Paul
Twitter: berge95 www.notoriousbaby.blogspot.com The track is "Hypnotize" by The Notorious BIG. We make no claim on ownership rights to the song. Please visit Amazon.com or Itunes to purchase the track for yourself. Hopefully it has the same effect on you as it did to Rachel! Thanks again for all of your kind words and comments! - Lynn and Dave Almost forgot - thanks to Justin Bieber, LeBron James, Bad Boy Records and Alyssa Milano - your tweets really made this video take off! The tweets can be found at: twitter.com notoriousbaby.blogspot.com Twitter: berge95 Author: berge95 Duration: 1:24
Photos for video Notorious BIG calms down crying baby - original
The events on the morning of September 11, 2001, marked the beginning of what would become a decade of war. So many lives lost, millions of dollars squandered and wasted opportunities. Does the US regret its "stupid war"? Author: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 47:14
Photos for video Empire - 9/12 and the 'war on terror'
LIKE US on Facebook: www.facebook.com LIKE US ON FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com LIKE US ON FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com The 33rd Annual Kennedy Center Honors. December 7th, 2010 Author: CrowVideoTV Duration: 2:30
Photos for video Sheryl Crow & Willie Nelson - "Today I Started Lovin' You Again"
Copyright recording, music and lyrics reproduced by kind permission of Adams Communications - for original, exclusive performances by Bryan Adams, check-out the official channel at www.youtube.com/bryanadams. Lipdub HEC Montr Author: JF Quintal Duration: 5:39