КЛИНТОН ПЛАЧА ПО ПОСЛУ СТИВА УБИТЫЙ В ЛИВИИ Идея против оккупации мали и добычи денег. Клип Клинтон плакала по причине убийства посла сша в ливии. клинтон взяла отвественость дрожащим голосом говорила. самая сильная идея против оккупации или для выкупа это похищение или убийство посла и неважно в какой стране. республиканцы атаковали Клинтон за убийство посла в Ливии так что Клинтон плакала. захват посла Франции в любой стране - это конец окупации, особенно если этот посол будет жалобно просить об его освобождении на выборах на видео, а убийство посла -это поражение оланда или демократов на выборах. но республиканцы агрессивнее, илитайно продать посла.не в интересах России победа республиканов поскольку произойдёт оккупация сирии и резко увеличится агрессия США и против России, ирана, сирии. поэтому через иран нужно договорится с алькаидой Йемена а алькаида Йемена с алькаидой Мали чтобы не убивали посла сша и за это Иран должен дать алкаиде много оружия и денег. а алькаида в Йемене хочет убить амер посла, но тогда в 2016 точно победят республиканцы, которые под влиянием Рокфеллера, и они будут воевать в Магрибе и т.д. и ускорят ваш конец или резко ухудшат положение всех от алькаиды до России и Ирана и асада не нужны вам буш и сотни тысяч амеров в мали у вас есть отсрочка это обама, но могильщик лже ислама - это народ и республиканцы под влиянием Рокфеллера (смотри у меня о Рокфеллере как аллах погубит цивилизацию) будут воевать против алькаиды, где республиканцы подобны <b>...</b> Author: 000zahar Duration: 3:21
www.youtube.com This video is a message to all Americans including those of you who are serving in the military and law enforcement. America is losing all of the freedoms that define it as America. The American dream will come to an end unless we draw the line. Everyone of you is going to have to make a decision. Obama is moving to become a dictator. In order to do that, Americans must be disarmed. Our government is preparing legislation to have firm arms confiscated beginning with semi-automatic rifles and military grade hand guns. I'm asking you to become public and vocal. I'm asking you to publicly state with me that IF anyone in any level of government uses physical force to remove our firearms, that you execute them as terrorists who are trying to overthrow our form of government and turn America into a police state modeled after Nazi Germany and Communist Russia. In this video I'm going to lay out the historical facts that show where are county is headed. Specifically, I'm going to compare the United States to the rise and fall of Nazi Germany so you can the undeniable comparisons. FORMER RUSSIAN PREMIER/EX KGB HEAD TO WORK FOR HOMELAND SECURITY! www.newswithviews.com www.prisonplanet.com 2nd Amendment Preservation Act. tenthamendmentcenter.com Speech by Goebbels. www.youtube.com Women Suing State Troopers Over Roadside Cavity Searches www.infowars.com Diels was right. The more we allow police to be perverts as a duty, the more perverts will pursue jobs as police <b>...</b> Author: TheTruthandjustice96 Duration: 68:23
Photos for video IF OBAMA SENDS POLICE TO TAKE YOUR GUNS, CIVIL WAR Nevada Governor 2014 David Lory VanDerBeek.
--President Obama's second inauguration takes place, and we discuss the first term, the President's speech, the upcoming second term, and more. --On the Bonus Show: Bubble-gun comments get kindergartner suspended, the end of passwords, calamari or pig intestines, more... If you liked this clip of The David Pakman Show, please do us a big favor and share it with your friends... and hit that "like" button! www.davidpakman.com Become a Member www.davidpakman.com Like Us on Facebook: www.facebook.com Follow Us on Twitter: www.twitter.com Get TDPS Gear: www.davidpakman.com 24/7 Voicemail Line: (219)-2DAVIDP Subscribe to The David Pakman Show for more: www.youtube.com Broadcast on January 21, 2013 Author: MidweekPolitics Duration: 7:13
Photos for video President Barack Obama Inauguration #2: 2013...Now What?
Whoa! Grace is back to Thursday for the day with her guest, NATE! Tweet in your questions to @gracehelbig with #MyDamnChannelLIVE. Chat starts at 3:50PM EST. Subscribe to Nate: www.youtube.com Grace's vlog: www.youtube.com More My Damn Channel: www.mydamnchannel.com Author: MyDamnChannel Duration: 16:37
Photos for video DailyGrace w/ OkayNate LIVE - 10/18/12 (Full Ep)
The Peter Schiff Show (6/27/2012) Weekdays LIVE and FREE on www.SchiffRadio.com Follow me on Twitter @SchiffRadio Friend me on http Buy my new book at www.tinyurl.com Author: SchiffReport Duration: 5:51
Photos for video Advertising Fraud? Government Says Food Stamps Assure Heath, Beauty & Happiness
We look at Obama's role in the continued imprisonment of a Yemeni journalist, the relationship between Yemen and the US and the issues behind it. Author: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 26:11
Photos for video Listening Post - The dangers of reporting the 'war on terror'
Ron Paul's consistently strong anti-war message is one that resonates with many US troops today. Hundreds of active duty troops, veterans, and Paul supporters marched from the Washington Monument to the White House this afternoon. Sick of fighting seemingly never-ending wars overseas, troops that took part in the march say they are ready for radical change. Liz Wahl spoke to veterans that say their only hope for that is getting Paul into the White House. Author: RTAmerica Duration: 2:10
Photos for video Troops March on White House for Ron Paul
The Obama administration is investigating the Obama administration? Video Shows Holder Knew About Fast And Furious 28 Months Ago... Obama Sold, Tracked, Same Guns To Cartels He Hoped To Ban Because They Were Tracked From Cartels In the Spring of 2009, the Obama administration called for the banning of "assault rifles" and .50 BMG "sniper rifles" due to their use in crimes by Mexican drug cartels. Obama dubiously alleged that 90% of these weapons were tracked back to the United States, implying that Americans have an obligation to surrender some of our freedoms to keep these weapons from being smuggled illegally over the border and used in Mexican-on-Mexican violence in Mexico. In this vintage clip, NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre discusses Obama's proposals with Glen Beck. Obama backed off these proposals a month later, noting that such a ban would not be politically feasible at this time. In Fall of 2009, the Obama Administration conceived Operation Fast and Furious, in which the ATF sold thousands of advanced weapons to Mexican drug cartels in order to track them once they were used in crimes. This policy perfectly dovetailed with Obama's gun control arguments. First of all, by selling guns to the cartels that the ATF could definitely trace back to the US (because they were bought from the ATF), the percentage of guns used in Mexican crimes traceable to American guns would increase. ATF supervisors rejoiced at their success when they found that these guns <b>...</b> Author: gking1000 Duration: 10:09
Photos for video TREASON- Obama Sold, Tracked, Same Guns to Cartels he hoped to Ban
Follow KnowTheTruthTV on Facebook @ facebook.com/KnowTheTruthTV Follow KnowTheTruthTV on Twitter @ twitter.com/KnowTheTruthTV The Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign raised more campaign donations from active military than all other presidential candidates—Republican or Democrat—including having raised more funds from this segment than all other GOP competitors combined, and more than incumbent President Barack Obama. Dr. Paul, an Air Force veteran, raised more than $75000 from active military in the third quarter. This comes after Dr. Paul out-raised all GOP candidates -- including all GOPers combined, and President Obama singularly -- in the second quarter of this year. Dr. Paul also outraised his GOP competitors in a head-to-head comparison during his 2008 run for the presidency. "Ron Paul is the only candidate with a plan to end the growing number of unconstitutional undeclared wars, having an unclear connection to US national security, end costly overseas nation-building that pays no friendship dividends, and stop subsidizing global security. Instead Dr. Paul will bring our troops home, secure our borders and lead the nation in practicing a traditional American noninterventionist foreign policy, and MOST importantly END the federal reserve bankers treason/monopoly on America since 1913. "Most Americans have no real understanding of the operation of the international money lenders.The accounts of the currupt Federal Reserve Bank System have never been audited. It <b>...</b> Author: KnowTheTruthTV Duration: 14:59
New TYT Network channels: www.youtube.com www.youtube.com New TYT Facebook Page(!): www.facebook.com Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com www.theyoungturks.com DISCOUNTS: www.theyoungturks.com FREE Movies(!): www.netflix.com Note: The above two links are for TYT sponsors. Read Ana's blog and subscribe at: www.examiner.com TYT Network (new WTF?! channel): www.youtube.com Check Out TYT Interviews www.youtube.com Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 4:53
Photos for video Absurd DADT/START Deal From McCain & Graham
You can purchase this DVD and others by Dr. Ray Hagins at www.WBLR.com. Also, tune into to Dr. Ray Hagins online radio station at www.WBLR.com. He broadcasts 24/7 and on Sundays and Wednesdays, 8pm-10pm EST he broadcasts live. He has a ton of information on African history, culture, religion, etc. Everyone can learn from his station regardless of how much you already know. Maat Hotep Author: mjrob1914 Duration: 10:01
Photos for video The Truth Is Unbelievable - Part 5: Dr. Ray Hagins
First part of the 50 impressions by Jay Pharoah, Jay does over 75 but this is just a little sample, Chris, Will,Jack, Owen,Obama,DMX,50 Cent,Bernie Mac, Denzel, Nick Cage,Katt Williams, Steve Irwin..... Watch the clip Author: Jhullk Duration: 8:16
Photos for video 50 impressions Jay Pharoah pt.1 Eddie, Chris, Will,Heath, Jack, Owen,Prince, Dmx,Obama......
doomsday.atspace.org FREE DOWNLOAD OF ALL MY VIDEOS!!! Antichrist Prophecy Mark of the Beast 666 Exposed Illuminati Illuminati Freemason New World Order Mark of the Beast 666 Antichrist Prophecy Conspiracy NWO Fema Coffins Concentration Camps 2009 2012 Martial Law Alien Aliens Giant Giants Ufo Ufos Nibiru PlanetX Planet Doomsday Armageddon End Times Days Jesus Christ God Messiah Bible Heaven Hell Devil Satan Lucifer Demon Demons Ghost Ghosts Spirit Spirits Barack Obama Joe Biden US USA America China Russia Economy Economic Dollar Collapse Alex Jones Ron Paul Author: doomsdaytubedotcom Duration: 9:30
Photos for video Illuminati Obama 666 Antichrist End Times Prophecy Mark of the Beast