Join our fanclub at Blayze! - Watch the Episodes: Meet the Contestants: Subscribe to DanceOn: D-trix hosts a LIVE Google Hangout with the Contestants, Dancers, and even guest judge Ryan Higa! Want us to do more Live chats? Tell us in the comments what you would ask the stars of Dance Showdown next time! Connect with us! Twitter: Use #DanceShowdown so we can RT you! Facebook: Instagram: @DanceOnNetwork Blog: Pinterest Google Plus: Featuring: Dominic "D-trix" Sandoval Contestants Featured: Alphacat Andrew Garcia BrittaniLouiseTaylor Chester See Chimneyswift11 ExoticJess meghanrosette Miss Hannah Minx ONLYUSEmeBLADE Screen Team Judges: Ryan Higa Dancers: AnzeSkrube Brinn Nicole A DanceOn production: Executive Producers: Jason Hammonds, Dominic "D-trix" Sandoval, Amanda Taylor Director: Jason Hammonds Field Producer: Jen O'Connor Story Producer: Allan Chaykin Supervising Choreographer: Tessandra Chavez Lead Editors: Sunny Peabody, Kurt T. Jones Editors: Allyssa Smith, Noah Chavez, Steve Yee Opening Graphics by: Design on the Fly Music Supervisor: Jason Cienkus Music Provided by: APM Music & Kick Kick Snare For DanceOn: VP, Dance Showdown Franchise: David Pinsky VP, Business Affairs and Business Development: Stephanie Cohen Boxerbaum, Esq. VP, Production and Operations: Kate Palmer Moon Chief Marketing Officer: Amanda Goodfried <b>...</b> Author: DanceOn Duration: 83:30
Photos for video Dance Showdown Presented by D-trix - Season 2 LIVE CHAT
Help build this campaign: OFA.BO President Bill Clinton's Full Speech from the 2012 Democratic National Convention - HD Quality Author: BarackObamadotcom Duration: 48:36
Photos for video President Bill Clinton's Full Speech from the 2012 Democratic National Convention - HD Quality
EXECUTIVE ORDER, NATIONAL DEFENSE RESOURCES PREPAREDNESS Obama Executive Order Seizes US Infrastructure & Citizens for Military Preparedness & Slavery Details Explained Video! The Defense Production Act of 1950. The Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds... Author: Rohbss2 Duration: 14:26
Congressman Ron Paul delivered a speech for the National Association of Home Builders at the 29th Annual Cato Monetary Conference yesterday. The key topics were the US monetary policy and the Federal Reserve. Author: RTAmerica Duration: 30:14
Photos for video Ron Paul: "FED is immoral" - speech at the CATO
The hypocrisy of Nobel Peace Prize winner Obama bombing Libya, a war crime resulting in tens of thousands of deaths and the maiming of countless others. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 11:12
Photos for video Obama Calls Murder of Children in Libya A "Success"
Sponsor: - Previously unreleased video Arrest @ Biden event in New Hampshire. See the raw video from the trial: Or wait for highlights to appear on this channel. This clip is part of a series. Part 1 is at: The next part should appear as a RidleyReport video response to this clip. From there click on the RidleyReport video responses to move forward through this series in order. A note regarding "the other side of the story." I'd prefer to call police, question them and record the entire interaction on tape when they are accused. But the wiretap law - which their chiefs so ardently defend - has a chilling effect on such calls. So I generally choose to practice overobedience - and decline to call for their opinions. In this sense, their bad law saves me time and costs them the chance to present their views. buy an ad: joe biden ron paul nashua new hampshire police department cops free state project don't touch my junk mike tiner dave ridley report. new world order conspiracy theories raw video. staters lieutenant denis Linehan ridleyreport liberty. nh libertarian live free or die news ellie wooldrige wooldridge tony lucca luca radisson hotels raddisson raddison caught on tape tsa transportation security agency. barack obama hussein newly. Author: RidleyReport Duration: 16:25
Photos for video Newly released video: Arrest @ Biden event in New Hampshire