Kassem G and Shira Lazar re-watch and review the first 10 videos on What's Trending's "Top 20 of 2012" list. SUBSCRIBE for more exclusives: full.sc CHECK OUT PART 2, FEATURING THE YEAR'S TOP 10 VIDEOS: www.youtube.com SUBSCRIBE TO KASSEM G: youtube.com Follow Kassem on Twitter: @kassemg Every weekday, What's Trending has been seeking out the best videos YouTube has to offer. Now, here's a definitive guide to the 20 biggest, most infamous and best of YouTube in 2012. (Well, the first part anyway, covering videos #20 through #11.) Included in this line-up, Samuel L. Jackson's plea to American voters, Mister Rogers Remixed, Kristen Bell having a meltdown, an epic episode of Epic Rap Battles of History and much, much more! FEATURED VIDEOS: #20: Wake the F--k Up: www.youtube.com #19: Barack Obama Singing Sexy and I Know It: www.youtube.com #18: Mister Rogers Remixed | Garden of Your Mind: www.youtube.com #17: Arrested Drunk Guy Singing Bohemian Rhapsody: www.youtube.com #16: Oh My Dayum: www.youtube.com #15: Kristen Bell's Sloth Meltdown: www.youtube.com #14: Isaac's Live Lip Dub Marriage Proposal: www.youtube.com #13: Bad Lip Reading: Edward and Bella: www.youtube.com #12: Master Chief vs. Leonidas: Epic Rap Battles of History Season 2: www.youtube.com #11: Tired of Bronco Bamma: www.youtube.com Read our blog to discover more trends! whatstrending.com Follow us on Twitter for real-time updates! www.twitter.com Like us on Facebook! www.facebook.com Add us to your circles on <b>...</b> Author: Whatstrending Duration: 4:53
Photos for video Top 20 YouTube Videos of 2012: Part 1 (feat. KassemG)
November 09, 2012 Q13 News MOXNews.com i-502 legalize legalization marijuana weed drug war profiteering prison military industrial complex police state washington colorado obama president 2012 election results result mox news Author: MOXNEWSd0tC0M Duration: 3:18
Photos for video Seattle Police Will No Longer Arrest Anyone For Marijuana Starting Tonight!
On Listening Post this week: The propaganda push behind Obama's drone war. And Somalia - where being a journalist can cost you your life. It has been one of the worst-kept secrets of the Obama administration - the aggressive campaign of drone strikes against suspected militants hiding out in the tribal areas of Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia. According to the London-based Bureau of Investigative Journalism, under President Barack Obama there have been a total of 280 drone strikes on Pakistan alone and the civilian death toll has been anywhere from 482 to 832. The Obama administration puts this figure at just 60. In our News Divide this week we analyse what is behind the difference in the casualty figures the US government reports and what investigative journalists have found on the ground. Author: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 25:06
Photos for video The propaganda behind Obama's drone war
Barack Obama, the US president, has called Pakistan's northwest tribal region bordering Afghanistan "the most dangerous place". The Pakistani army is waging a bloody war against extremist groups for control of those areas, especially in The Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA). Those battles have left hundreds dead and tens of thousands of people homeless. Yet Taliban and al-Qaeda forces still control large swathes of territory often imposing their own system of Islamic law on a war-weary tribal population. We ask: Why has religious extremism flourished in Pakistan's tribal areas and how can Islamabad effectively deal with the threat? Author: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 22:21
Photos for video Riz Khan - Pakistan's violent frontier
Obama on the campaign trail, propels to victory as the first African-American elected president. "Still I Rise" Yolanda Adams. Author: obbi2008 Duration: 6:03
Photos for video Barack Obama Video - "Still I Rise" by Yolanda Adams
Former Pastor Jeremiah Wright is not a racist, he's not anti-American or a bigot according to those that know him. Catholic priest, Michael Pfleger, is the lastest person to speak out in defense of the reverand following the firestorm of controversy generated by mainstream media. Pfleger speaks of the double standard in media coverage based on race, and racial injustices that still exist today in America. A couple of things here are worth noting: - 9/11 sermon by pastor Wright (yes, Fox News LIED about this, see it in context). www.youtube.com - Former Minnesota Governor, Jesse Ventura, recently said some comments that could be labeled anti-American, hateful, and anti-white. But the media has largely ignored that, even though he compared America to Nazi Germany. www.youtube.com www.youtube.com - Hillary Clinton's former pastor, Dean Snyder, defended Rev. Wright. www.huffingtonpost.com - Conservative Republican and former presidential candidate Mike Huckabee defended Rev. Wright. www.youtube.com - Fox New's Sean Hannity, who widely pushed the Wright story, was long time friends with neo-Nazi shock jock radio host, Hal Turner, a fierce, proud and open racist. www.newshounds.us www.youtube.com - Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. was also critical of US government policy (the Vietnam War), social injustice and racism in America. At times he was demonized by media in his time as an anti-American communist, an evil hypocrit, and a demagogue. - Neither Bill O'reilly, Sean Hannity <b>...</b> Author: starone091705 Duration: 5:58
Photos for video White Catholic priest defends Rev. Jeremiah Wright pt2
In the Associated Press they did a report that over 41 million people are exposed to pharmaceutical drugs in TREATED drinking water. We have all heard the saying 'There is something in the water' Well There IS. Time to Stand UP and Get Pissed for Once AMERICA. Remember your baby's formula is now being contaminated with drugs. And there is NO FEDERAL or STATE REGULATIONS ON WATER TREATMENT FOR DRUGS. 'There Is Something In The Water' well this saying is no more just an idea of a conspiracist. This is what is really going on across America from major cities to suburban neighborhoods. Are you the Americans going to take this with a smile. Are you going to trust the government to fix this problem when they dont even have any regulations for it. What are you going to do. The New World Order, Big Corporations taken over, 911 inside job, Alex Jones, Micheal Moore, George Bush, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, IRS, Illuminati, Free Masons, WTC, Major Media, Corrupt Politicians, Iraq, Iran, Israel, Jews running the world, Terrorist trying to take freedom, etc. All of this does not matter when Americans cannot even get up and DEMAND CLEAN WATER. Below is a list of some of the pharmaceuticals they found in TREATED drinking water. ANTIBIOTICS Amoxicillin — for pneumonia, stomach ulcers Azithromycin — for pneumonia, sexually transmitted diseases Bacitracin — prevents infection in cuts and burns Chloramphenicol — for serious infections when other antibiotics can't be used Ciprofloxacin <b>...</b> Author: reality2me4u Duration: 9:53
Photos for video Drugs in Drinking Water Mind Control and Others Must Watch