Whoa! Grace is back to Thursday for the day with her guest, NATE! Tweet in your questions to @gracehelbig with #MyDamnChannelLIVE. Chat starts at 3:50PM EST. Subscribe to Nate: www.youtube.com Grace's vlog: www.youtube.com More My Damn Channel: www.mydamnchannel.com Author: MyDamnChannel Duration: 16:37
Photos for video DailyGrace w/ OkayNate LIVE - 10/18/12 (Full Ep)
Minister Louis Farrakhan answers various questions during his first ever #AskFarrakhan Townhall that was held on Sept. 26, 2012 in Chicago, Il. To view the entire townhall, visit askfarrakhan.noi.org Author: Ahmad770 Duration: 19:03
Photos for video Farrakhan drops wisdom during his first online townhall meeting!
Тема: Ангела Меркель обещает спасти Еврозону от распада. Слушать эфир: www.rusnovosti.ru Получить бесплатно аудиозапись вэбинара Михаила Хазина «Проблемы и возможнсти России - 2012» от 16 марта 2012 года можно подписавшись на рассылку "Экономического дискуссионного клуба" tatiana-badya.ru Блоги Михаила: khazin.livejournal.com worldcrisis.ru Author: Neprotivlenec Duration: 31:19
Photos for video 27.03.2012. ЭКОНОМИКА ПО-РУССКИ с Михаилом Хазиным
Jimmy Kimmel Live - The first part of Jimmy's interview with John Krasinski Jimmy Kimmel Live's YouTube channel features clips and recaps of every episode from the late night TV show on ABC. Subscribe for clips from the monologue, the interviews, and musical performances every day of the week. Watch your favorites parts again, or catch-up on any episodes you may have missed Channel: www.youtube.com Subscribe: www.youtube.com Author: JimmyKimmelLive Duration: 2:23
Photos for video John Krasinski on Jimmy Kimmel Live PART 1
Obama and his anger translator Luther share a special message for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Subscribe to Comedy Central's channel for more videos by clicking this: on.cc.com Visit the official site: www.comedycentral.com Find the Show on Facebook - www.facebook.com RSVP to our Facebook Event and let your friends know - www.facebook.com "Like" Comedy Central on Facebook: www.facebook.com Don't forget to tell us what you thought in the comments, "like" the video and subscribe to our channel for more of your Comedy Central favorites. Author: comedycentral Duration: 1:10
Photos for video Key & Peele: Martin Luther King Day
Get the Fast & Furious facts at oversight.house.gov Your government - in the form of the Obama-Holder Justice Department - helped arm Mexican drug cartels through the botched sting known as Operation Fast and Furious. Hundreds have died and the Obama Administration refuses to answer the question: who is accountable here? Where does the buck stop? Oversight Committee watchdogs, led by Chairman Darrell Issa, will not relent until those responsible for this felony stupid, deadly Obama Administration program is held to public account. Americans have a right to know. 10-7-11: Oversight Productions Author: oversightandreform Duration: 1:18
Photos for video Holder vs White House: Who Is Accountable?
SUPPORT THE RESISTANCE www.wearechange.org 1st ever WeAreChange TV I hope everyone enjoys our pilot for a new weekly WeAreChange show. On our 1st episode we go over the daily news, overview Obama's year in office, give you the weather, sports, and two great interview with Cindy Sheehan and Charlie Veitch of the Love Police. This is a pilot episode of our show before we go live in late Faburary on UBATV.com, WeAreChange is doing this show for free with the studio provided by UBATV, which in exchange gets to play our videos on their site. Please help support our efforts to provide you better content with donations, because we are all doing this for free and can only survive with your support. This is our first ever, professionally produced show that many WeAreChangers put their effort in. Please email us your comments, suggestions, and feedback to feedback@wearechange.org, yes we know the sound sucks but we did the best we could with the little we know. We are also asking anyone who wants to get involved and help make this show great to please email us as well. Hope you guys enjoy, Luke Rudkowski Author: wearechange Duration: 10:00
Photos for video WeAreChange TV 3 Obama a year in review
CLEANTV.com CleanTV® is your safe haven for educational and entertaining television programs. www.netsoftwaretools.com This video will SETTLE the issue. Remember when he and his campaign DENIED his Muslim connection? Remember when using his middle name was forbidden in the campaign for fear that it might emphasize his Muslim roots? This film tells a different story. Hear Obama proclaim his Muslim heritage, faith, knowledge of the Koran - his love for Islam - his quoting of the Koran. Hear him proclaim that the USA is NOT a Christian nation. Hear him and see him as he extols the wonderful virtues of the Muslim faith and the Muslim impact upon the "beautiful" things of the world. (Something he has NEVER done concerning the USA or the Christian faith.) Watch it till the end for a rather dramatic and shocking conclusion. NOTE TO OBAMAMANIACS - Yes - I KNOW he was often speaking to Muslim countries and was just "being polite." I UNDERSTAND that - that is the POINT of the film. He said ONE THING to the USA when he was running and now says ANOTHER thing to the Muslim world. But, wait, what does he say? 1. He has strong Muslim heritage and ties 2. The Koran is a "beautiful" book 3. Islam is a "beautiful" religion 4. Islam has made many "wonderful" contributions to society 5. We are NOT at war with Islam. 6. America is NOT a Christian nation. ALL of these things he either DENIED or played down during his campaign. This film simply proves BHO to be a LIAR. It is plain and simple. Author: ppsimmons Duration: 6:44
You should be with us in 2012, join now: my.barackobama.com Joe Biden's first appearance as Barack Obama's running mate in Springfield, Illinois Author: BarackObamadotcom Duration: 16:55