A stirring closing argument for Obama with music, featuring a cross-section of veterans, teachers, students, workers, business owners, and famous faces -- including from the original "Yes We Can" video by will.i.am. (Full list of who's who and what we do below.) This video is not produced by Obama for America, the Democratic Party, or any other official group. We're just a bunch of people who came together because we're really really psyched about getting people to vote. CAST (in order of appearance): BARACK OBAMA - President of the United States MELISSA FITZGERALD - "The West Wing"/"Chasing the Hill" SAM PAGE - "Mad Men"/"Yes We Can" by will.i.am BILL CLINTON - Married to Secretary of State ANTHONY AUER - Pastor (retired) DENNIS NICOMEDE - US Army CID/Power Plant Manager (retired) AGNES BARRIOS - Foster Youth Advocate MELVIN CALDWELL - Small Business Owner TONYA VIVIAN - Teacher CRYSTAL CANTU - Flight Attendant EDWARD TINNEY - Sales/Realtor ANDREW MCCLAIN - "Veronica Mars"/Founder of Fluther.com RHODA PELL - Salesperson/Customer Service (retired) JOE BIDEN - Vice President of the United States STEPHEN DUNWOODY - Iraq Veteran PABLO PRINCE - Trainer/Has Medical Coverage Because of Obamacare JAMES KYSON - "Heroes"/"Chasing the Hill" JUNIOR FUAHALA - Graduate Student LAURA NAPOLI - Producer/Writer/Actress JOE L. CEDILLO - Former Marine GREG MACHLIN - Writer/Teacher JOEL SILBERMAN - Writer/Producer/Former Child with a Preexisting Condition RODGER MILLS - Engineer/Salesperson <b>...</b> Author: YesWeDid YesWeWill Duration: 3:02
Photos for video Yes We Did + Yes We Will: Inspired by "Yes We Can" by will.i.am (Official Video)
As the national debt finally passes the $16 trillion mark, are Democrats serious about addressing deficit spending? Several Democratic delegates and supporters that Reason TV spoke with at the 2012 Democratic National Convention said that Democrats care deeply about the debt, but when it came to offering solutions, they said that serious reductions in government spending would actually be counterproductice. Instead, many suggested increasing public works spending to stimulate job growth, despite the fact that President Obama's first stimulus still hasn't moved the economy above 8 percent unemployment. They also defended Obama's proposal to raise taxes on anyone earning more than $200000 a year, even though this won't even come close to closing the annual budget deficit. Approximately 4:00. Produced by Paul Detrick and Zach Weissmueller. Visit reason.tv for downloadable versions and subscribe to ReasonTV's YouTube Channel to receive notifications when new material goes live. Author: ReasonTV Duration: 4:00
Photos for video Democrat Debt Solutions: Tax the Rich, Spend More Money
Slavery is once more legal in the United States thanks to language buried deep inside Executive Order 13603, which Barack Obama signed into law on March 16th 2012. According to this Executive Order the President, or those he designates, can conscript "persons of outstanding experience and ability without compensation," in "peacetime and times of national emergency." In a nutshell, that means that Barack Obama, and those he designates, can seize any resource, property, or person at any time for any reason, forcing that person with labor without being paid. There is only ONE definition for forced, "uncompensated employment." That word is slavery. This episode also includes an appeal to Federal, State, County, and Local law enforcement officers to uphold the oath they took to "Protect and Defend the Constitution of the United States," by defending the citizens they have sworn to protect, even when the aggressor is a Federal Government that has devolved into nothing more than a Tyranny where one man (or those he designates) can order the enslavement of its citizens, their detention in labor and re-education camps - even their deaths - simply by signing a piece of paper. Executive Order 13603: www.gpo.gov Internment and Resettlement Field Manual: publicintelligence.net Author: Bobby Powell Duration: 16:41
Photos for video Obama Institutes Slavery In US: A Plea To Law Enforcement (Part 2 of 2)
High, persistent unemployment and a sluggish economy underscore what all but the most-dedicated supporters of Barack Obama know to be true: The president's 2009 stimulus program was a massively expensive bust. Understanding why the stimulus failed is an important step in understanding how the government can—and cannot—goose economic recovery. To get a better sense of how and where the stimulus went wrong, Reason.tv focused on Silver Spring, Maryland, a suburb of Washington, DC, that's home to a large number of government contractors and other recipients of money earmarked for the sorts of "shovel ready" projects that were going to bring the economy back to life. President Obama's top economic advisor Larry Summers laid out ground rules for how stimulus dollars should be spent: The funds must be "targeted" at resources idled by the recession, the interventions must be "temporary," and they needed to "timely," or injected quickly into the economy. None of that turned out to be true. "Even if you were to believe that government spending can trigger economic growth," says Veronique de Rugy, Reason columnist and senior research fellow at the Mercatus Center, "the money is never spent in a way that's consistent with the conditions laid out by the Keynesians for it to be efficient." Reason.tv identified four basic ways in which the stimulus was doomed almost before it was put into operation. For the full discussion of those areas and links to supporting data, go to reason.com <b>...</b> Author: ReasonTV Duration: 7:37
Photos for video Why Obama's Stimulus Failed: A Case Study of Silver Spring, Maryland
The President takes questions from Republican members of the House of Representatives at the GOP House Issues Conference in Baltimore, MD. January 29, 2010. Author: whitehouse Duration: 85:55
Photos for video President Obama Takes Questions at GOP House Issues Conference
Beyonce performs "At Last" while Michelle and Barack Obama enjoy their first dance during the Neighborhood Inaugural Ball Author: beyonce Duration: 3:42
Photos for video Neighborhood Inaugural Ball "At Last" Performance