Not even an attempted photobomb by Malia could keep Sasha from capturing a kiss between Barack and Michelle Obama on her iPhone at the presidential reviewing stand during the inaugural parade. Full Inauguration Playlist: Click here to subscribe to our channel: Visit us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Visit the Wall Street Journal: Author: WSJDigitalNetwork Duration: 0:28
Photos for video Malia's Photobomb Fail During President and Michelle Obama Kiss for Camera
In 2008 Obama promised a foreign policy true to our values, that champions human rights and adherence to the rule of law. Promise kept? | Author: wordsmatter2012 Duration: 1:49
Photos for video Guilt by Association | Obama's Drones and Kill List
Join our fanclub at Blayze! - Watch the Episodes: Meet the Contestants: Subscribe to DanceOn: D-trix hosts a LIVE Google Hangout with the Contestants, Dancers, and even guest judge Ryan Higa! Want us to do more Live chats? Tell us in the comments what you would ask the stars of Dance Showdown next time! Connect with us! Twitter: Use #DanceShowdown so we can RT you! Facebook: Instagram: @DanceOnNetwork Blog: Pinterest Google Plus: Featuring: Dominic "D-trix" Sandoval Contestants Featured: Alphacat Andrew Garcia BrittaniLouiseTaylor Chester See Chimneyswift11 ExoticJess meghanrosette Miss Hannah Minx ONLYUSEmeBLADE Screen Team Judges: Ryan Higa Dancers: AnzeSkrube Brinn Nicole A DanceOn production: Executive Producers: Jason Hammonds, Dominic "D-trix" Sandoval, Amanda Taylor Director: Jason Hammonds Field Producer: Jen O'Connor Story Producer: Allan Chaykin Supervising Choreographer: Tessandra Chavez Lead Editors: Sunny Peabody, Kurt T. Jones Editors: Allyssa Smith, Noah Chavez, Steve Yee Opening Graphics by: Design on the Fly Music Supervisor: Jason Cienkus Music Provided by: APM Music & Kick Kick Snare For DanceOn: VP, Dance Showdown Franchise: David Pinsky VP, Business Affairs and Business Development: Stephanie Cohen Boxerbaum, Esq. VP, Production and Operations: Kate Palmer Moon Chief Marketing Officer: Amanda Goodfried <b>...</b> Author: DanceOn Duration: 83:30
Photos for video Dance Showdown Presented by D-trix - Season 2 LIVE CHAT - More Funny Videos, And Comedy Daily. Jay Pharoah impression of first take espn stephen / steven a smith for Saturday Night Live. Author: MrsParkerWasHere Duration: 4:03
Photos for video SNL: @JayPharoah Impersonates ESPN's @StephenASmith. - DaLaughingBarrel.Com
On the Monday, April 9 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the latest news, including reports that antidepressants are causing an epidemic of mass mental illness, renewed call for a global tax on carbon emissions, newly revealed devastating effects of GMO insecticide, the mass drugging of US troops, the prospect of an engineered race war in the wake of the Trayvon Martin case and the Tulsa, Oklahoma shootings and other important news items. He also takes your calls. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 27:57
Photos for video Artificial Scarcity: A Culture in Denial
"Россия - без вопросов геополитический враг номер один, и факт того, что наш президент пытается делать с ними что-то, о чем не хочет говорить американскому народу перед выборами, я нахожу очень и очень тревожным", - заявляет кандидат на пост президента США от Республиканской партии Митт Ромни. Удивленный таким заявлением ведущий даже переспросил. "Вы уверены, что Россия - главный враг?" -- спросил ведущий. Бывший губернатор повторил: "без сомнений - она поддерживает худшие мировые режимы - Сирию и Иран". Угрозой Ромни назвал даже право вето, которым наша страна обладает в Совете безопасности ООН. Author: TheRus1999 Duration: 6:00
Photos for video Митт Ромни : " Россия - враг США номер один ".
Twitter: berge95 The track is "Hypnotize" by The Notorious BIG. We make no claim on ownership rights to the song. Please visit or Itunes to purchase the track for yourself. Hopefully it has the same effect on you as it did to Rachel! Thanks again for all of your kind words and comments! - Lynn and Dave Almost forgot - thanks to Justin Bieber, LeBron James, Bad Boy Records and Alyssa Milano - your tweets really made this video take off! The tweets can be found at: Twitter: berge95 Author: berge95 Duration: 1:24
Photos for video Notorious BIG calms down crying baby - original
Digg this video: When foreign policy is well-reasoned, we see attention given to humanitarian issues like housing, jobs, health care and education. When that policy consists of applying a military solution to a political problem, however, we see death, destruction, and suffering. Director Robert Greenwald witnessed the latter during his recent trip to Afghanistan--the devastating consequences of US airstrikes on thousands of innocent civilians. The footage you are about to see is poignant, heart-wrenching, and often a direct result of US foreign policy. We must help the refugees whose lives have been shattered by US foreign policy and military attacks. Support the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan, an organization dedicated to helping women and children, human rights issues, and social justice. Then, become a Peacemaker. Receive up-to-the-minute information through our new mobile alert system whenever there are Afghan civilian casualties from this war, and take immediate action by calling Congress. Author: bravenewfilms Duration: 12:09
Photos for video Rethink Afghanistan War (Part 4): Civilian Casualties
I met a guy who was frugal, dressed modest and also was not what you considered a brilliant man, but I belive he did one thing a lot of people did not do and that was follow his passion. Most people work jobs they hate andyet wonder why they are not successful. It is because they are not giving 100% because they hate what they do. For 1 on 1 Business Coaching & Prices Please Contact My Website & Social Media: http Author: mohammedabshaun Duration: 5:44
Photos for video What Does A Millionaire Look Like?