Subscribe and like BlackInBox on Facebook: 'Dreamgirls' co-stars Jennifer Hudson and Jamie Foxx were just two of many popular acts tap to serenade the President and First Lady at tonight's Inaugural Ball. Indeed, as onlookers gazed in amazement of the country's "first couple", Miss Hudson had the honor of setting the mood for the night by lending a fiery version of Al Green's signature hit 'Let's Stay Together' for the Obama's first dance. Author: PremiereBlackInBox Duration: 4:41
Photos for video Jennifer Hudson - Let's Stay Together - Live Obama's Inauguration 2013 - Commander Chief's Ball
Beyonce Sings US National Anthem Inauguration 2013 Beyonce Perform @ 57th Presidential Inauguration Ceremony - President Obama 2nd term 1/21/2013 - Beyonce sings at last for president Obama @ white house 2013 Author: FUNNYTOWNHD Duration: 2:29
Photos for video Beyonce Performance @ 57th Presidential Inauguration Ceremony - President Obama 2nd term 1/21/2013
BANGKOK - (Nov18) His Majesty the King granted an audience to United States President Barack Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and US Ambassador Kristie Kenney on Sunday afternoon at Siriraj Hospital. After arriving at Bangkok's Don Mueang airport just after 3pm, Mr Obama met a group of Thai officials, including His Majesty the King's representative Gen Surayud Chulanond. The re-elected president and his entourage then met 600 members of the US embassy staff and later visited Wat Pho, a temple renowned for its giant reclining Buddha statue. He was then granted an audience with His Majesty, followed by an official dinner hosted by Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra at Government House. Author: 304up Duration: 2:22
Photos for video President Obama meets King Bhumibol of Thailand
As Hurricane Sandy pounds the east coast Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks discusses the Republican party's stance on climate change. Republican Presidential Nominee Mitt Romney's comments on climate change during is RNC speech are discussed. Cenk also breaks down the real reason the Republican party has the opinions they do about climate change, turns out it's all about the money. Do you believe climate change is man made and we're seeing its effects now, tell us in the comment section below. Mitt Romney's line about climate change in his RNC Convention Speech below: President Obama promised to begin to slow the rise of the oceans and to heal the planet. MY promise ... is to help you and your family. Join the fight against money in politics at Support The Young Turks by Subscribing http Support The Young Turks by Shopping Like Us on Facebook: Follow Us on Twitter: Buy TYT Merch: Find out how to watch The Young Turks on Current by clicking here: Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 3:14
Join our fanclub at Blayze! - Watch the Episodes: Meet the Contestants: Subscribe to DanceOn: D-trix hosts a LIVE Google Hangout with the Contestants, Dancers, and even guest judge Ryan Higa! Want us to do more Live chats? Tell us in the comments what you would ask the stars of Dance Showdown next time! Connect with us! Twitter: Use #DanceShowdown so we can RT you! Facebook: Instagram: @DanceOnNetwork Blog: Pinterest Google Plus: Featuring: Dominic "D-trix" Sandoval Contestants Featured: Alphacat Andrew Garcia BrittaniLouiseTaylor Chester See Chimneyswift11 ExoticJess meghanrosette Miss Hannah Minx ONLYUSEmeBLADE Screen Team Judges: Ryan Higa Dancers: AnzeSkrube Brinn Nicole A DanceOn production: Executive Producers: Jason Hammonds, Dominic "D-trix" Sandoval, Amanda Taylor Director: Jason Hammonds Field Producer: Jen O'Connor Story Producer: Allan Chaykin Supervising Choreographer: Tessandra Chavez Lead Editors: Sunny Peabody, Kurt T. Jones Editors: Allyssa Smith, Noah Chavez, Steve Yee Opening Graphics by: Design on the Fly Music Supervisor: Jason Cienkus Music Provided by: APM Music & Kick Kick Snare For DanceOn: VP, Dance Showdown Franchise: David Pinsky VP, Business Affairs and Business Development: Stephanie Cohen Boxerbaum, Esq. VP, Production and Operations: Kate Palmer Moon Chief Marketing Officer: Amanda Goodfried <b>...</b> Author: DanceOn Duration: 83:30
Photos for video Dance Showdown Presented by D-trix - Season 2 LIVE CHAT
"If I was in the Obama administration, I would not be comfortable with how the last three days went." Reason's Damon Root was in attendance for the third and final day of oral arguments before the Supreme Court on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), which focused primarily on the issue of severability, which brings into question whether the individual mandate be excised from the law, or if the law in its totality must be struck down. Now that the case is in the hands of the Court and a decision isn't expected until late June, Root thinks the Obama administration has reason to be concerned not only because their Solicitor General's performance rated poorly, but because "their arguments were nowhere near as strong as they thought they were going to be." Runs about 3 minutes. Produced by Anthony L. Fisher, shot by Josh Swain and Fisher. For more of's coverage of Health Care debate, go here: Go to for downloadable versions and subscribe to's YouTube Channel to receive automatic updates when new material goes live. Author: ReasonTV Duration: 2:59
Photos for video Obamacare #FAIL: Day 3 at the Supreme Court
Reason's Damon Root attended the pivotal second day of oral arguments before the Supreme Court on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), which he described as a "Constitutional Thunderdome." The debate over the legality of the mandate to purchase insurance at the heart of ACA was, says Root, a rough-and-tumble colloquy about the "the role of government in our lives" and "what sort of limits the Constitution places on the federal government." "I'm more confident after today's arguments than I was going in that the individual mandate is in trouble," says Root. Oral arguments end tomorrow and the Supreme Court's decision is expected in early June. Runs about 3 minutes. Produced by Anthony L. Fisher, shot by Josh Swain and Fisher. For more of's coverage of Health Care debate, go here: Go to for downloadable versions and subscribe to's YouTube Channel to receive automatic updates when new material goes live. Author: ReasonTV Duration: 3:03
Photos for video "Constitutional Thunderdome": Day Two of Obamacare Oral Arguments
The US is like a drunkard who charges to war with anyone who might pose a threat, ex-Senator and former US presidential candidate Mike Gravel says. "I like the US. But at the same time I think my country is an imperial country that is going downhill, and our leadership does not even acknowledge the problem," confesses Gravel. "Phony triumphalism has turned into a device to make Americans live in fear of a terrorist attack, yet you are a thousand times more likely to catch cancer than ever be hurt by that," he points out. "All I can say about what the US is doing -- it's immoral," Gravel says, explaining that "as a result of 9/11, we have altered our moral compass. And people began to get used to brutalizing each other." "We Americans used to think 'oh, what happened in Germany could never happen with us!' Well, it is happening with us. And it is happening to the detriment of our global position." "In Afghanistan, in Iraq and in Vietnam at the era, all American soldiers died in vain," Gravel claims, recalling the millions of war victims in Vietnam, which is now developing along its own path, regardless. New American policies enable US military or security officials to take a decision and dispatch a drone to kill a suspect without trial -- together with all civilians who happen to be close to the target, Gravel says. "The morality of that is removing responsibility -- those who drop bombs [from remotely operated robot drones] do not see people die," he says. "We have not <b>...</b> Author: TheOmeganews Duration: 12:33
Photos for video Ex US Senator ((( EXPOSES ))) US corruption , greed and fascist intent
Skousen explains how the Tea Party movement was founded by grass roots Ron Paul supporters, but is now in very real danger of being destroyed by the likes of Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin, who so often resort to excessive generalities in demonizing their political opposition that they can easily be debunked by the establishment. Skousen says Palin is being groomed for prominence in 2012, but that Newt Gingrich will probably become the primary establishment frontrunner for the Republicans, a man who has completely betrayed all constitutionalist principles and is clearly a globalist masquerading as a conservative. If Mitt Romney runs, then Mike Huckabee will act as his spoiler, predicts Skousen. Should the movement behind Palin be strong enough and she wins the Republican primary, "I believe the establishment will throw another four years to Barack Obama," predicts Skousen, saying that Palin's campaign will be sabotaged by mud-slinging, noting that Democrats tend to be given eight years rather than four by the establishment because they can do more damage than compromised Republicans, for example as bad as George W. Bush was, he could never have got Obamacare passed under a Republican administration. Alternatively, Palin could be paired with Newt Gingrich as a vice-presidential candidate to make Gingrich more palatable for conservatives. Author: iHelo58 Duration: 60:36
Photos for video Joel Skousen Part II: Election 2012 - Deception & War
Dr. JR Church discusses the vision of the most famous Freemason leader in history, Albert Pike (1809-1891). Pike detailed his vision in a letter to European Freemason leader, Giuseppe Mazzini (1805-1872). The letter that Pike wrote to Mazzini, dated August 15, 1871 graphically outlined plans for three world wars to usher in the Luciferian World Order. We can marvel at how accurately it has predicted events that have already taken place. Pike was also a founded and leader of the KKK. An evil man indeed! Used by permission: Author: RealWorldNewsOrg Duration: 10:52
A national emergency has been declared in the United States! But it has nothing to do with the war in Afghanistan, the economic crisis, or the Iranian nuclear situation. Instead, it's all about the H1N1 virus. RT's Dina Gusovsky speaks to Congressman Ron Paul about his take on the vaccine, as well as burning foreign policy issues affecting the United States. Author: RussiaToday Duration: 9:29
Photos for video Ron Paul: Government can quarantine people
Copyright recording, music and lyrics reproduced by kind permission of Adams Communications - for original, exclusive performances by Bryan Adams, check-out the official channel at Lipdub HEC Montr Author: JF Quintal Duration: 5:39